Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1318: : Plan Jia Mengguan

Just after seeing the power of the Thunderbolt, the defenders in the pass were a little flustered. In their opinion, it was natural for them to stop Lu Bu's soldiers with the danger of Jiameng Pass. Although they had heard of the power of the Thunderbolt before, However, when Lv Bu led the army to attack Hanzhong, he deliberately ordered the Perak riders to show weakness, and then seized Hanzhong with a strategy, which gave Jia Mengguan a feeling that the defenders were nothing but a Perak car, but now he has really seen how powerful the Perak car is. The defenders are in danger.

Meng Da's complexion was not very good. He thought that with the danger of Jiameng Pass, there would be no problem in blocking Lu Bu's army. After half a month of siege, Lu Bu's army did not launch a real attack on Jiameng Pass. However, when the defending army was closed, more than 300 people were injured or killed, and the city wall was trembling constantly under the boulder.

The terrain of Yizhou is dangerous, and the most important thing is stones. The task of the sergeant at this time is to find enough boulders for the Thunderbolt.

"Xiaozhi, now it seems that Jin Hou is trying to break Jia Mengguan directly with the help of a thunderbolt car." Meng Da said.

"The Jiameng Pass is very dangerous. It is not easy to break through with only the Thunderbolt. The general orders the army sergeants to take precautions to prevent the enemy from attacking the city suddenly. Guan chased away." Fazheng reminded that for half a month, Fazheng was able to feel the vibration of the soldiers and soldiers. This is inevitable.

Even with Fa-rectified character, after seeing a thunderbolt with a range of up to 500 steps, he was shocked.

Meng Da nodded and said: "Now that the lord has already occupied Yizhou, if the Perak car can be transported to Jiameng Pass, the enemy troops outside the pass will be so arrogant."

Hearing this, Fa said with a smile: "How can the lord forget the matter of Jiameng Pass, and now that artisans have been sent to Jiameng Pass, the general only needs to stay at Jiameng Pass. After these artisans arrive, they will surely be able to give the enemy The army caused huge damage."

Meng Da was overjoyed when he heard the words. After seeing the power of the Thunderbolt, he naturally wanted his soldiers to control the Thunderbolt, causing death and injury to the enemy. The successive blows from the Thunderbolt caused the morale of the defenders in the pass to be somewhat low.

Meng Da has been longing for the Perak car for a long time, and now Liu Bei has occupied Yizhou, which has temporarily stabilized his heart. Originally, after seeing the bravery and prosperity of the Jinhou army, he would inevitably have more Considerations.

During this period of time, Meng Da changed a lot of the guards around him. Qin Tian sneaked into his room quietly, making him more vigilant. Qin Tian came to persuade him last time. If that's the case, maybe it's here to assassinate him.

Outside Jiameng Pass, Lu Bu was extremely pleased after seeing Zhang Ren. Zhang Ren led the army to shoot Xu Shu at Luofengpo, leaving Liu Bei with no counselors available for the time being, which greatly affected the situation in Yizhou.

This result surprised Lü Bu. In history, Zhang Ren shot and killed Pang Tong. Unexpectedly, he did not expect this to be placed on Liu Bei, but he was not spared, but Xu Shu and others were buried in Luofengpo. Xu Shu’s talent cannot be ignored, otherwise Cao Cao would not use Xu Shu’s mother as a threat to force Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei’s account.

Under Zhao Yun's persuasion, Zhang Ren chose to seek refuge in Lu Bu.

Not long after Zhang Ren’s refuge, Lu Bu received news of Liu Zhang’s refuge and Liu Bei’s seizure of Chengdu. He felt a little disappointed. He originally thought that after he led the army to put down Hanzhong, it would greatly affect Liu Bei’s seizure of Yizhou. Unexpectedly, the current situation appeared. Once Liu Bei truly took control of Yizhou, the situation would be extremely unfavorable for him.

"Lord, now Liu Bei has entered Yizhou, and Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's soldiers are ready to move." Pang Tongdao.

Lu Bu said coldly: "Yuan Shao shouldn't worry about it. With the danger of Hangu Pass, it is not easy for Cao Cao to break it, and Liu Bei's occupation of Yizhou is the biggest disaster."

Pang Tongdao: "Does the lord think?"

"That's the case. Even if Yizhou cannot be breached, Benhou will make it difficult for the army of Yizhou to threaten Hanzhong and Liangzhou. As for the Jiange plank road, as long as it is slowly figured out, it may not be impossible to break it." Lu Budao .

"Lord, Yuan Shao has great prestige in Jizhou. If he leads troops to attack Jizhou, wouldn't Jizhou be in turmoil?" Pang Tong reminded.

"It's okay, Jizhou's aristocratic family wanted other actions, and Benhou just took the opportunity to tidy up them together, so that Jizhou became more stable." Lu Bu said.

Pang Tong nodded. He never doubted Lu Bu's methods. The reason why the Jizhou family was so stable was because they feared Lu Bu and angered Lu Bu. They understood the consequences. Even so, there would be some family members in secret. Make some small movements.

"There are five thousand defenders at Jiameng Pass, but our army's attack morale is low. If the Lord decides to attack Jiameng Pass, he will definitely be able to break Jiameng Pass within half a month." Pang Tongdao, the capture of Jiameng Pass is not difficult for the current army. The most important thing is that after breaking Jiameng Pass, it is somewhat difficult to go further.

"If Fazheng and Meng Da die suddenly, in Shiyuan's opinion, how likely is it that our army will seize the Jiange plank road?" Lu Bu suddenly asked.

Pang Tonglue mused: "Meng Da and Fazheng took refuge in Liu Bei for a short time, and Liu Bei sent Cao Bao to the sword pavilion. A hundred soldiers and horses are enough to make it difficult for the army to advance."

Lü Bu said helplessly: "In that case, Liu Bei can only be left to the land of Yizhou."

"The lord does not need to worry. Although Yizhou is fertile for thousands of miles, it is extremely difficult for Liu Bei to lead the army out of Yizhou. You only need to clean up Yuan Shao and others, so why can't you worry about breaking Yizhou." Pang Tong said with relief.

Lu Bu nodded, and being able to occupy Hanzhong was a huge threat to Liu Bei, and Hanzhong and Bajun were the rich and prosperous land of Yizhou.

"Send the order, let Qin Tian come to see the lord." Lu Bu said slowly.

It is undeniable that Fa is a talent who has left a huge name in history, but this class of talent has chosen Liu Bei, that is, standing on the opposite side of him, and there is no need to keep his hands on Fazheng. .

"After Shi Yuan went back, he collected news about Jiange with his heart." Lu Bu said.

"Here." Pang Tong left. He knew that Lu Bu would not give up about the Jiange affairs so easily. The same thing would happen to other princes. Now Lu Bu's strength is strong.


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