Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1394: : Breaking Linzi (4)

"Killing Lu Bu is the opportunity of the Qingzhou Army. As long as Lu Bu dies, there will be a huge turnaround in the battlefield. Jizhou might fall into Yuan Shao's hands because of this." Zhao Rui thought secretly, and then looked at Lu Bu. However, his gaze is no longer the fear before, but shows a crazy color.

This is Zhao Rui's opportunity. If he can grasp it, he will become a pivotal general under Yuan Shao's command and the greatest benefactor of the Yuan family.

"Kill!" Zhao Rui gave the order.

The soldiers around Zhao Rui are elite compared to the ordinary soldiers of the Qingzhou Army. There are many soldiers from the Jizhou Army among them. The ability to come to Qingzhou from the battlefield of Jizhou is a proof of their strength.

However, when facing Lu Bu, their expressions were a little hesitant. After a series of wars, the person the soldiers of the Jizhou Army were most unwilling to face was probably Lu Bu. Meeting Lu Bu on the battlefield meant more often. Death

For Zhao Rui's order, they did not hesitate too much.

Lv Bu led more than twenty cavalry soldiers into the so-called elite soldiers of the Qingzhou Army in Zhao Rui’s eyes. Everywhere they passed, people turned their backs on their horses, but the guards at the rear were killed at this time and followed. The direction of Lu Bu's rush to further expand the results.

A quarter of an hour later, the elite soldiers in Zhao Rui's eyes faced the charge of more than 200 cavalry, and showed no support. They could say that they did their best. Fighting the cavalry with infantry is not only a psychological pressure, but also a crushing force. , Not only to guard against the killing of cavalry, the most important thing is to guard against the impact of war horses.

Fighting cavalry, for infantry, is not only a challenge, but also torture. As long as it is a normal soldier, they are not willing to fight with the cavalry on the battlefield.

After the personal guards headed by Lu Bu tore the formation of the Qingzhou Army, Zhao Rui appeared in Lu Bu's field of vision.

Zhao Rui's expression was full of panic, and he could see exactly how brave just Lu Bu was.

"Kill!" The painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand strenuously waved, and the two Qingzhou cavalrymen who were trying to stop were directly swept down. This powerful scene deeply shocked the surrounding soldiers, although they had heard of Lu Bu's various things before. Now that I saw it with my own eyes, I felt even more chilling.

Looking at Lu Bu who seemed to kill a god, all the Qingzhou army soldiers who saw Lu Bu killed would not evade. It was not that they were unwilling to step forward, but that they did not dare to step forward. If possible, they would rather flee.

Zhao Rui stared at all of this blankly. He was surrounded by the most elite soldiers in the Qingzhou Army, who behaved so unbearably when facing Lv Bu.

"The enemy will die!" Lü Bu shouted and launched a charge towards Zhao Rui.

Zhao Rui's eyes tightened, he even saw the tingling glow of the painted halberd against the flames, and couldn't help tightening the spear in his hand. In terms of martial arts, he can only be regarded as average among the generals of the Qingzhou Army, leading the battle. It does have some abilities.

People took advantage of their horses, painted halberds wrapped in the sound of breaking the sky, and came towards Zhao Rui. The soldiers around him had already distanced themselves from Zhao Rui, lest they would accidentally be injured in the process of Lu Bu's charge, not to mention that they had to face each other. For the dozens of guards who followed Lü Bu, the combat effectiveness of these guards made them a little tired.

Zhao Rui shook his spirits and shouted. The spear in his hand did not choose to resist the painting halberd. Instead, he stabbed the spear at Lu Bu at this time. The intention was obvious. If Lu Bu killed him, he could also be injured. To Lu Bu.

Many generals of the Qingzhou Army saw this scene and marveled at Zhao Rui's choice. Zhao Rui was a temporary figure who was able to make such a choice in the face of the crisis of life and death.

Zhao Rui’s idea is very good. However, he faced Lu Bu, but seeing the halberd in Lu Bu’s hand lightly, it contained all Zhao Rui’s hopeful shots, so he drew the halberd for Lu Bu and then painted it. The speed of the halberd was not reduced, and he took Zhao Rui directly.

Zhao Rui's complexion changed drastically, and he wanted to do his best to dodge. The strength from the spear just now only made him barely keep his figure on the battle horse, and it was difficult to avoid it.

The sound of painting a halberd cutting into the flesh is so clear in Zhao Rui’s ears. He feels the power in his body passing through the wound. His eyes are full of unwillingness. Whoever walks to this position. Not far away to die easily.

Zhao Rui’s death caused a lot of turmoil in the Qingzhou Army. The main general was killed in battle, which destroyed the fighting spirit of the defenders to a greater extent. The reason why some soldiers still resists stubbornly is because their main general is still there. Once the master is killed in battle, their choice is to escape.

The soldiers of the Qingzhou Army continued to flee under the chasing of their guards, while the gates and walls were seized by their soldiers.

The city gate was wide open, and the Bianzhou Army, who was waiting in full battle, began to enter the city. Their entry into the city meant that the most important anomalous battle for Qingzhou might come to an end.

There are five thousand soldiers behind Yuan Tan. This is the force gathered in a hurry. It is not only the chaos at the city gate, but also the killings in the city. This is the family's cooperation with the enemy outside the Yuan Tan didn't dare to ignore it.

With 5,000 soldiers, Yuan Tan has a lot of confidence. Yuan Tan has already heard of what happened before the city gate. He secretly rejoices that the lieutenant guarding the city wall can make such a heroic move at a critical moment, the same. Most people will not choose to resist, but to obey. After all, the enemy forces outside the city are very powerful at this time.

At most, they would be able to reach the city wall in a quarter of an hour, but Yuan Tan frowned and felt something wrong. If his soldiers were fighting with the enemy, it would be impossible for them to shout on the battlefield.

As soon as doubts arose in his mind, Yuan Tan felt the ground tremble slightly.

"Cavalry?" Yuan Tan exclaimed in horror, "Everyone is ready to meet the enemy, the pikemen stepped forward, and the archers were ready."

At the critical moment, Yuan Tan's commanding ability is indeed far beyond ordinary generals.

Five thousand soldiers of the Qingzhou Army, after a moment of confusion, under the command of the general, began to fight against the enemy’s cavalry. Two of the Qingzhou sergeants at the forefront of the battle line fell directly to the ground. They were just now The soldiers who joined the army not long ago saw the scene of cavalry killing all over the world, and the fear in their hearts grew infinitely.

The fearful mood spreads through the army at the fastest speed when the enemy is in the field of vision. In the dark, the cavalry rumbles and kills. Many soldiers of the Qingzhou Army can’t even see the enemy’s appearance, so they have to usher in the enemy. Of swords and guns.

Regardless of the performance of the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army at the front, when the enemy arrived, they did not dare to retreat. They understood that once they chose to retreat, they would only die. The team responsible for supervision in the rear would not be merciful. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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