Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1307: : Fa is arriving at Jiameng Pass

If he can convince Meng Da, that would be a great contribution. Lu Bu wants to attack Yizhou. Baishuiguan, Jiamengguan, and Jiange are the only ways to go. If the defense is tight, only these three places can make it. The army paid a heavy price and persuaded Meng Da, which meant that he had taken control of Jiameng Pass and Jiange, which was of great significance.

Under Lu Bu, if you want to get a higher position, you must have enough credit. The same is true for civil officials. Qin Tian believes that with the background of the black ice platform, he can become the core figure under Lu Bu's command, and this is how he attacked Yizhou. The beginning of the matter.

In Jiameng Pass, Mengda is more leisurely. At this time, there are five thousand troops in Jiameng Pass. With the danger of Jiameng Pass, even if the enemy has 100,000 soldiers and horses, he must stop at Jiameng Pass. For Liu Bei to conquer Yizhou, Meng Da has absolute confidence, and the benefits he will get as a general who first took refuge in Liu Bei is also obvious.

For the original choice, Meng Da was very fortunate, but Zhang Song’s death in Yizhou still made Meng Da more vigilant. Now the Meng family is in Yizhou, so he only declined the order given by Liu Zhang, after all. At this time, the army in Jiameng Pass could not pose too much threat to Liu Bei. As long as Liu Bei could capture Yizhou, he would be a great hero.

However, after the news of the dispatch of troops in Hanzhong reached Jiameng Pass, Mengda lost the leisure of the past. Who is Lu Bu? Even the princes' coalition forces would suffer a big loss in his hands, even if he had five thousand soldiers in his hands. Ma, Mengda still doesn't have much confidence.

Among the generals, Lu Bu has absolute prestige, not only in the army under Lu Bu, but also in the armies of other vassals. Putting down Xianbei, suppressing the Xiongnu, Wuhuan, and Liaodong, all of which are many generals throughout their lives. It's hard to complete.

When referring to Liu Bei, the generals of other vassals may call him Liu Da'er, but when referring to Lv Bu, they will more respectfully call him a general or Jin Hou. Lv Bu has used his martial arts to win the respect of other generals.

"The Marquis of Jin sent troops to attack Baishui Pass. At this time, there were only two thousand soldiers and horses in Baishui Pass." Meng Da looked sad.

"General, General Liu has tens of thousands of troops in his hands. You might as well let him send troops to rescue Jia Mengguan. Moreover, General Liu's army has weapons such as thunderbolt carts and bed crossbows. By virtue of the terrain of Jia Mengguan, the army that blocks Jin Hou will naturally be ignored. Next." The lieutenant said.

Mengda nodded and said, "This is reasonable, but General Liu doesn't have many soldiers and horses. If you ask him for help, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get reinforcements."

The lieutenant said in a low voice: "General Liu does not have the soldiers of the Yizhou army. These soldiers, even General Liu, will not be assured of appointing them. Instead of this, it is better to let them dispatch these soldiers to the generals. If the prestige of the Yizhou army is supported by these soldiers, why not worry about the army of the Jin Marquis."

Meng Da's eyes lit up. To get more benefits, he must have enough strength in his hands. Now he controls no more than 10,000 soldiers and horses, and the number is still somewhat small, even though he does not have the intention to compete with Liu Bei. After the strength in his hands is strong, even Liu Bei must give him more respect.

"This general has ordered you to go to General Liu's army for thunderbolt carts, bed crossbows and reinforcements." Mengda said.

As soon as the voice fell, a general walked into the room and said, "General, Master Fazheng has arrived outside the gate."

Meng Da was shocked. Although he secretly took refuge in Liu Bei, he showed that Shang was still Yizhou’s soldier and horse, and Meng Da really betrayed Liu Zhang. This is known to everyone in Yizhou, and the legalist was in Yizhou. The fate can be imagined, the family regardless of the old and the young were put to death.

"Let Fa Master enter the customs quietly." Meng Da exhorted.

The fact that he took refuge in Liu Bei is only known to his confidant generals, and he must not be too ostentatious.

After Fazheng listened to the general’s words, a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth. He chose to seek refuge in Liu Bei. He, Zhang Song, and Meng Da, but now Zhang Song died, the Fa family was unlucky, but the Meng family was not compromised in Yizhou. He understood Liu Bei. The intention is more to worry about Mengda.

Not only Liu Bei, but Fazheng also has some scruples about Meng Da. The three have been together for many years, and he has a good understanding of Meng Da’s temperament. As long as he has enough benefits, Meng Da will be shaken. Who is Lu Bu? That is a well-known general. If Lu Buxu made a lot of profit, would Mengda still maintain his current position?

Fazheng came not only to supervise Meng Da, but also to control the army. He believed that Meng Da would not choose to go against Liu Bei at this time.

"Xiaozhi, now that the battle in Mianzhu has just been won, the lord will definitely lead his troops to attack Luocheng. At this critical moment, how did Xiaozhi get to Jiameng Pass?" Meng Da wondered.

"The Marquis of Jin ordered Zhao Yun to be the vanguard of the army, and he was coming to Baishuiguan, so the lord dispatched to help." Fazheng stared at Mengdadao, Baishuiguan, Jiamengguan, and Jiange, and now they are all in control of Mengda. In Da’s hands, if Meng Da betrayed Liu Bei at this time ~, it would have a huge impact on the Jingzhou Army.

Meng Da said: "With Jiameng Pass and Jiange's dangers, even if the Marquis of Jin has a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, they can never enter Yizhou."

I have been quietly observing Meng Da's Fa-rectification, and nodded slightly: "Although this is the case, Jin Hou's methods have to be guarded."

"Just so, with the help of filial piety, He Chou can't stop the army of the Marquis of Jin." Meng Da replied.

"The lord has an order, and for things in the army today, you and I will discuss and act." Fazheng said lightly.

Meng Da clasped his fist and said: "The humble job obeys General Liu's instructions."

Seeing that Meng Da did not call Liu Bei the lord in his words, Fazheng asked, "Is it possible that General Meng is still worried at this time? Liu Zhang is bound to not last long. Although the Jin Marquis occupied Hanzhong, as long as he sticks to Jiameng Pass , Baishuiguan can make it difficult for its army to advance."

"Xiaozhi, the Jinhou army has such a weapon of siege as the thunderbolt. Even if it is the Jiameng Pass and the Baishui pass, it is with the help of the thunderbolt. It is unknown. How dangerous is the Longguan, but Ma Teng relies on the power of the thunderbolt. , After breaking through the Long Pass guarded by the Bingzhou Army, does Xiaozhi think that the soldiers and horses under this general are stronger than the Bingzhou Army?"

Fazheng fell silent when he heard the words. He knew that Meng Da's words were very reasonable. With the princes vigorously developing the strength of their army, Yizhou had fallen behind too much. The Thunderbolt and the bed crossbow were the weapons of defense. Become an important force on the battlefield.

"Xiaozhi, if General Liu is willing to send craftsmen to the army to build thunderbolt carts and crossbows, then it will be much easier to guard Jiameng Pass, and the loss of the army can be avoided to a great extent." Speaking of this, Meng His eyes flooded. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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