Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1371: : Yuan Tan's anxiety

At the beginning of the battle, Zhang Zhi’s original self-confidence gradually dissipated. Among the defenders, 80% were soldiers who had never experienced a real war. The only ones they encountered were thieves. Those yellow scarfs who would flee when the army arrived. The army, once they encounter a powerful enemy, they will only tremble and fear.

Several soldiers screamed in horror after seeing the horror of the robe around them, and then ran down the city, but beheaded to supervise the soldiers on the battlefield. The **** scenes did not allow the defenders to grow up from the war. It deepened their inner fears. Many soldiers even stood on the wall in a daze. The cruelty on the battlefield gave them a huge impact.

Zhang Zhichang sighed and walked down the city wall. The waist that was originally straight was bent a lot at this moment. His biggest support now seems to be a joke.

As soon as he returned to the army, he received news from Zhang Qi seeking to see him.

"General Zhang, there is news from Jin Hou that if General Zhang is willing to take refuge, the captain of Jinan County will still be a general." At this point, Zhang Qi is also a little envious. The captain of a county already has a good reputation. Status.

Zhang Zhi said: "This general is willing to surrender!"

Zhang Qi glanced at Zhang Zhi in a puzzled way. The news that came out of Zhang Zhi's words clearly meant that he wanted to become a leader, but he changed his decision on the second day of the arrival of the army.

The city gate opened creakingly, and Zhang Zhi led the lieutenant general out of the city to welcome Lu Bu's army into the city.

Seeing Zhang Zhi in front of the people, Lu Bu nodded and said: "General Zhang is able to abandon the dark and turn to the bright. This lord is very pleased. After entering the city, there will be General Lao Zhang."

"This is a subordinate matter." Zhang Zhi hurriedly clasped his fists, and at the same time felt the importance that Lu Bu paid to him. Even though Lu Bu was on the battlefield, the huge gap in status made Zhang Zhi afraid to complain.

After the army entered the city, it quickly took control of the city gate, and the soldiers in the city became the captives of the army. Those waiting for them might be selected to join the army, or they would be demobilized.

"The Lord is really a **** and man." Dian Wei complimented.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "To deal with the enemy, you have to know what he fears and what he needs."

Dianwei nodded and said: "Lord, now our army has captured Jinan County. What if we send soldiers in the army to pretend to be the Qingzhou army to capture Linzi."

"Don't underestimate our opponents. Unsurprisingly, the news of our army's arrival has already reached Linzi." Lu Bu said: "This time it is Yuan Tan who is guarding Qingzhou, and Linzi has 20,000 soldiers and horses. It is extremely difficult to break Linzi, and what Benhou needs is to plunge Linzi into turmoil, so that Yuan Shao has to fight a decisive battle with our army."

"The lord is wise." Dian Weizan said.

What makes Lu Bu feel sorry is that the equipment just obtained in the craftsman’s workshop has not been built, otherwise the damage to the army will be smaller if Yuan Shao is played against, especially the Liannu. Lu Bu has high hopes. If this kind of war weapon appears, It will be a nightmare for the army of princes. Lu Bu even planned to form a strong crossbow army in his heart. How spectacular it would be for tens of thousands of strong crossbow soldiers to attack together.

In Linzi City, people were already panicked at this time. The people and soldiers walking on the street could hardly hide their panic. The main reason was that Lu Bu’s army came and had already captured the Dongping Tomb, that is, Lu Bu. His army can come outside Linzi City at any time, threatening Linzi's safety.

Yuan Tan’s time in Qingzhou is not short, and what he usually likes to do most is to discredit Lu Bu. This kind of thing is not only Yuan Tan doing it, but also other princes. It only makes Lu Bu’s image worse in the hearts of ordinary soldiers and people. Only then will the rule of the city be more stable. This is also the reason why the soldiers and civilians in the city panicked when they heard the arrival of Lu Bu's army.

At this moment, a report about how Lv Bu treated the people kindly, and the situation in Jizhou, as well as the situation in Pingyuan County and Jinan County, spread to Linzi. Many people were a little skeptical about this news. After all, they were The news that I learned was all about how brutal Lu Bu was, and now suddenly I heard that Lu Bu treated the people kindly, after all, it was a little hard to believe.

In Zhou Mufu, Yuan Tan’s expression was full of worry. Although he had not really fought against Lu Bu, he understood the terrible aspects of Lu Bu’s army. In order to deal with Lu Bu’s army, Yuan Tan even gathered most of the defenders in Qingzhou. In the city, the number of soldiers and horses in the city has reached 20,000 at this time. Lu Bu's army is full of money and can use only 15,000 people, and Yuan Tan has the advantage of the city, but Yuan Tan is still uneasy. feel.

"Now Lü Bu has led the army to Jinan County. What is hateful is that Dongpingling's defender Zhang Zhi chose to surrender. There are three thousand troops in the city, and the food and grass are enough for three thousand troops for half a year." Yuan Tan gritted his teeth.

Upon hearing this, the general leader was noncommittal. Yuan Tan gathered the army of Qingzhou in enough to see the fear in his heart. Dongpingling had only three thousand soldiers and horses. In terms of defense equipment, It is even more lacking, how to resist Lu Bu's army.

Linzi ordered Wang Xiudao: "The general does not need to worry. There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Linzi. But more than 10,000 people."

Wang Xiu is outstanding in both governance and strategy, and Yuan Tan also trusts Wang Xiu very much. It is mainly because Wang Xiu unswervingly supported him to become Yehou's heir.

"The words of Lord Wang are true. Others are afraid of Lu Bu, but this general is not afraid. If Lu Bu arrives, this general will lead his troops out of the city to behead him!"

After hearing the words, everyone looked for the master of the words, who could have such a big tone, he must be an extraordinary character, but after seeing Han Xun, many people shook their heads secretly. Han Xun was taken refuge in Qingzhou after Yuan Tan occupied Qingzhou. Yuan Tan, naturally did not have a clear understanding of how terrifying Lu Bu was. Han Xun had only been in contact with enemies from the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Remnants.

Yuan Tan laughed after hearing this: "There are fierce generals in the army, so why can't you hold Linzi."

The military generals handed over and said, but there were very few who really took these words to heart. Don’t look at Han Xun’s being so rampant now, once Lu Bu leads the army, he will understand that there is something between himself and the enemy. Such a gap.

After everyone dispersed, Yuan Tan turned his attention to the counselor in the account: "Now Qingzhou has reached the most critical moment, and I hope you can help this general to defend Linzi. Great kindness and virtue will be rewarded." Miss sister online service, help you find books and chat with you, please Wechat/Search/Search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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