Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1400: : Ju Yi returns to the army

When Lu Bu entered the power and merged with the state, Yuan Shao didn’t take it to heart. In his opinion, Lu Bu and Gongsun Zan were generally brave generals and could not be regarded as opponents. However, Lu Bu used **** lessons to let Yuan Shao understand what terrible is. The generals, not only Yuan Shao, but also other princes who mentioned Lv Bu now, also had many fears.

Especially when it comes to cavalry, even if they are constantly imitated by the princes, it is difficult to surpass the cavalry under Lu Bu. In terms of combat effectiveness, the cavalry under Lu Bu has reached a terrible level. Their existence is to fight and to win.

"In any case, Benhou will not give up easily, even if you die, it won't let you succeed so easily." Yuan Shao's expression became more and more determined. He was able to see Lu Bu seizing the world through Lu Bu's actions. Ambition.

Not only Yuan Shu at the beginning, as long as he was an ambitious prince, he did not want to touch the supreme position. The chaos of the Han Dynasty was just an opportunity for the princes. How many heroes paid the price of their lives for the highest position. .

Looking at the big man today, the most likely to accomplish this are Cao Cao and Lu Bu. As for Sun Ce of Jiangdong, although brave, if he can't break Jingzhou, he can only stay in Jiangdong. It is difficult to really last long, and Liu Bei wants to get from Jingzhou. It is somewhat difficult to survive this crisis.

After walking out of the camp, Ju Yi felt the discomfort. In the eyes of outsiders, Ju Yi's complexion looked much paler than before.

"General!" The two soldiers outside the camp hurriedly clasped their fists and saluted. They already knew that Ju Yi had returned to his normal status. They looked at Ju Yi with a little fear in their eyes. During the period of time Ju Yi was imprisoned, they did not listen. Feng Ji's order was secretly embarrassed.

Ju Yi seemed to have no interest in these little people like them, waved his hand, and went to the direction of the army's big account. After leaving the army for a month, Ju Yi was extremely worried about the soldiers who died in Xianden, those soldiers. He knew very well about his character. Once they didn't have them, they would definitely dismiss other generals. In annoyance, the general in charge of Xiandeng Dead could still do some crazy things.

The Great Account of the Chinese Army used to be absolutely majestic in Ju Yi's eyes. For some reason, he did not feel solemn when he came to the Great Account of the Chinese Army again. "Could this be because of secretly taking refuge in others?" Ju Yi said inwardly.

Not only that, when meeting Yuan Shao, Ju Yi realized that he was not as afraid as before. It seemed that the person in front of him was just a normal person.

Noting the change in Ju Yi's expression, Yuan Shao coughed lightly: "General Ju, now our army has reached the most critical moment. It was because Benhou had received an error in the information before, and General Ju was wronged."

Ju Yi hurriedly clasped his fists and said: "The lord has an order, and his subordinates will die without hesitation."

Yuan Shao nodded with satisfaction, "As long as he can defeat the enemy, he will be rewarded by his merits, and now the matter of meritorious rewards has been communicated to the soldiers, and General Ju will understand him after he returns to the army." Ju Yi and Yuan Shao still have confidence. The reason why he promised Feng Ji to detain Ju Yi temporarily was because he was too arrogant in normal times, and he did not have much respect for him. This is What no monarch wants to see.

"At the end, he will definitely complete the task assigned by the lord." Ju Yi saluted again.

"Well, after General Ju returns to the army, he will train his soldiers carefully, and soon our army will fight the enemy's decisive battle." Yuan Shaodao.

"Here." Ju Yi left after agreeing.

In the camp where the dead Xiandeng was located, seeing Ju Yi appear, the dead Xiandeng outside the camp showed surprise. Although they did not resist after Ju Yi was arrested, they were extremely worried about Ju Yi deep down. , If they receive Ju Yi's order, they will not violate the slightest. This is the trust in Ju Yi. Only Ju Yi can lead the dead.

The Xiandeng dead soldiers were using their methods to fight against Yuan Shao's orders. The generals in charge of the Xiandeng dead soldiers were helpless to the Xiandeng dead soldiers. If they were punished, they might cause resistance from these soldiers.

The generals in charge of the Xiandeng dead men are the people of Fengji. In fact, the power is still aside. As long as Ju Yi returns, this situation will change immediately. This is the influence of Ju Yi in the Xiandeng dead men. force.

"I have seen the general!" The two soldiers clasped their fists in unison, their voices full of excitement.

"Get up!" Ju Yi said lightly, and then walked towards the place where the army was stationed.

The two soldiers who were first ascended to the dead were not surprised by Ju Yi’s indifferent words. This is their general. The ordinary Ju Yi is like this. However, when the soldiers under his command were bullied, Ju Yi’s performance It is extremely crazy When Ju Yi came back, the generals above the deceased leader gathered in the camp where Ju Yi was waiting.

"General!" The lieutenant general said in unison.

Ju Yi nodded and said: "During this period of time when this general was absent, I have wronged you."

Many generals heard that their eyes were red, and their grievances are nothing. As long as Ju Yi can come out of this crisis, everything is worth it. In order to allow Yuan Shao to release Ju Yi, he will be the first to die. The generals were fighting in their own way, making Feng Ji helpless for the first-time soldiers.

Among the dead Xiandeng soldiers, the soldiers obeyed the orders of Ju Yi the most. Ju Yi was their heaven, and even Yuan Shao's orders did not have any effect on Ju Yi's orders, and Ju Yi really paid for the dead Xiandeng soldiers. A lot of hard work.

That night, Feng Ji dispatched envoys quietly outside the city.

With previous experience, the messenger quickly saw Hu Chuquan.

"My lord has already told Yehou about the general, and Yehou agreed. If the general is willing to help our army, after the incident, Jiuyuan County and Yunzhong County belong to the Huns."

Hu Chuquan was surprised when he heard the words, his hands seemed to be shaking gently because of excitement, "Is it true?"

"What kind of status is Yehou, naturally he has his own words." The messenger said lightly, his expression full of arrogance.

"In addition to the Xiongnu cavalry, Jin Hou’s subordinates had Xianbei cavalry, wolf cavalry, and Lieyang archer. Although Lieyang archers are still on the battlefield, once the two sides fight a decisive battle, Huang Zhong will lead his soldiers and horses back to the army. Although there are three thousand cavalrymen, it is extremely difficult to contain the cavalry under Jinhou." Hu Chuquan said. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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