Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1299: : Defeat of Yizhou Army (Part 2)

Zhang Ren was even more dissatisfied with Wu Yi. He was responsible for investigating the situation in the Jingzhou army. Not only did he fail to detect the crossbow in the Jingzhou army, he even had such powerful pawns in the enemy army. It has not been detected, but now Liu Bei is on the site of Yizhou.

But at this time, he naturally couldn't ask Wu Yi for guilt, the most important thing was to defeat the enemy.

Zhang Fei led two thousand heavy infantry, which can be said to be invincible. Zhang Fei's most favorite is leading the cavalry to fight. What I did not expect is that these heavy infantry are so powerful. Watching the enemy continue to fall, many soldiers of the Yizhou Army There was a look of fear on his face, and Zhang Fei couldn't stop laughing. It's been a long time since he fought so happily.

While the Yizhou Army was struggling to support, Wu Yi, who was in charge of fighting with the Jingzhou Army on the left, led his troops and horses, suddenly turned back and turned to attack the Yizhou Army. The situation on the battlefield was even more chaotic.

Although Wu Yi's headquarters had only more than 3,000 soldiers, he suddenly betrayed when the war was stalemate. One can imagine what kind of turbulence it would bring to the Yizhou army.

After Zhang Ren got the news, he gritted his teeth and said: "Wu Yi, this general trusts you so much. I didn't expect you to be such an ungrateful person."

"General, let's retreat. Now that the Jingzhou Army has rushed in, Zhang Fei's 2,000 infantrymen are even more brave. If this goes on, our army will have no soldiers available." Ling Bao said anxiously.

Zhang Ren was silent for a moment and said, "General Lingbao, you led three thousand steppers to break."

"Here." Ling Bao said with a fist.

The Yizhou Army began a full retreat, but how could the Jingzhou Army that was ordered let the Yizhou Army withdraw from the battlefield like this, and under the frantic pursuit, many soldiers put down their weapons.

The retreat of the Yizhou Army gradually evolved into a rout. Although Lingbao was brave, the heavy infantry under Zhang Fei's command was an absolutely tyrannical presence on the battlefield. Wherever he passed, a **** storm was set off.

As the sun sets, the noisy battlefield has gradually calmed down. In this battle, the Jingzhou Army captured tens of thousands of Yizhou Army, and the number of soldiers killed was more than 5,000. In addition, Wu Yi led the troops. At this time, Zhang Ren had no more than 10,000 soldiers and horses in his hands. On the battlefield, after one party was defeated, it was extremely difficult to gather the soldiers who had fled from the battlefield again, and many soldiers scattered directly. And escaped.

Zhang Ren and others fled all the way back to Mianzhu and counted the soldiers and horses. There were only more than 8,000 people left in the original army of 30,000. The looks of these soldiers were even more panic. It can be seen that the battle of Yanqiao left them extremely deep impression.

"General, now that our army is defeated, we should ask the lord for reinforcements." Ling Bao said.

Zhang Ren sighed: "This is the general's negligence. I didn't expect Wu Yi to secretly take refuge in Liu Da'er, otherwise the situation of our army would be so tragic."

"Wu Yi is not a son of man, and he will meet on the battlefield in the future, so he will die without a place to bury him." Army general Deng Xian said angrily.

"The generals in Mianzhu should be on guard carefully. General Lingbao is responsible for rigorously inspecting the younger generations in the city, so as not to give the enemy a chance." Zhang Ren commanded. Now the most important thing is that the general's heart is stabilized. It can be expected that, After Liu Bei's victory in Yanqiao, he will definitely send troops to attack Mianzhu. With the state of Mianzhu's defenders at this time, as well as the skilled craftsmen in Liu Beijun who are able to build thunderbolt cars, Mianzhu's geographical advantage will definitely be greatly weakened. What worries Zhang Ren is that there may be people in the city who secretly seek refuge in Liu Bei, just like Wu Yi, who suddenly showed their fangs at a critical moment.

After the news of the defeat of the Yizhou Army outside the city reached the prefecture, Liu Zhang’s face changed slightly. Yizhou had 100,000 soldiers in number, and the money and food in the treasury was piled up like a mountain. He did not have the slightest worries about fighting against Liu Bei. , However, the army's fiasco outside Fucheng was absolutely bad news for Yizhou at this time.

Yizhou’s soldiers and horses are strong. This is for Zhang Lu in Hanzhong. It was not until this time that Liu Zhang was soberly aware. He underestimated Liu Bei’s ability and was able to win Wu Yi unconsciously and make him Zhang Ren. To provide false information, who can guarantee that there is no internal response from Liu Bei in the city at this time.

I originally thought that Liu Bei led the Jingzhou Army as a threat, and Yizhou would unite in one place, but I didn't expect this to be the case.

"The lord, Jiameng Gate Guardian Meng Da, doesn't follow the orders of the prefecture and animal husbandry." Huang Quan said in a worried tone.

"I regret not listening to what you said, and the army that didn't want the Marquis of Jin didn't attack Yizhou, but Liu Bei captured Fucheng, and now the situation in Yizhou is even more tense because of Zhang Ren's defeat." Liu Zhang sighed.

Huang Quan frowned. The more critical the moment comes, as a monarch, the more he should remain absolutely calm. Liu Zhang is the lord of Yizhou. If Liu Zhang is facing the Jingzhou army, he will show a flustered mood. Let the officials below treat it.

"On this occasion, the lord should come forward to appease the soldiers and civilians in the city. Although the Jingzhou army is strong, Yizhou is a warrior, there are still tens of thousands ~ and Mianzhu is dangerous. As long as General Zhang Ren can defend Mianzhu, Jingzhou The army cannot advance, and when Jingzhou's army is exhausted, it will inevitably retreat." Huang Quan said.

The accountant Zheng Du persuaded: "Although Liu Bei has conquered the city, General Zhang Ren is defeated, but there are not many soldiers under his command, the soldiers are not attached, and there is not much food and grass. It is difficult for the army to transport the weight of the army to Fucheng in time. It’s better to drive the people of Brazil, cross the west of Fushui, deep ditch and high fort, and wait for it. If Liu Bei asks for a battle, don’t bother. When it becomes unsustainable, naturally lead troops away. At that time, our army will take advantage of it, Liu Bei. It can be caught."

Liu Zhang was silent for a long time and said: "The war is for the people to have a stable life. How can we drive the people away and make the people displaced because the enemy is strong?"

Zheng Dudao: "Lord, think twice."

"Don't say more." Liu Zhang said flatly.

Zheng Du saw that Liu Zhang's intention had been determined, and he sighed and said no more. Although Liu Zhang's character is a bit weak, he is still relatively generous in his treatment of the people, otherwise the population of Yizhou will not get this during the war. Such rapid growth.

"Zhengfang, Ben Hou appoints you as the guardian, Bin Bo as the army, and supervises the battle of Mianzhu. You must stop the Jingzhou army. After the Hou mobilizes his troops, Liu Bei will inevitably be driven out of Yizhou." Liu Zhang said.

"Here." Li Yan and Fei Guan said in unison.

Li Yan, a native of Nanyang County, was originally an order for the return of Jingzhou Zi. When Jingzhou was turbulent, he went to Yizhou. With his extraordinary talent, he gradually gained the trust of Liu Zhang and appointed Liu Zhang as the order for Chengdu.

After Li Yan and Fei Guan left, Huang Quan whispered: "Before Li Yan turned to the lord, it was Jingzhou Zi's return order."

Liu Zhang said: "This lord treats Fang Fang with honesty, and Fang Fang will certainly not let him down." The real lady online service, help you find books and chat with you, please Wechat/Search/Research/ or rdww444 is waiting for you. Fuck~

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