Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1281: : Xu Shu, Fazheng

Xu Shu originally thought that after taking refuge in Liu Bei, he would be able to use his own talents to make contributions. He was extremely confident of his own resourcefulness. Before he had time to show off what he had learned in his life, Liu Bei invited Zhuge Liang out of the mountain, and then he could only sit in the back. Although Liu Bei believed in him, these were not what Shan Fu wanted, and now it is his opportunity to emerge from Yizhou to seize Yizhou.

"The subordinate's real name is Xu Shu, with straight characters." Shan Fu said.

"Kong Ming once mentioned Yuan Zhi, saying that Yuan Zhi is a rare wizard." Liu Bei smiled.

Xu Shu stood aside, but did not dare to speak too much. After taking charge of Jingzhou, he could feel the changes in Liu Bei, especially the control of his subordinates, which can be described as extremely meticulous.

"I don't know what Yuan Zhi thinks about the current situation?" Liu Bei asked lightly.

Xu Shu lifted his spirits and lowered his voice: "Now that Liu Zhang is afraid of the lord, he will definitely not go to Fucheng to meet the lord easily. In this way, the previous plan has no effect. The lord had asked Liu Zhang for reinforcements and rice. Liu Zhang will definitely not refuse the grain. After receiving the grain, the lord will station outside Fuguan, and then once again ask Liu Zhang for the grain and grass, so as to seize the opportunity to win over the lieutenant soldiers."

"Now Jin Hou has sent troops to attack Hanzhong, and the vanguard army has already arrived outside Yangping Pass. If Zhang Lu joins Jin Hou, it will be more difficult to seize Yizhou." Liu Bei frowned slightly.

Xu Shu said: "The lord does not need to worry. Zhang Lu has been in the Han for many years and defeated Liu Zhang's army many times. He will certainly not easily take refuge in the Marquis of Jin. Even if Zhang Lu has the heart to seek refuge in the Marquis of Jin, the family under his rule will not agree. You only need to seize Fucheng as your own, and you can unexpectedly send troops to Mianzhu. If Mianzhu is down, Yizhou will be in danger, and Jiamengguan guard Mengda, the lord who has already taken refuge in secret, relies on Jiamengguan's dangers, even if he is The Marquis of Jin captured Hanzhong and never wanted to enter Xichuan."

Liu Bei's eyes lit up upon hearing the words, "How to seize Fuguan?"

"The subordinates have already made a plan, and the lord will understand by then." Xu Shu said confidently.

A flash of light flashed in Liu Bei's eyes, "If he can capture Yizhou, Yuan Zhi will be indispensable. In the future, Yuan Zhi will be the military master's sacrificial wine in the army."

"Here." Xu Shu handed his hands, but his tone was a little excited. He knew that with his own resourcefulness, he had successfully entered Liu Bei's core. As for how far he can go in the future, it depends entirely on his own ability. Now, Yizhou is the opportunity for Xu Shu to rise under Liu Bei's account.

Subsequently, Liu Bei obeyed Xu Shu's suggestion and stationed a large army outside Fuguan, only training his soldiers and horses, and did not show the intention of attacking Fuguan.

Five days later, the Fazheng escorted the grain and grass to come, and after entering Fuguan, he made it clear that Liu Zhang meant it.

Yang Huaidao: "This general was ordered to garrison Fuguan. The Fa master wanted to mobilize the soldiers and horses in the army only by reliance on one side. It is absolutely impossible. Now there is no war in Yizhou, and there are 30,000 soldiers and horses in the Jingzhou army. Soldiers and horses from this general."

Fazheng snorted coldly: "In this way, the general wants to disobey the lord's order."

Gao Pei pulled Yang Huai's sleeves and said in a low voice, "What the Fa master said may be true."

Yang Huai pondered for a while and said: "This matter is of great importance. The Fa masters are tired all the way, and let him rest in the city for two days."

Fazheng was extremely dissatisfied with Yang Huai's attitude in his heart. On the surface, he still said with dissatisfaction: "So there is General Lao Yang."

"General, at this time, offending the law is right, it is not good for me, Liu Bei is not any strange outside Fuguan, even if he is given five thousand soldiers and horses, what can he do?" Gao Pei said.

In Yizhou, the status of a civil official is still much higher than that of a general. Although he is the captain of the Baishui army, the official position of Fazheng is far inferior to him, but before the Fa front, he still feels that he is inferior. This It is also the reason why Yizhou has been in peace for a long time. When placed in the army of the princes of the Central Plains, even the civilian officials will show courtesy when facing the generals in charge.

"It's not that this general is unwilling to support the Jingzhou army. The Jingzhou army is able to support Yizhou at this time. This general is very grateful, but General Gao Xiu has forgotten how Liu Bei was in charge of the Jingzhou army. He is good at drawing people's hearts. , If soldiers are sent there, maybe these soldiers and horses will no longer be owned by Yizhou in the future.” Yang Huai said: “In Yizhou recently, there is even more uproar about Liu Bei and Zhang Biejia’s joint plan to plan Yizhou. I have to guard against it, otherwise, why doesn't the lord go to Fucheng himself to welcome the Jingzhou army into the city."

Gao Pei nodded. In terms of resourcefulness, Yang Huai did not know how much better than him. Now Yang Huai is even the chief general in the army, so he has no reason not to obey orders.

"How to deal with Fa rectification?" Gao Pei asked.

Yang Huai smiled and said: "This matter is simple, just use the excuse that the military sergeant needs training. Fazheng is just a civilian. How can you understand military affairs."

The next day, Fazheng saw that Yang Huai had no intention of sending troops, and urged Yang Huai. Yang Huai was not moved. Fazheng could only **** the grain and grass to the Jingzhou army outside the heard that the law was escorting the grain and grass. When he came, Liu Bei obeyed Xu Shu’s instructions and did not show the welcoming of the camp. It was the most sensitive time in Yizhou. If he showed too much enthusiasm, Liu Zhang would be suspicious. After all, he went to Yizhou to represent him. It is the Han Dynasty, and its position is the Hussar General.

Entering the camp, Fazheng was done completely in accordance with normal rules, without the slightest overstepping or compliment.

After retiring everyone, Fa Zheng solemnly got up and said: "Subordinates pay respect to the lord."

Liu Bei hurriedly got up, raised Fazheng and said, "If there is filial piety, it will not be difficult to break Yizhou."

Fazheng is full of talents, but he is a bit young. After hearing Liu Bei's praise, he was extremely useful, and hurriedly said: "It is the fault of his subordinates to fail to bring reinforcements from Yizhou this time."

"It's okay, as long as Xiaozhi can be in the army, it will not be difficult to seize Yizhou." Liu Bei said earnestly.

"The lord, now Yizhou suddenly spread about the lord and Zhang Biejia. Due to the rumors, Zhang Biejia can only say that he can't get sick at home, otherwise it is simpler. Let his subordinates guess that this is the plot of the Jin prince." right way.

Liu Bei's expression changed slightly: "The Jin Marquis is now leading the army to attack Hanzhong, and he has no time to take care of Yizhou. You only need to plan properly to capture Yizhou. It is not the general who captured Liu Zhang's land, but the Han Dynasty. Weak, and Liu Zhang is weak, facing the army under the Jin Hou, it is difficult to resist. If the land of Yizhou falls into the hands of Jin Hou, it will be difficult to rejuvenate the Han. Among the princes, there are very few people in the Han family. They are filial and straightforward. Zi Qiao was able to take refuge in this general at this time, it is the hero of the great Han." Speaking of this, Liu Bei seemed to think of Dahan's current critical situation, and burst into tears.


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