Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1363: : Capture Gaotang

"Who is the person next to General Zhang?" Zhang Qi noticed Dian Wei who was pulling him, and couldn't help asking. The main reason was that Dian Wei's aura was too amazing. With the tower-like height, it was extremely impressive. Strong danger.

"This person was met on the way down. After entering the army, I will introduce him to General Zhang next." Zhao Zhao said casually.

Although Zhang Qi had a different color on her face, she did not ask too much because of her trust in the trick.

After entering the army to take a seat, Zhang Qi said: "Can the general introduce this strong man for you?"

Dian Wei saw that Zhang Qi and the three generals in the army were the only ones in the tent, and he nodded slightly toward the lead.

"General Zhang, you and I have known each other for many years. I just concealed something in the next one or two. I hope General Zhang is not surprised." He clasped his fists and used Zhang Qi's trust in him to capture Gao Tang. His heart was always Some can't bear it, as can be seen from the cross-examination of the city gate, Zhang Qi trusts him very much.

"You have something to do with the general, but it doesn't hurt to say it. Although there are only a thousand defenders in Gaotang City, if Jin Hou leads the troops and horses, it will not be so easy to break." Zhang Qi said.

Qianzhao Chang sighed: "I was defeated on the way to the plains, surrounded by the Jin Marquis army, and has surrendered to the Jin Marquis. This person is the commander of the Jin Marquis's personal guards, and is also known as General Dianwei, who is known as the tiger general."

Dian Wei let out a cold snort, stepped forward, and the two halberds shot cold light, sweeping towards Zhang Qi with a strong momentum.

Zhang Qi's complexion changed drastically, "Leading the general, you, you unexpectedly, you actually took refuge in Jinhou?" The transition between the front and back was too fast, which made Zhang Qi feel dizzy.

The generals in the tent hurriedly stepped forward to protect Zhang Qi behind him.

"General Zhang, you and I have known each other for many years. Don’t you understand that with the present Qingzhou army, can you withstand the Jinhou’s soldiers and horses? The news from Qinghe says that Yehou is at an absolute disadvantage. Not only is the cavalry seriously damaged," Even the most elite Xianden dead men have lost most of them." Lianzhao persuades.

Zhang Qi was silent for a long time and said: "This general is willing to seek refuge in the Marquis of Jin, and I hope that the general will be able to introduce one or two."

Dianwei looked at Zhang Qi with some alertness. He didn't expect this person to take refuge in Jinhou so easily. After all, Zhang Qi is a general in the Qingzhou army, and there are thousands of soldiers and horses in the city. There is no reason to choose to surrender directly. .

"This general knows that General Zhang will choose this way. It is difficult for Yehou to succeed. As long as he helps Jinhou to calm Qingzhou, it is a great accomplishment. Jinhou is a great general and has a strong army." Zhao Zhao was overjoyed.

Zhang Qi got up and saluted: "The last general has met General Dian."

Dian Wei nodded slightly, judging from Zhang Qi's behavior, he was a smart person, but the more he was at this time, the more he couldn't relax his vigilance.

"In fact, the general admired Jinhou for a long time." Zhang Qi said, there is no falsehood in this sentence. Lu Bu is a well-known military commander and has outstanding military exploits. Although Zhang Qi is not well-known in Yuan Shaojun, it cannot hinder him. Regarding Lu Bu's respect, not only Yuan Shao's generals had such thoughts, but also most of the generals in the other vassals. The victories that Lu Bu achieved were enough to eclipse the so-called fierce generals and famous generals under the princes.

From Zhang Qi’s look, Dianwei didn’t see the slightest pretentiousness. Instead, he spoke from the heart. He was delighted. For the first time, he felt that Jinhou’s name was so useful. It’s no fault of Dianwei. With this idea, in the past, when leading a large army on an expedition, the enemy's resistance was the most encountered.

"Jin Marquis won with the power of the combined state army against the coalition forces of the princes and made Yehou lose Jizhou. In fact, when he led the generals to the plains to support, he had the heart to persuade him." Zhang Qi sighed: "Although there are a lot of troops under Yehou , But there is a lack of elite soldiers. On this occasion, they still attacked Jizhou, which caused Qingzhou to fall into the chaos of war."

He nodded with deep approval. Not only did the two have such a view, but many generals in the army also believed that although the Qingzhou Army has increased in number, it is not the same in terms of combat effectiveness. In the old days, if Qingzhou was the foundation and the plan was to be taken slowly, there might still be a chance, but Yuan Shao was too impatient.

"The lord is leading the army and is on the other side. This general will order someone to inform the lord." Dianwei's tone was a little excited. From the Qingzhou army general, he felt the fatigue of the Qingzhou army. As long as he took advantage of this, he could be in Qingzhou. If there is a **** storm, Yuan Shao will not last long if Qingzhou fails. The failure has become a foregone conclusion.

Zhang Qi was silent for a long time and said: "General Dian, now the main soldier is on the other side, and he will be able to come to Gaotang at the latest tomorrow. The final general and Dongpingling guard Zhang Zhi have old times, and he is willing to go and persuade him to join the main, if he succeeds. , The lord can lead troops and horses to directly attack Linzi."

Dian Wei's eyes lit up, but Zhang Qi didn't expect Zhang Qi to have such a skill, and he laughed and said, "If General Zhang can succeed, it would be impossible to become a general in the army in the future."

Zhang Qi was beaming, and he knew the value of Lu Bu's next general They were all experienced generations, and the combat effectiveness of the Qingzhou Army was incomparable.

"This is a subordinate matter." Zhang Qi clasped her fist.

Dianwei's eyes towards Zhang Qi are also much softer. In Yuan Shao's eyes, Zhang Qi is a general of the rebel army, but in Dianwei's eyes, Zhang Qi is a hero. There is no need to reluctantly, if the general Zhang Zhi dared to embarrass him, after the Dongping Mausoleum was breached, he would definitely have no place to bury him."

"Thank you General!" Zhang Qi's tone was a little excited. For the first time in many years, he felt the benefits of the tyrannical strength behind him. He was sure that even if Zhang Zhi was unwilling to take refuge, he would not dare to embarrass him, because he Behind him is Jin Hou, the world's number one general.

"It shouldn't be too late, the subordinates will go now." Zhang Qi said.

Under Zhang Qi's order, Gao Tang's defenders did not resist too much and chose to take refuge.

Dianwei hurriedly sent soldiers to inform Lu Bu that if he could seize the Dongping Tomb, it would mean that Jinan County had fallen into Lu Bu's hands, and Linzi was in sight.

After that, Dianwei Zhang Bang Anmin followed Lu Bu for many years. Dianwei still knew a thing or two about these things, mainly to stabilize the people in the city. As for the attitude of the family, Dianwei didn’t care at all, as long as he was in hand. With the strength, if the aristocratic family dared to cause chaos, the family must be destroyed. At this point, he had learned Lu Bu's way of doing things.

The people in Gaotang City learned that the master of the city has become Jin Marquis. There are those who worry, and those who are fortunate. Have a great relationship. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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