Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1339: : Big win

When the infantry faces ordinary cavalry, even if it cannot cause damage to the cavalry, killing the horse under the cavalry can have the same effect. Although there will be a relatively large damage, the current situation is that it is against the horse. , It is also difficult to succeed. These war horses are wrapped in armor, and their weapons are on the war horses, which only arouses a little spark.

Just when Chun Yuqiong was surprised by the fighting power of the wolf rider, five hundred wolf riders appeared behind the Qingzhou Army. The reappearance of Qiqi caused a great panic in the Qingzhou Army. Only five hundred wolf riders were just as powerful, and the appearance of five hundred in the future made Chun Yuqiong feel bad.

"How many people are there in Langqi?" Chun Yuqiong asked suddenly.

"There are about three thousand people." The lieutenant said truthfully.

Chun Yuqiong has a deep concern. He even has a hunch that all the three thousand wolf riders may have been dispatched, but the wolf riders seem to be playing a game with them. They only used five hundred cavalry. Hundreds of cavalry made it difficult for their own soldiers to deal with, and they kept breaking down.

"Why can't our army's scout find the traces of these cavalry?" Chun Yuqiong asked. He knew how much influence the scout could not detect the enemy's situation on the battlefield for a large army.

"General, some of the scouts who inquired about the news have not come back. You say you don't care." The lieutenant said sadly. He is responsible for the scouts. If Chunyuqiong shirks all the responsibilities on him, he will be true. It's dead.

"General, there are wolf riders behind and in front, what should I do?" the lieutenant asked.

Chun Yuqiong's complexion kept changing, and she said for a long time: "There will definitely not be such a small number of enemy troops on the battlefield. Send the army to prepare to retreat, and then you will lead two thousand people to stop the pace of the wolf ride." He ignored it before. Scout, but in front of the generals in the army, he still wants to maintain the majesty of the main general.

The lieutenant’s face was earthy. He had seen how powerful the wolf riders were. With just 500 wolf riders, the front army was in chaos. There were nearly 2,000 people in the front army, not to mention there were 500 wolf riders in the rear, with 2,000. The celebrity guards blocking the charge of a thousand wolf riders seemed to be an impossible task.

Just when Chunyuqiong wanted to retreat, a large number of cavalry suddenly appeared on the left.

"Wolf cavalry?" Chun Yuqiong was shocked. He didn't feel any joy because the situation on the battlefield was as good as he had expected. It can be seen from the time when these wolf cavalry charged, it was even more than the number of cavalry. many.

"Fight against!" Chun Yuqiong did not hesitate at all.

Some soldiers of the Qingzhou Army moved to the right, thinking of trying to escape from the battlefield from the right. This situation couldn't be more normal among ordinary soldiers. The situation on the battlefield is not good for them. What they think is how to protect themselves. Life.

However, will the wolf ride make these Qingzhou sergeants succeed so easily?

On the right side of the Qingzhou Army, densely packed wolf rides appeared, and the waving wolf ride flags were so eye-catching on the battlefield.

The charge of two thousand wolf riders on the left and right made Chun Yuqiong only lead the soldiers to flee in embarrassment in the direction they had come. The five hundred horsemen at the rear once again caused a lot of damage to Chun Yuqiong.

The wolf cavalry didn't seem to have any intention of letting off the army of Qingzhou so easily, following behind him, and continuously causing damage to the Jizhou army. As for the soldiers who surrendered, the cavalry would be responsible for them.

There was a one-sided situation on the battlefield. The Qingzhou Army had already subdued for the wolf rider and did not dare to turn around to fight. Many soldiers even took the initiative to fall behind and chose to surrender.

The power of role models is infinite. When the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army saw that the soldiers who had taken refuge were not embarrassed, they were moved. As long as they could survive, no one would want to choose death. Even some generals had chosen quietly. surrender.

Chun Yuqiong looked flustered, and he didn't have the spirit of when he came, and the eyes of the lieutenant were full of anger. If the lieutenant could grasp the news on the battlefield more meticulously, this situation would not happen in the army today.

The fight against the wolf cavalry just now made Chun Yuqiong unforgettable for life. The rumbling momentum of the cavalry when the cavalry charged and the image of the wolf cavalry's indomitable rout constantly flashed in his mind. The power of the wolf cavalry has been deeply imprinted. Deep in his heart.

"You lead a thousand soldiers and horses to block the enemy's army, otherwise, our army may be wiped out on the battlefield," Chun Yuqiong unquestionably ordered.

The lieutenant looked bitter, "General, there are nearly 3,000 people in Wolf Cavaliers, just one thousand soldiers..."

"Don't you even dare to violate this general's order?" Chun Yuqiong's voice became a little cold.

The lieutenant Lien Dao didn't dare, but in his heart he kept cursing Chunyu Qiong.

There were originally 7,000 troops, but now there are only more than 4,000 people left. Chunyuqiong has a sense of panic, even Chunyuqiong is like this, let alone ordinary soldiers in the army, and the wolf ride makes them unable to resist~www lieutenant led thousands of frightened pawns, and saw the wolf rider who was rushing. It was only the wolf rider's charge that these pawners were defeated.

Faced with such a situation, the lieutenant thought about it, and resolutely chose to surrender. Judging from Chun Yuqiong's performance, it is very difficult to save under the charge of this wolf ride. Instead of this, It is better to surrender directly. Looking at Chunyuqiong’s order, it is clear that he wants to treat himself as a surrogate, and shirk the responsibility of defeat on himself. In the face of life and death choices, even if the deputy has a high position in the army, he also has My own thoughts.

The lieutenant’s refuge caused more soldiers who were resisting to give up resistance. In order to show their worth, the lieutenant and even the lord helped Wolf Cavalry to gather the Qingzhou Army's soldiers, and asked these soldiers to put down their weapons and obey the Wolf Cavalry’s orders obediently. See By this scene, the wolf-riding soldiers burst into laughter, and some generals even praised the lieutenant.

Chunyuqiong has fallen into an endless loop. It takes at most one day to reach from Wei County to Yuancheng. Besides, Chunyuqiong only walked half the distance, and this half of the journey became Chunyuqiong’s nightmare. Soldiers are constantly taking refuge, commanding the generals to block, and although the generals who block by these leaders have won for the army for a period of time, they have never come back. This situation makes the generals in the army panic. No one wants to be the next general to be sent to the battlefield by Chunyuqiong. Under such circumstances, many generals quietly rushed to the rear of the army and chose to surrender. Judging from the current situation of the Qingzhou Army, they could not see victory. Hopefully, as long as the wolf ride keeps following behind, the Qingzhou Army can be defeated.

This is how many chapters are coming today, forgot.

(End of this chapter)

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