Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1390: : Capture the City Gate

But under the command of the general, they had to do this. The end of betrayal was death. If they obeyed, they might be able to survive this war. If Hu Zhao is still alive, maybe he only needs one of his. Orders can make many soldiers give up resistance, and the offensive of the enemy outside the city makes the defenders see little hope. This is also the reason why many soldiers are not moved by the orders of the lieutenant.

At this moment, Wang Yue led the private soldiers to kill. He frowned when he heard the movement on the city wall. He did not expect that Hu Zhao would inform the lieutenant of this important matter at the last moment, or the private soldiers would begin to attack. At the gate of the city, even if the lieutenant disagreed with Hu Zhao's behavior, it was extremely difficult to stop it.

"Incompetence!" Wang Yue sneered.

"What to do?" The heads of the five families were pale. For this action, they could say that they were fighting. Not only did they dispatch all the private soldiers in the family, but even the members of the family also moved ahead and failed. The consequences afterwards were not what they expected to see.

The Patriarchs of the Zhang Family and the Li Family have even begun to criticize the Patriarch of the Hu Family.

Wang Yue coldly snorted: "At this point, you are still arguing, do you really have to wait for the enemy to arrive?"

Upon hearing this, the heads of the five families hurriedly stopped the argument.

"Follow the plan!" Wang Yue ordered without hesitation.

When the private soldiers of the family found the soldiers at the gate of the city, the soldiers on the wall came towards the gate. With the weak light of the fire, they saw a dense crowd of people in black appearing at the gate.

"There are enemies!" a general shouted, and then led his soldiers to rush over at a faster speed. Until this time, many generals in the army believed that Hu Zhao had betrayed Yuan Shao.

With Wang Yue’s order, the private soldiers of the family launched a fierce attack on the city gate. Even with reminders and certain preparations, when facing the private soldiers of the family, the defenders at the city gate could barely resist the private soldiers. The charge of the soldiers, the madness of the private soldiers, firmly suppressed the defenders at the city gate, and the city gate could be captured within a quarter of an hour at most.

After the soldiers from the city rushed over, I did not hesitate to attack the private soldiers. Even though the soldiers in the army did not have much confidence in whether they could hold the city, they would have almost Instinctive resistance, they are soldiers in the city. If the city is lost, they are prisoners. No one wants to be the prisoners of others, even if the defenders are at a disadvantage in this battle.

The private soldiers of the family divided half of their forces to resist the soldiers from the city, while the rest continued to attack the city gate frantically. Perhaps the appearance of their own robe made the soldiers at the city gate explode with far more than ordinary combat power. Facing the attack of the private soldiers, they did not give the slightest retreat. On the offensive, they had nothing to do with the private soldiers, but they could barely defend the city gate. As long as their soldiers could defeat the private soldiers, they won the battle. Victory.

Outside the south gate, Lu Bu led his guards and stared at the gate not far away.

After hearing the news from the scout, Lu Bu frowned slightly. It has been half an hour since the private soldiers raided the city gate. According to his calculations, the city gate should have been opened. It is even more disadvantageous. There are more than 10,000 defenders in the city, and the number of soldiers is not much different from that of your own.

"Lord, could it be the rebellion of the family in the city that Yuan Tan noticed in advance?" Dian Wei whispered.

Lu Bu said: "This is the best opportunity to seize Linzi. As long as our army can enter the city, the rest will be much simpler." Through the news from the city, Lu Bu concluded that the defenders are no longer fighting against their own army. Too much fighting spirit, changing to the army of other princes, will not be any better. It will withstand successive attacks, and even the enemy’s clothes will not be touched. It is not only aggrieved, but also deep. Deep fear.

At the same time, the battle at the city gate has reached a feverish level. The private soldiers are not afraid of death, and the defenders refuse to give up. After seeing this situation, the Patriarchs of the five families are worried, and the defenders at the city gate broke out. With such a powerful combat capability, they were completely beyond their expectations. Although there were two hundred defenders at the city gate, they were still holding back the actions of the private soldiers.

According to the previous plan, as long as Hu Zhao mobilized part of the defenders of the city gate, the speed of seizing the city gate would inevitably be faster.

Wang Yue frowned, shouted angrily, and drew his sword forward.

"Kill!" The long sword in Wang Yue's hand changed in the eyes of the defenders one after another. They could only see a little bit of sword light flashing, and then they knew nothing about it. The army brought a lot of shock, and many soldiers looked at Wang Yue with fear in their eyes.

Seeing this, the heads of the five families showed surprises in their expressions. They did not expect that Wang Yue turned out to be such a master. The appearance of a master is crucial to the situation at this time. Important role.

But seeing where Wang Yue went with his sword, there must be a defender falling down. In just a moment, the number of defenders who died in Wang Yue’s hands had reached sixteen. This shock was definitely for the defenders at this time. Fatal, many defenders looked at Wang Yue with horror in their eyes. The first reaction to seeing Wang Yue's arrival was not to step forward but to avoid.

The lieutenant who was in charge of commanding the battle at the gate of the city hid among the soldiers. From Wang Yue's move to the present, no one in the defending army can survive two rounds in his hands. This is absolute strength, the lieutenant is sure. Yes, once he shows up, Wang Yue will inevitably be ushered in.

Although the defenders had exploded their fighting power when dealing with private soldiers of the family, when facing masters like Wang Yue, they would instinctively choose to avoid them, and no one wanted to die by the enemy's sword like this.

Although the lieutenant was hidden in time, Wang Yue noticed the existence of the lieutenant before he charged.

"Dead!" Time is running out, and Wang Yue's shots are all killers.

The shadow guards hidden among the private soldiers took the opportunity to move closer to Wang Yue. Although the shadow guards had only a dozen people, they were invincible under the leadership of Wang Yue and directly tore the front formation of the defending army.

The sword light trembled. After seeing Wang Yue, the lieutenant did not stop Wang Yue's powerful sword even though he kept ordering the soldiers to step forward.

The captain's eyes widened and he slowly fell down. His expression was full of unwillingness, because when he was dying, he saw that the private soldiers of the family had already shown no support under the attack of the city's defenders. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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