Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1334: : Li Su's Envoy Cao Jun

"Now it seems that among the five princes, in the end, it may be a contest between the prince and Fengxian." Cao Cao sighed. Although the princes failed to contain Lv Bu, they affected Lv Bu's development to a certain extent. Although Lv Bu seized Jizhou, he had to pay a greater price. At this time, he only had the land of Yanzhou, Yuzhou, and Xuzhou. Compared with Lv Bu, there was still a big gap. Among them, Xuzhou still has this Zangba and so on. Unstable characters exist, and the capture of Jingzhou is what Cao Cao has secretly planned. Not only that, there are many connections between Cao Cao's side and Jingzhou's aristocratic family.

Compared with Liu Bei, Cao Cao showed stronger strength, and after Liu Bei turned to Liu Biao, he seized the military power of Jingzhou. To a certain extent, this caused the officials in Jingzhou to be dissatisfied with Liu Bei. The representative is the Han room.

"Lord, as expected, Lu Bu will definitely send an envoy to Yanzhou." Xun You said.

Cao Cao nodded. Not only was Lu Bu sending envoys, Yuan Shao’s envoys had arrived in Yanzhou early, but how could Cao Cao respond to Yuan Shao’s attack on Jizhou? After he captured Jizhou, Yuan Shao became stronger. He didn’t have to do it for Yuan Shao’s ambitions. Make the soldiers bleed outside Hangu Pass.

The matter of Yizhou is that Cao Cao would be difficult to intervene. Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult for Liu Bei to seize Yizhou, and Lu Bu's determination to break Qingzhou would be an opportunity for Cao Cao, an opportunity to seize Jingzhou.

When attacking Chang'an, the Jingzhou Army also paid a considerable price. In addition, after Liu Bei entered Yizhou, he took away 30,000 elite soldiers from the Jingzhou Army. As a result, Jingzhou must be empty. As long as Jingzhou can be breached, then it will be done in one fell swoop. Breaking through the Jiangdong land, Cao Cao has enough confidence to defeat Lu Bu on the battlefield in the future.

Just as Cao Cao expected, five days later, the messenger from Chang'an came to Shanyang. This time it was Li Su who sent Cao Cao. The first counselor to follow Lü Bu was also a temporary figure among the officials under Lü Bu's rule.

The dispatch of Li Su as an envoy to Cao Cao is enough to see that Lu Bu attaches great importance to this war.

Cao Cao can understand Lü Bu's thoughts. Such things will not be good if it is placed on him. Unstable governance is a very serious problem for a monarch. What Lü Bu has always pursued is to govern. Absolute control, which inevitably touches the interests of the family.

If Lv Bu treats the family like him and Yuan Shao, it might be Lv Bu, not Liu Bei, who took charge of Yizhou at this time. It would be nothing more than a fool of ordinary people to obey the imperial order to be attached to Liu Bei.

"Let the Chang'an messenger come in." Cao Cao said lightly. Lu Bu needs his support, and he also needs Lu Bu's support. The two sides can be said to be mutually beneficial in this matter.

After entering the prefecture and animal husbandry, there was no imaginary gathering of civilian officials and generals. There were only important officials such as Cao Cao and Xun You in the hall. ,

After a slight daze, Li Su arched his hands and said: "Li Su, the messenger from Chang'an, has seen Shanyanghou."

Cao Cao nodded and said, "Emissary, please sit down."

Faced with people like Cao Cao, Li Su had to be more vigilant. His mission to Yanzhou was represented by Lu Bu. If he was embarrassed in Yanzhou, it would damage Lu Bu's face.

"I don't know what the messenger came to this time, but there are some grievances between the prince and the Jin prince. Isn't the messenger afraid of death in the city?" Cao Cao asked with a smile.

Li Su's heart moved, and then he smiled: "What a character Shanyanghou is, how can he make a messenger in a difficult place?"

"If Li Weigong is a messenger, how dare to ask the officials under Jin Hou's command to deal with themselves?" Cao Cao said.

After some greetings, Li Su said, "Hou Shanyang, I came here for the purpose of forming an alliance between the two sides. I don't know how Shanyang Hou thinks about this matter?"

"I don't know what benefits will this Hou get if he forms an alliance with Jin Hou?" Cao Cao asked. He would not easily reveal his ambitions before he found out Lu Bu's intentions.

Li Su smiled and said: "The two sides stopped fighting, that is to prevent the soldiers and civilians of both sides from being warned. Besides, didn't Shanyang Hou sent envoys to Jinyang to make friends with Jin Hou?"

Cao Cao's expression condensed. After Lu Bu's victory, he had to send an envoy to Jinyang as a last resort. Similarly, Cao Cao paid a lot for his defeat. After all, in that situation, no one was willing to go. It is more cost-effective to anger Lu Bu and lose some things to get temporary stability. Of course, Jiangdong does not have so many worries. They are far away from Lu Bu's governance, and they don't need to worry about safety for the time being.

Because of the attack on Lu Bu, there was a big conflict between Cao Cao and Jiangdong, mainly because of the problem of interests. Without breaking the Huguan, Cao Cao would naturally not give up the land of Shouchun and Guangling.

"Now that Jizhou is in the midst of war, if the Marquis of Jin led his troops to attack Yehou, wouldn't he be afraid that the Marquis would attack Hangu Pass and seize Chang'an?"

Hearing the threat in Cao Cao's words, Li Suzheng said: "If Shanyanghou thinks like this, there is nothing to say underneath Jinhou's soldiers are never afraid of war."

Seeing Cao Cao's gaze cast, Xun Yu coughed lightly: "The official heard that the craftsmanship under Jin Hou's rule was good at crafting weaponry. Is there a Thunderbolt that can reach 500 steps?"

"The next is a civil official, who is not responsible for the work of the craftsman's workshop." Li Su said lightly.

In Bingzhou, as long as it involves the craftsman's workshop, it is a major event, and Lu Bu has strict control over the craftsman's workshop. Otherwise, the lords will not be able to find out the news in the craftsman's workshop for so many years. This is also the topographical restriction of the craftsman's workshop. As a backing, Gu is not easy to find out the specific situation of the craftsman's workshop.

When Cao Cao heard this, he felt a little disappointed. If he could get this kind of Thunderbolt car building method, he would have a greater chance of winning when he attacked Jingzhou. As long as he got the water army in Jingzhou, he would be able to attack Jiangdong. Will leap to become the head of the lords, with Jiangdong, Jingzhou plus Yanzhou, Yuzhou, the speed of development will definitely surpass Lu Bu. As for Liu Bei of Yizhou is also temporarily ignored by Cao Cao. At this point, Cao Cao and Lu Bu have something in common. Because of Yizhou’s understanding, more things are lost, and the gain is not worth the loss.

"In that case, Jin Hou is not willing to give anything, so he wants to form an alliance with him so easily?" Cao Cao's tone was a little unhappy.

Li Su smiled and said: "Unsurprisingly, Shanyanghou must have thoughts about the land of Jingzhou, and now even if Liu Bei is able to enter Shu, Jingzhou is empty. With Shanyanghou's ability, it is not difficult to control Jingzhou. With regard to the matter, after Shanyanghou captured Jingzhou, he could still take advantage of Jiangdong. In this case, Shanyanghou took a big advantage."

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