Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1323: : Retreat to the sword pavilion

Seeing the Jian Pavilion plank road in the distance, Fazheng breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he entered the plank road, even if the soldiers under Lu Bu's command were noble, he would never want to break the sword pavilion.

The reason why the sword pavilion is dangerous lies in its terrain. The plank road is narrow, and it is difficult to allow a large number of soldiers to pass at the same time. When encountering a narrow place, it is difficult for even a soldier to pass. The soldiers are also a little bit timid. If you support Jiameng Pass from Yizhou, the sword pavilion is the only way to go. If three thousand troops pass by the sword pavilion, at least a hundred people can die. These hundred people accidentally fell off the cliff because of the danger of the plank road. , Even the soldiers in Shuzhong will be like this, not to mention the army of Chang'an.

"My lord, Jin Hou's army has caught up." A general panicked forward.

"What can we do to catch up? As long as our army enters the plank road, even if the enemy has 100,000 people, they can never enter Yizhou." Fa Zheng laughed.

The generals in the army seemed to be infected by the Fa-rectified emotions, and their expressions became a lot easier.

This is the first time Zhao Yun has seen the Jiange plank road, but these plank roads give Zhao Yun a shocking feeling. A passage is cut abruptly from the cliff, and the soldiers walk on it, looking so small.

"General, what should I do?" the lieutenant asked.

Zhao Yun frowned. Although the enemy has just entered the plank road, he is obviously guarded against his own soldiers and horses. In addition to his unfamiliarity with the plank road terrain, it is extremely difficult to chase the enemy to cause damage. matter.

"This general goes to see the Jiange plank road." Zhao Yun coldly snorted.

"The general is the chief general in the army, how can he be in danger." The vice general hurriedly persuaded.

"This general is a general on the battlefield. Killing the enemy on the battlefield is a matter of his own." Zhao Yun scolded.

"Here." Seeing that Zhao Yun's expression was firm, the lieutenant could only clasp his fists, but he was even more in awe of Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun selected a hundred soldiers from the army and followed the direction of the retreat of the Yizhou Army. These hundred soldiers were all elites in the army.

However, not long after entering the plank road, Zhao Yun saw a shocking scene. Two soldiers of the Yizhou Army, perhaps noticing the chasing soldiers behind him, accidentally fell from the plank road, and the screams were getting farther and farther. .

Even though the soldiers who followed Zhao Yun were extremely elite, after seeing this scene, their faces were still pale, and many soldiers did not dare to look down.

"The thief should go away!" Zhao Yun shouted vigorously.

The soldiers of the Yizhou Army at the end, perhaps because of the defeat at Jiameng Pass, had a lot of panic, and a soldier accidentally fell off the plank road.

"Don't panic, the plank road is dangerous. Just hold the plank road firmly to make it difficult for them to enter. When the enemy comes close, they will release their arrows!" a military officer yelled, perhaps the words of the military officer played a role. As a result, the situation in the army has gradually stabilized.

Zhao Yun sneered, and took out the bow and arrow, the arrow was like a shooting star, and he took the commander of the command.

This general did not expect that Zhao Yun would actually release arrows at such a long distance. He was a hundred and twenty steps away from Zhao Yun.

The arrow pierced the throat, and the general could only make intermittent hoarse sounds, and then crashed down from the plank road.

Seeing that Zhao Yun was so brave, the soldiers who came with him burst into bursts of shouts.

Seeing Zhao Yun holding a bow and arrow, slowly stepping forward, the soldiers at the rear of the Yizhou Army looked pale. At this time, the army is advancing very slowly. They can't move too fast. If they are flustered on the plank road, it is most likely. The end of the game is to fall from the plank road.

Zhao Yun holding a bow and arrow was a nightmare for the Yizhou sergeants at this time. They tried to resist, but their arrows could not touch Zhao Yun at all. They could only watch Zhao Yun shooting their robes one by one. Waiting for the situation is a huge torture for them.

After the central army got the situation in the rear, the brows frowned. If the enemy is allowed to go down like this, there are not a few soldiers lost. Some soldiers are likely to be flustered due to changes in the rear. The plank road was still considered at first. It is stable, but there are many places in the middle, and only one person can pass through.

With a frown, Fazheng smiled. The plank road is not only a passage from the middle of Shu to the outside world, but also Yizhou has achieved control over the plank road. There are many dangerous places in the plank road. It only needs to send more than ten. A famous archer can make it difficult for the enemy to advance.

After giving orders, the army moved forward slowly again.

There were a total of twenty Yizhou soldiers who died in the hands of Zhao Yun. On the plank road, the soldiers of the Yizhou Army were like targets.

Suddenly, Zhao Yun's heart tightened. On the cliff in front, the figure of the enemy army appeared. It is obvious that the Yizhou Army deliberately did it when the plank road was built. These archers hid on these hewn cliffs. It was easy to defend and difficult to attack. When Zhao Yun appeared, the three archers aimed at Zhao but they witnessed Zhao Yun's archery skills.

Zhao Yun's brows were slightly frowned, and it seemed that he had underestimated the power of the Jiange Plank Road. As expected, it can be called a dangerous place in Yizhou. With more than a dozen archers, I am afraid that hundreds of troops will not dare to step forward. , You have to be cautious when walking on the plank road, not to mention that there are still enemy troops watching.

"Retreat!" Zhao Yun ordered. He came to chase, more to see if the plank road was as dangerous as the legend.

Seeing Zhao Yun led the soldiers to retreat, the Yizhou army burst into shouts. They relied on the danger of the plank road to block the enemy's attack.

Fazheng paid a considerable price to lead the army through the plank road. Even if he had a clearer understanding of the plank road, he felt frightened when the army passed the plank road. Because Jia Meng Pass was breached by surprise. , The sergeant soldiers did not carry any dry food, and only one day later, Fazheng was able to enter the flat zone.

Cao Bao was surprised when he received the news from the upright people of the Fa. Although he hadn't seen the dangers of Jiameng Pass with his own eyes, it is said that Jiameng Pass was better than Zhiji Pass and Hu Pass, and he merged with the state army. It was precisely by virtue of the danger of the Huguan, that abruptly dragged the pace of the coalition forces of hundreds of thousands of princes.

After hearing about the war at Jia Mengguan, Cao Bao sighed. He naturally met Lu Bu, and he also saw Lu Bu’s methods. Guan Yu was such a powerful character, but he was defeated by Lu Bu in Xuzhou. The advantage of Lv Bu is enough to see how powerful Lu Bu is. Outside of Huguan, he is relying on his own strength to fight against the three of Liu Guanzhang and not let the wind fall. Such bravery is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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