Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1207: : Ma Chao fights against Han Suijun

Especially Pang Tong, who was entrusted with heavy responsibilities at a young age, without mentioning other things, Pang Tong's appearance was not appreciated in the military. If he could make a contribution on the battlefield, he would be relieved of some strange looks.

Lu Bu can realize Pang Tong’s eagerness to achieve results. The same thing is placed on him, and I am afraid it will be no exception. The counsellors and generals under his command are only more eager for military achievements. They will play when the war comes. Outstanding resourcefulness and combat power.

At this time, the aristocratic families in Xiabian City did not dare to violate Lu Bu's orders in the slightest, especially the tragedy of Zhang Family and Li Family, which made those families who chose to seek refuge in Lu Bu secretly increased their vigilance. The assets in the family were of course important. Faced with the threat of life, they often choose the latter. After the army entered the city, they did not embarrass the family in the city. As long as they honestly handed over the fields in their hands, there would be no other dangers, and Lu Bu had already stated clearly, Forget the past.

The success of Wudu City was not expected by Lu Bu. It was mainly due to the slaughter of Zhang Family and Li Family by the Flying Eagle soldiers after they entered the city. Both of them had a strong influence in Wudu City, and they could do it in Wudu City. It is said to be the dominance, and their demise has made the aristocratic family more cautious when dealing with Lu Bu, and even actively understand some of the rules under Lu Bu's rule. This has relieved the burden on officials to a certain extent.

Lu Bu did not forget these family members who had taken refuge in the city. After he entered the city, he gave many rewards to the family family, and more often let the family members serve as officials.

Lu Bu does not reject the role of officials in the aristocratic family. The power of the aristocratic family is that they have more talents as support. It is undeniable that these talents can play a very important role in governance. If they can be used properly If you do, the effect cannot be underestimated.

For example, among the officials from all over the state, there are many members of aristocratic families. It is not that all aristocratic families are repellent to Lu Bu. Initially, they may not adapt to these new rules. Once the aristocratic families can get more things After that, they will also become honest.

The aristocratic family was naturally overjoyed to see Lü Bu doing this, and the city gradually settled down.

Although Xiabian experienced turmoil, the families in the city did not dare to raise the price of rice secretly. Even after the army entered the city, the price of rice immediately returned to normal. Although Jizhou is far away from Wudu, Lv Bu is in Jizhou. Because the price of rice has spread to Liangzhou.

After leaving the soldiers and horses to guard Wudu, Lu Bu led 15,000 soldiers and horses, with Tai Shici as the spearhead of the army, heading towards Longxi, and taking control of Longxi in his hands, which meant that there would be a springboard to attack Yizhou in the future.

After getting to Longxi and looking at Shu, Yizhou is in the distance.

The situation in Longxi seemed a bit urgent because of the arrival of the army of Han Sui and Zhao Yang. The expressions of the soldiers and the people in the city could not hide the panic. They had heard of the name of the army outside the city, and even Ma Teng was buried there. In Ji County, although there are nearly 8,000 soldiers and horses in the city today, it is difficult to compare with the soldiers and horses of Ma Teng in Ji County in terms of strength.

However, Ma Chao led five hundred Xiliang cavalry out of the city to fight after the arrival of Han Sui and Zhao Yan.

The city gate was wide open, and five hundred Xiliang iron horses filed out. Among the Xiliang iron horses, Ma Chao and Ma Teng had absolute prestige. Although they had suffered heavy losses before, they still worship Ma Chao. Affection.

The defenders on the city have turned their eyes to the outside of the city. Ma Chao's battle can relieve the pressure on the defenders to a certain extent. If Ma Chao can win, it will be of great help to the next battle.

Although the five hundred Xiliang cavalry remained silent, they showed an aura that should not be underestimated.

Ma Chao stepped forward slowly, and the tiger's head was drooping down, and he shouted with sufficient strength: "Han Suiping, dare to go out of the city to fight this general!"

The news that Ma Chao led the troops and horses to fight outside the camp spread to Han Sui and Zhao Yang's army at an extremely fast speed.

After the victory in Jixian County, the morale of Lieutenant General Han Sui's army was high. Facing Ma Chao's fight, the generals called for battle.

Seeing that Ma Chao was so rampant, the candidate went out and said: "General, the general will be willing to fight and kill Ma Chao!"

Seeing the enthusiasm of the crowd, Han Sui nodded and agreed, "General Hou is a fierce general of our army. He will surely win a battle, but Ma Chao is brave and should not be underestimated."

Seeing Han Sui's answer, the candidate left with a look of excitement. As for Han Sui's next sentence, it was automatically ignored.

The candidate is one of Han Sui's eight fierce generals, and he has a high status in the army.

Even though the candidate has absolute confidence in his own strength, after seeing Ma Chao, he still can’t stop complimenting him. In terms of appearance, Ma Chao is enough to make him feel ashamed, but what he competes on the battlefield is his personal strength and appearance. Only secondary.

White horse and white robe with golden gun, coupled with Ma Chao's height of more than eight feet, is definitely a dazzling presence on the to report to the general, this general will not kill the unknown. "Ma Chao said lightly.

Seeing Ma Chao's arrogant look, the candidate furiously said: "Ma Chao, this general is a fierce general candidate under Lord Han's command, so don't hesitate to come forward and die!"

Ma Chao lightly kicked the horse under him, and came at a very fast speed in the direction of the candidate. Although the horse under Ma Chao is not as good as Lu Bu's red rabbit horse, it is also a carefully selected horse, but it is rare. A good horse.

The candidate was not afraid of it and slapped his horse to greet him. Ma Chao used a spear-like weapon, and the candidate was also the same. The candidate's best weapon was the spear, and there were not a few fierce generals who died in his hands.

The two fought in one place, and after the fifth round, Ma Chao sacked the candidate with a single shot.

The five hundred Xiliang cavalry who followed the horse surpassed the battle with bursts of shouts.

Compared with the high morale of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, the cavalry who followed the candidates were shocked. They knew the strength of the candidates very well. They did not expect to be killed by Ma Chao in just five rounds.

Hearing the movement from outside the camp, Han Sui asked, "Could it be that General Hou won?"

"The report, the general candidate and Ma Chao are fighting outside the camp, and Ma Chao stabs the horse."

The news from the Malay report immediately made the atmosphere in the account a little serious. The strength of the candidates and the generals in the army are naturally clear. It can be called one of Han Sui's eight powerful generals, and he must have extraordinary skills.

Cheng Yi, who usually had a good relationship with the candidate, heard the news of the death of the candidate, and was very angry.

"General Cheng must be careful and safe to go here. If nothing can be done, just retreat." Han Sui exhorted.

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(End of this chapter)

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