Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1379: : Cao Jun Breaks Through Wancheng (Part 1)

Guan Yu’s trust in the Cai family allowed Cai Jian to become a general at the gate of the city. Facing Cai Tu’s orders, Cai Jian would not violate the slightest. Although he appreciates Guan Yu, it does not mean that he will truly obey Guan Yu’s orders. , Because Cai Jian is a member of the family.

The arrival of hundreds of private soldiers made the situation in the east of the city suddenly tense.

In the face of this situation, Cai Jian was not eager to mobilize the defenders on the city. Before the final critical moment, Cai Jian did not dare to reveal his identity. He knew how much influence Guan Yu had in the army, and revealed In terms of identity, he might die faster.

The private soldiers of the family were extremely crazy, but the defenders were extremely tenacious. Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, Cai Jian suddenly drew his sword to kill the lieutenant, shouting: "Liu Bei has no virtue, this general has already taken refuge in Shanyanghou. But there are rebels, and the end will be the same as this person."

Cai Jian's sudden move caused the defenders who were in a stalemate to retreat steadily, and the generals rebelled. The impact on them can be imagined.

Around Cai Jian, there were quite a few soldiers, watching the surrounding vigilantly.

Under the frenzied attack of the private soldiers, the lack of commanding soldiers quickly revealed their defeat, and then the city gate slowly opened. Many soldiers saw this situation and directly put down their weapons and chose to take refuge. Cai Jianze It was to lead the soldiers to the city gate.

The defenders of the city naturally heard the movement of the gate, but the defender of the east city was Cai Jian. Without Cai Jian's order, they did not dare to act rashly.

"General Cai, what happened to the city gate?" The two generals stepped forward and asked anxiously.

"Cai Jian has betrayed Jingzhou, the two generals be careful!" a soldier shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, before the two generals took precautions, several soldiers swarmed and beheaded the two generals. From Cai Jian's rebellion to the seizure of the city gate by private soldiers of the family, the time was extremely short, which also caused it. The defenders of the city did not get the details of the city gate.

Cai Jian shouted: "This general has already taken refuge in Shanyanghou, and the resistance is the same as these two people."

The defenders on the city talked in low voices. Since Cai Jian has been stationed in the East City, he has been very brave in combat, and has even been praised by Guan Yu many times. Unexpectedly, these characters chose to take refuge in Cao Cao.

Many soldiers put down their weapons, and most of them were young men. They did not have a strong sense of belonging to Guan Yu. Sergeant Jingzhou also suffered a brief panic.

More and more soldiers let go of their weapons. Naturally, some soldiers loyal to Guan Yu fled toward the city. Cai Jian did not stop these soldiers from fleeing. As long as Cao Jun enters the city, Guan Yu will inevitably fail. .

Cao Ren, who had been quietly watching the movement at the gate of the city, was overjoyed and shouted, "Enter the city!"

Two thousand tiger and leopard riders, accompanied by the sound of rumbling horse hooves, marched into the city. Although there were soldiers on the east wall that supported Guan Yu, they had no choice but to surrender in the face of this situation.

After the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry entered the city, it was Xia Houyuan who led the 10,000 Qingzhou Army into the city. The combat effectiveness of the Qingzhou Army was shown to the fullest after entering the city. The Qingzhou Army has the reputation of being fierce and fearless among the Cao Army, even if it is facing a strong cavalry. , Qingzhou Army soldiers also dared to rush forward with flesh and blood.

However, among the Cao Army, the Qingzhou Army was extremely awkward. Apart from following Cao Cao's orders, he showed no excuses for other generals, but this also gave the Qingzhou Army an important position in the Cao Army.

In the Qingzhou army, perhaps it is no longer the yellow turban soldiers who invaded Yanzhou from Qingzhou, but their combat spirit has been passed down.

After Guan Yu learned of the shocking changes in Dongmen, he was furious. He trusted the Cai family very much. He didn't expect that the Cai family would betray him. What's ridiculous is that he still admired the Cai family because of the fact that Cao Jun sent a lobbyist. In a blink of an eye, the Cai family betrayed Jingzhou.

"Cai family, shamelessly, I will surely be wiped out in the future!" Guan Yu said coldly.

"Send the cavalry forward to stop Cao Jun, and the rest of the soldiers will follow the general to kill the enemy!" Guan Yu ordered, even in a critical moment, he was unwilling to give up Wancheng easily. This is the insistence of being a general. , As long as there is a chance, he will fight for it.

When the Jingzhou Army’s cavalry encountered the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, there was a lopsided situation on the battlefield. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry had a high status among the Cao Army. Exist, all the weapons in his hand have been replaced by those made by hundred steelmaking. This is a major change for the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry among the Cao Jun.

The Jingzhou cavalry faced the tigers and leopards riding like wolves and tigers, retreating steadily.

However, in half an hour, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry defeated the cavalry of the Jingzhou Army.

Then Cao Ren noticed the arrival of the majority of the Jingzhou Army, with a, but instead of entangled with these troops, he went to other city gates. The fastest way to capture Wancheng was to let Cao Jun Most soldiers entered the city. As for the Jingzhou sergeant led by Guan Yu, the Qingzhou Army would teach them a severe lesson.

Guan Yu frowned when he heard the news of the cavalry's defeat. Although there were only a thousand cavalry in the army, they were also extremely elite. Even if the enemy had 3,000 cavalry, it was impossible to do so in such a short period of time. Rout your own cavalry.

"General, it was the tiger and leopard riders in the Cao army who repelled our cavalry." Zhou Cang reminded in a low voice, Zhou Cang was born in a humble, unrestrained temperament, acted decisively, treated people with sincerity, forced by life, and challenged. He sells salt, so he has a pair of iron feet, two scuds, and a good martial arts.

Zhou Cang was originally a general of Zhang Bao. After Zhang Bao died, Zhou Cang and Pei Yuanshao, who was also the Yellow Turban army, led his troops to gather in the mountains and forests. They often heard about Guan Yu's name and wanted to seek refuge. When they learned that Guan Yu was in Jingzhou, he led the troops to vote, and now he is Guan Yu's guard. The deputy commander is responsible for carrying swords for Guan Yu, and he is also a figure in the military.

"Tiger and Leopard Cavalry?" Guan Yu's eyes tightened. He has naturally heard of Cao Jun's tiger and leopard riding. Not only Cao Jun is developing, but Jingzhou Army is also improving. Now it seems that Jingzhou Army's progress is compared with Cao Jun. There is still a big gap.

"Kill!" Without too much hesitation, Guan Yu directly issued the order, and at the same time dispatched cavalry to order the gates to step up their defenses. The army had no cavalry to deal with the tiger and leopard cavalry. As long as he relied on the strength of the defenders at the gates, he What is needed most is time. As long as the enemy forces ahead are driven out of the city, there is still a chance.

Guan Yu is not a person who gives up easily, as long as there is a chance, he will work hard. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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