Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1381: : Sun Gan goes to Jiangdong

If the content of the first notice is ordinary, the content of the second notice moved the people. Cao Jun actually dealt with the soldiers who violated the people after entering Wancheng, and there was a general among them.

The general's status in the army is not low, and the people talk about it a lot, and they are more tempted by the matter outside the city gate at noon.

At the same time, the execution of a partial general in the army and 120 soldiers caused a great shock in the Cao army. Before entering Wancheng, the generals of the various ministries did receive Cao Cao’s order and took this The order was passed on, and the generals were sure that the soldiers below would not strictly follow the requirements. After breaking a city, it meant that some soldiers would get a great fortune. Although the people did not have it in their homes There are too many backgrounds, they can still get a lot of things, and the generals in the army usually ignore it. After all, siege is a psychological huge for ordinary soldiers in the army. Torture, they need to vent.

This time, it was obvious that Cao Cao had acted real, and directly executed hundreds of soldiers.

This was also what Cao Cao deliberately did. He wanted the soldiers and civilians in Jingzhou to see that Cao Jun had nothing to do with the broken city Qiu. When he attacked Xuzhou, he slaughtered the soldiers and civilians of Xuzhou. It was more because of Cao Cao’s anger. Today’s Cao Cao is With great changes, if you want to shake Jingzhou fundamentally, you have to give yourself some advantages. After all, Xiangyang is the nominal capital at this time.

In terms of military strength, Cao Jun has a huge advantage. If the soldiers and civilians in Jingzhou can feel that they will not be harmed after taking refuge in Cao Jun, they will not hesitate to surrender when faced with a life-or-death decision.

The surrendered Jingzhou sergeant selected elites for the generals to join the army. Cao Cao began his plan for Xiangyang. After the city was destroyed, Xiangyang was in sight. Compared with Wancheng, the city of Xiangyang was stronger. There will be more defenders, but Cao Cao has absolute confidence to break Xiangyang. This is the confidence brought about by the crushing of strength.

More than a hundred army lieutenants asked and killed Cao Cao’s prestige in Wancheng suddenly. The people walking on the street had no initial panic in their expressions. When they faced Cao’s generals, they showed a trace. The color of trust.

After the news of Wancheng's destruction reached Xiangyang, Xiangyang city suddenly fell into panic. Jingzhou has been in peace for a long time. Although he has fought against Sun Ce and Cao Cao, the war has never been to Xiangyang. This is also given to Jingzhou. The military and civilians have a sense of stability.

Really, when Cao Jun broke through Wancheng and his soldiers pointed directly at Xiangyang, not only the people, but even the aristocratic families in the city were also shocked. Cao Cao directly attacked Wancheng with tyrannical means, making them surprised and at the same time more. Thoughts.

Liu Qi even denounced Cao Cao from the court, but the officials in the court saw Liu Qi's fear from such behavior.

Zhuge Liang's brows were frowning. The past clouds and breeze became dignified after Wancheng was breached. According to Zhuge Liang's plan, with the strength of Wancheng, he was able to resist Cao's army for three months or even six months. A month’s time is enough for him to do a lot of things, and now the soldiers and horses of the four counties of Jingnan are mobilizing to Xiangyang. After Liu Bei stabilizes Yizhou, he will send a large army to come, even if Jingzhou is in a critical condition, he will be able to stand up. In an invincible place, Wancheng's early defeat made all this unknown.

"The order is for Sun Gan to come." Zhuge Liang said.

In Zhuge Liang's view, the most important thing at present is not only to resist Cao Jun’s attack, but also to face the huge threat from Jiangdong. Sun Ce is an ambitious man. Will he lose this opportunity to attack Jingzhou? What Zhuge Liang will do The most important thing is to persuade Sun Ce to unite. As long as Sun Ce can be persuaded, Jingzhou can mobilize more troops to defend Cao Cao.

The most powerful in Jingzhou is the navy. At this time, there are more than 20,000 naval forces. If the 20,000 naval forces defending Jiangdong are mobilized to Xiangyang, why can't they repel Cao Jun.

"Gongyou, now that Cao Jun has broken through Wancheng, Xiangyang is shaking, Jiangdong's soldiers and horses are frequently mobilized, I am afraid that there is the heart of invading Jingzhou, if Gongyou is allowed to go to Jiangdong, can you have the confidence to persuade Sun Ce?" Zhuge Liang said.

Sun Gan hesitated for a moment, and said, "Subordinates do their best."

Zhuge Liang said: "If Sun Ce agrees to unite, the land of Jiaozhou will be Sun Ce's. Not only that, the court will also enshrine Zhou Yu as a pastoralist in Xuzhou. Go ahead."

"Here." Sun Gan handed his hands. He knew that in order to resist Cao Jun, Jingzhou had paid a lot this time. Although it was only a name, it was because Jiangdong Army had the righteous support when attacking Jiaozhou and Xuzhou. Sun Ce not only coveted Jingzhou, but also had ideas for Xuzhou.

Besides, after Sun Gan got the order, he rushed to Jiangdong overnight.

Sun Ce didn't have too many surprises about the arrival of the envoy of Jingzhou After Wancheng was breached, the situation in Jingzhou has become precarious.

"Gong Jin, what happened to Jingzhou sending envoys this time?" Sun Ce asked.

"Lord, now Jingzhou is in critical condition, Zhuge Liang definitely wants to unite Jiangdong and resist Cao's troops." Zhou Yu said slowly.

"From Gongjin's point of view, what should I do?"

Zhou Yu was silent for a long time and said: "Master, Cao Cao has led one hundred thousand troops to attack Jingzhou this time. I am afraid it is not a small one. If the Jingzhou Army is broken and the Jingzhou Water Army is gathered, Cao Jun will have the strength to attack Jiangdong. If so, , Jiangdong is in danger."

Sun Ce's expression changed slightly, and he coldly snorted: "Cao Cao is a man of wolf ambition. He attacked the court and dared to invade the land of Jiangdong, Jingzhou navy. The navy is powerful."

In the battle on land, the Jiangdong Army might be less powerful than the princes. However, when fighting on the river surface, Sun Ce was confident to defeat Cao Cao. Among the Cao Army, 90% of the soldiers were impervious to water. Once on the surface of the river, their combat effectiveness It is good to have the usual four achievements. Cao Jun has no experience in fighting on the river surface, so it is very likely to fail.

But what worries Sun Ce is the Jingzhou navy. Once Cao Cao gets the Jingzhou navy, as Zhou Yu said, it can threaten the safety of Jiangdong. Today Jiangdong seems to be a monolithic piece, but it is not. There are many Jiangdong families. If Jiangdong is on the weaker side, these aristocratic families may have more ideas.

Just like the aristocratic family in Jingzhou at this time, in the face of life and death choices, they are likely to take refuge in Cao Cao. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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