Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1305: : Qin Tian shot

Lu Bu was happy when he heard this. Baishuiguan was an important checkpoint in Yizhou. If the soldiers did not take the Baishuiguan with blood, it would be a great encouragement to the morale of the army.

"Jiameng Gatekeeper Meng Da, does Qin Commander know about it?" Lu Bu asked.

"The lord, when his subordinates were in Yizhou, he had contact with Meng Da. This person values ​​his interests extremely. If he can't pay the benefits that make his heart move, he probably won't take refuge easily." Qin Tian said: "More It is very likely that Meng Da has already taken refuge in Liu Bei, which is even more difficult."

"If the leader of Qin goes out in person, I don't know how sure he can convince Meng Da?" Lu Bu said.

"Less than 30%."

"Less than 30%, Qin Commander told Meng Da after seeing Meng Da that after taking refuge in the lord, he will be the prefect of Guanghan." Lu Bu said.

"In this way, the certainty is much greater." Qin Tiandao.

"It should not be too late. Hanzhong's affairs will be handled by Qin Yan. You go to Baishui Pass and Jiameng Pass, and Benhou will set off with the army in three days." Lu Bu said, Liu Bei will surely deal with him after he has settled Hanzhong. Jia Mengguan had greater precautions. At that time, it would be much more difficult to persuade Mengda.

Meng Da was a military commander and was easier to persuade than literati. After all, Lu Bu had a great reputation among military commanders.

Three days later, 50,000 troops gathered at Yangping Pass. Among them, there were 10,000 troops from Hanzhong. Lu Bu naturally let the troops from Hanzhong stay behind. Otherwise, if these people defected, it would mean that Hanzhong was lost. , Zhang Lu is in Lu Bu's army.

"Zilong leads an army of five thousand as the vanguard, and keeps track of the enemy's situation along the way. Don't slack off." Lu Bu said.

"Here." Zhao Yun clasped his fist.

When he was about to leave, Lü Bu specially summoned Zhang Wei. At this time, Zhang Wei was still the guard at Yangping Pass. There were nearly 10,000 soldiers under his command in Hanzhong, so there was no need to worry about Zhang Wei's chaos at Yangping Pass.

After instructing Zhang Wei, Lu Bu led the rest of the army towards Baishui Pass. He knew that if he could not successfully break through Baishui Pass and Jiameng Pass this time, he would surely give the princes' army other ideas. And the 60,000 army he led was the elite of his army, and the speed of breaking through Hanzhong was very fast, so that the princes did not have time to react from the war. Once they attacked Jia Mengguan, they would let the princes see opportunities.

Cao Cao might not really attack Hangu Pass, but he restrained Chang'an's forces to a certain extent. Although Jizhou had 30,000 troops, Yuan Shao had stationed 60,000 troops in Pingyuan County, which obviously had a lot to do with Jizhou, the princes. Among them, it was Yuan Shao who threatened him the most at this time.

Putting the same thing on Lu Bu's body, he would not be willing to see Jizhou fall into the hands of others. His army is fighting in Yizhou. It is a golden opportunity. As long as you grasp this opportunity, you can get back to the original. What was lost, and in this matter, Cao Cao must have supported Yuan Shao. A powerful Yuan Shao is more secure than a powerful Lu Bu in Cao Cao's view.

The news of the mobilization of soldiers and horses in Hanzhong, as Lü Bu had expected, once again focused the attention of the princes on the dangers of the land of Yizhou, there is no doubt that as long as Yizhou can be obtained, it means that they have a foothold in the princes. This is why Liu Bei eagerly wants to get Yizhou.

At this time, the princes would rather Liu Bei get Yizhou than see Lv Bu's growth again. Over the years, Lv Bu has given the princes too many surprises, especially for Yuan Shao. Although Yuan Shao has always attached great importance to Lv Bu , But did not really put Lu Bu in the position of opponents. The fourth generation of Yuan family and the third grandfather, the family members and deceased officials are all over the world, and Yuan Shao himself is the leader of the princes, how high prestige is in the world, it is this kind of person who lost In the hands of Lu Bu, and even the land of Jizhou was lost, the elite soldiers under the leadership of Lu Bu created one after another impossible and faint. The princes have placed Lu Bu in a very important position. The tyrannical methods are even more powerful vassals.

Liu Bei Yinbing helped Yizhou to defend Lu Bu's mind. As long as someone with resourcefulness can see the clues, it is only Liu Zhang who is a fan of the authorities and misbelieves Zhang Song's words. He didn't have enough guard against Liu Bei to allow Liu Bei to stay in Yizhou. Successful, but at this time Liu Zhang still has the strength to fight against Liu Bei. Luocheng is an important line of defense for Chengdu City. As long as Luocheng is still there, Liu Zhang can continuously mobilize troops and horses to Luocheng to resist the Jingzhou army.

No one wants to lose the power in his hands for nothing. Liu Zhang's personality is weak, and there is no exception. There is a big gap between becoming a prince in charge and Liu Bei's guest. The latter is in danger at any time.

Baishuiguan is an important checkpoint in Yizhou. It protects Yizhou from threats from Liangzhou and Zhang Lu's strength in Hanzhong is strong, Liu Zhang is not worried, whether it is Baishuiguan or Hanzhong. Jiameng Pass or Jiange are both dangerous places. It is extremely difficult to enter Xichuan from these roads.

Liu Bei was also opportunistic, and suddenly took the trouble to occupy Fucheng. Otherwise, Liu Bei led a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and he would never want to easily attack Fucheng. These three dangerous places, as long as they operate properly, can cause 30% of the 100,000 army's casualties.

Baishuiguan is also known as the gate of good fortune and disaster in Yizhou. By holding Baishuiguan, Yizhou can be stable. Losing Baishuiguan means that Yizhou will be in turmoil. Let Liu Bei be surprised and seize the middle position of Fucheng, thereby threatening Yizhou. Once Chengdu city is breached, the big deal will be settled.

The Guan Wei of Baishuiguan is Dou Zheng. Dou Zheng is a famous general in Yizhou. However, he is more greedy and not liked by others. However, Dou Zheng has certain abilities, so he was appointed by Liu Zhang as Guan Wei of Baishuiguan. , Responsible for the defense of Yizhou Gate of Fortune and Misfortune.

After Meng Da secretly took refuge in Liu Bei and led the army into Jiameng Pass, he naturally did not dare to neglect Baishuiguan Guan Weidouzheng, and secretly promised many benefits.

Seeing this, Dou Zheng indicated that he had agreed. After all, Liu Bei had the upper hand at this time. After Liu Bei became the lord of Yizhou, he took refuge in Liu Bei and can get credit. If Liu Bei loses, he will continue to be Liu Zhang. As for the generals under his command, Dou Zheng had already thought about it a long time ago. Although Baishuiguan is important, Jiamengguan's geographical location is even more important.

After the movement of the Hanzhong army reached Baishuiguan, Dou Zheng had a bad feeling. When facing Meng Da, Dou Zheng was confident, but facing Lu Bu, he was not so confident.


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