Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1329: : Ju Yi attacked Ganling City

After receiving the reminder from the State Shepherd House, Cheng Lian also met with the families in the city. Seeing that these families were extremely respectful, Cheng Lian was observing secretly and did not get any useful news, so he gradually relaxed. Be vigilant.

Yang Kai led five hundred private soldiers to the city gate. With the madness of the private soldiers, when the defenders did not respond, he opened the west gate.

After the suspension bridge was stabilized, Ju Yi gave an order, and the first ascended the dead man headed towards the gate of Ganling. The army in the dark also came towards the gate.

The defenders on the city learned the news of the shocking changes at the city gate.

The madness of the private soldiers caused great trouble to the defenders. Although there were more than 500 soldiers who followed the generals at the gate, in the face of the crazy offensive of the private soldiers, the two sides were in a stalemate for a time, which hindered this. At that time, Ju Yi led the dead and rushed into the city gate.

The armor of the Xianden dead men radiated dark light against the flames. When these soldiers rushed, although they did not yell like ordinary teams to raise the morale of the army, the generals of the city gate led Xianden. What the dead man felt was a bitter killing intent.

"Deadly fight and never retreat." The city gate general suddenly shouted, without the slightest fear in his expression.

"Deadly fight and never retreat!" More than 500 soldiers of the Jizhou Army who were fighting with private soldiers of the family yelled in unison. Especially the soldiers of the original Jizhou Army who were selected to become the new soldiers of the Jizhou Army, they felt this. It’s a different army. In the army, they don’t need to worry about being looked down upon by other people. They will also get a monthly payment. Although the training is a bit harder, even the soldiers who have just joined the army are still very good at training. Show no fear, let alone them, as ordinary soldiers, they also have their own pride and persistence.

The private soldiers of the family suddenly felt tremendous pressure. The private soldiers were crazy. However, they lacked cooperation in the attack. Naturally, they couldn't compare with the soldiers in the army. The killing sound continued, but the defending army broke out with strong combat effectiveness.

After Ju Yi led the deceased and entered the city gate, he wanted to fight with the defenders, but it was difficult to do. Originally thought that as long as the private soldiers of the family could reopen a path in the siege of the defenders, the rest would be simple. A lot, with the elite of the first ascending the dead, even if the number of soldiers on his side is roughly equal to the number of defenders, he still has enough confidence to win. This is the conviction of victory as a general, not to mention the first as the dead. Since then, what a brilliant record has been achieved.

Although the city gate seemed a bit wide, the fighting of thousands of people still caused a mess near the city gate.

"General, I will live up to my mission." Yang Kai noticed the presence of Ju Yi in the chaos and hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Ju Yi coldly snorted: "With the strength of private soldiers of the family, it is impossible to break the siege of the defenders. Let these people retreat."

"General, the private soldiers have a strong combat power. Defeating these defenders is naturally not a problem. Now that the city gate has been opened, the defenders must be distracted." Yang Kai naturally understands the great merits that can be gained after seizing the city gate, and naturally he is not reconciled to the present. At this point, the credit is given away.

Although Yuan Shao failed on the battlefield in Jizhou, Yuan Shao was able to distinguish between rewards and punishments for those who contributed.

"Hmph, this is the defeat in your eyes. If it delays the military situation, this general will be the first to kill you, and he will not order the private soldiers to disperse quickly!" Ju Yi coldly shouted.

Yang Kai bowed his hand and said, looking at Ju Yi's gaze, there was a trace of unkindness, no one wanted to give away the credit for nothing, but Ju Yi has a great reputation in the Jizhou army, and now he is the chief general in the army. Naturally did not dare to violate Ju Yi's order.

"Let our soldiers spread out a path." Yang Kai ordered.

After the family private soldiers who were fighting were given the order, they were naturally overjoyed. They were able to survive, and no one wanted to die. The defenders in front of them were clearly crazy.

Ju Yi led the dead soldiers and appeared at the forefront of the battlefield. Seeing the defenders in front of him, he had a strange feeling. Especially these soldiers charged forward without fear of death, which made his heart. Feeling throbbing, when he was training the first deceased soldier, the most important point was to make his subordinates be able to move forward in the face of war. The defender in front of him was much worse than the first deceased soldier, but his aura was not. It was faintly similar to the Xiandeng dead. He naturally knew very well how to prevent Ju Yi from frightening and what the ordinary soldiers in the princes' army looked like.

"I am Ju Yi, a general under Yehou's command, and put down his sword, otherwise he will kill him!" Ju Yi shouted coldly.

The shadow of the famous tree of man, Ju Yi has a high prestige in the Jizhou army, only relying on his pawns to defeat the world-famous Baima Yi from when facing Bingzhou Feiqi Without showing any weakness, many soldiers gradually recovered their calm from the madness when seeing the dead soldier of Xianden. Some soldiers looked at the dead soldier of Xianden even with fear.

The gatekeeper saw this scene and shouted: "We are soldiers under the command of the Marquis of Jin. How can we take refuge in the enemy? Our reinforcements will come later. As long as these people are driven out, the city is still ours."

This loud shout, when the fighting stopped briefly, seemed so abrupt. Ju Yi's mouth showed a sneer. With an order, the first-dead soldier came toward the direction of the general, with a clear purpose. In this chaotic situation, only by beheading the enemy's generals can the enemy be more turbulent. Although Ju Yi didn't understand what happened in the Jizhou army, he knew that if it was delayed, the local army would If you come to support, you will have to pay a greater price if you want to take the city.

The morale of the Jizhou army is not weak. However, in the face of the elite soldiers who first climbed the dead, they showed their inadequacy. Especially the soldiers selected from the Jizhou army, when facing the first climbers, psychologically There is great fear.

The first deceased soldiers attacked the defending army like a broken bamboo, and the following deceased soldiers continued to make killings. With the close cooperation of the first deceased soldiers, a famous defender fell unwillingly. In the pool of blood, the sophisticated armor, weapons, and close cooperation made the Xianden dead soldiers look terrifying in the eyes of the defenders.

Under the prestige of the first ascending the dead, some soldiers quietly put down their weapons, but all the soldiers of the Jizhou Army who met the first ascending the dead, evaded one after another, which caused the goalkeeper to quickly appear in the court. Righteousness in sight. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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