Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1354: : Night Assault Camp

Looking around at the generals in the tent, Guo Jia said with a dignified expression: "Now that the Lord Justice is leading an army to attack Qingzhou, the soldiers in the army are a bit slack in the current war. No matter how elite an army is, if it is produced If you slack off, it will not last long. You are all generals in the army. You must have a clear understanding of this. The officer is ordered to take charge of the army. If someone is dissatisfied, you can order someone to tell the lord. What the lord pays attention to is Those who are able go above the weak, and only the strong can have a higher status, but it does not mean that the strong are worthy of pride."

After listening to the generals in the tent, his expression became more solemn, and Zhao Yun stood up and said, "The final general obeys the military commander's order. If anyone in the army dares to violate it, the Blue Nightmare sword given by the lord Yun will not show any mercy. "

The other generals looked at Zhao Yun's sword with a dignified look. Lu Bu's swords include the Blue Night Sword and Xuanyuan Sword. This is no secret in the army. Both swords are sharp. Iron as a **** soldier, and Lu Bu was able to bestow the Blue Nightmare Sword to Zhao Yun, which shows that Zhao Yun was given considerable authority in the army. When he arrived at Lu Bu's position, the meaning of the Blue Nightmare Sword had already changed too much.

"Willing to obey the military commander's orders." The generals in the account said in unison.

Guo Jia is a literati, and he is also weak in body. He has a lot of prestige in the Youzhou Army. For example, the generals of the Chang'an Army may not respect Guo Jia so much.

"Since you support the official, the official will put the ugly words on the front. If anyone dared to disobey the official's order, immediately dismiss the position and wait for the master to deal with it." Guo Jiadao.

At this moment, everyone looked at Guo Jia with a slightly different meaning. Although some generals had heard of Guo Jia’s name before, after they really met Guo Jia, they didn’t take it too seriously. After all, Guo Jia's age is there.

"General Zhao Yun, General Zhang Liao stayed, and the rest of the generals returned to the army, so that the soldiers should not be slacking off. If you make a mistake at this critical moment, you may be punished by the Jin Marquis." Guo Jia reminded. .

"Here." The generals clasped their fists in unison, and then left the Chinese army's big account. Just for a while, many generals felt suffering. The momentum that Guo Jia exudes made them feel shocked. They have no doubt that if it is on the battlefield. If they made a mistake or did not follow the command line, it would not be a good end to greet them.

"Zilong, Wen Yuan is a general in the army. The lord is not in the army. The two of you have to worry about things in the army." The generals in the army reminded it.

Zhao Yun said: "It's not as simple as it seems that the generals will stay with General Zhang."

Guo Jia smiled and said: "Zilong is worthy of a general that the lord relies on. This officer has received the news that Yuan Shao is likely to send a large army to attack our army tonight, and the lord will lead the soldiers to leave. How can Yuan Shao stay in the city so peacefully? Yuan Shao has 50,000 elite soldiers in his hands, enough to affect the outcome of a war."

Although the meaning in the words was heavy, what Zhao Yun saw from Guo Jia's expression was Zhizhu holding it.

"If the military commander has an order, even if it is clearly stated, his subordinates will die!" Zhao Yun clasped his fist.

"Zilong and the official are brothers. You will die without hesitation. Besides, the lord attaches great importance to both of you. If something goes wrong on the battlefield, the official can't afford it."

Listening to Guo Jia's ridiculous tone, Zhang Liao's tight heart also eased a lot. He did respect Guo Jia, but he did not have the relationship between Guo Jia, Zhao Yun and Lu Buna. After all, he and Lu Bu were brothers of worship.

"Tonight, the two generals should be cautious. The secret whistle outside the camp can relax them appropriately." After Guo Jia whispered, the two left with confidence.

At three shifts, there was silence in the camp, and the soldiers on patrols above the camp were a little loose. Against the backdrop of the fire, they could be seen yawning from time to time.

"General, I don't want the enemy's defense to be so loose. The secret guards outside the camp have been eliminated by our side. Many secret guards have even turned to our army. It seems that the army under Lu Bu is not as powerful as the legend." Said thoughtfully.

Ju Yi said coldly: "Our army must win this attack."

"The general can rest assured that the enemy in the camp is so slack. As long as we succeed, the lord will be able to defeat the enemy and seize Jizhou in one fell swoop." The lieutenant voice was full of excitement.

After observing for a long time, Ju Yi also let out a long sigh of relief. As the deputy said, the defense in the enemy's barracks is indeed extremely lax. Among the army’s camps, with the power of first ascending the dead, even if the enemy’s cavalry reacted, it was able to hold the enemy’s cavalry, and then it was the enemy’s cavalry’s charge. What a glorious scene that two thousand cavalrymen suddenly attacked the enemy in this night, Ju Yi even saw the enemy trembled under the cavalry's iron hoof.

"Send the rear cavalry to prepare and wait for the command of this general!" Ju Yi said slowly.

The two thousand cavalrymen hidden in the darkness stared at the camp not far away. If this raid succeeded, it would mean that the battle between the two sides would undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Kill!" Ju Yi shouted loudly after clearing the obstacles ahead, but still did not alarm the defenders above the camp.

Seeing this situation, the defenders above the camp screamed and ran towards the camp at an extremely fast speed. This made the Qingzhou sergeants who were about to release their arrows stunned. The reaction of these defenders seemed to them too much. Quickly.

Ju Yi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately gave the order to rush, but it was just a few defenders. As long as his army entered the camp, the enemy's end was reached.

Accompanied by the shouts of the soldiers above the camp, warnings in the camp came and went one after another, and the camp suddenly became lively.

When Ju Yi saw this scene, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Xian Deng died as quickly as possible. He lit the camp without hesitation. A top camp was lit. To Ju Yi's surprise, he didn't. I heard the screams made by soldiers when they were burned.

"Could it be that the enemy has already assembled?" Ju Yi was a little unsure of himself. He was sure that when the raid had just begun, the enemy did not have much defense, but for a while, although the camp was still lively, the nearby camps There is no trace of the enemy inside.

(End of this chapter)

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