Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1405: : Yuan Shao decisive battle (3)

The situation on the battlefield continues to spread to the Chinese army, and the battle between the two sides has reached a feverish level. On such a battlefield, unless there is a real defeat, it is impossible for the soldiers in front to withdraw from the battlefield. Only by advancing and winning on the battlefield will it be possible to save lives.

"Huang Zhong was sent to attack." Lu Bu ordered.

Leading the cavalry, Huang Zhong quietly observed the movements on the battlefield. After receiving Lü Bu’s order, he did not hesitate to charge the enemy. The Lieyang archers are best at riding and shooting. The role is to kill the enemy as much as possible. They don't need to launch a death charge against the enemy, in order to see what kind of cards the enemy has on such a battlefield.

Guo Jiadao: "Master, his subordinates think that Yuan Shao has more than just these killer moves. The enemy's bed crossbows have not all appeared. Maybe they are on the enemy's flank, preparing to cause damage to our cavalry."

Lu Bu nodded slightly. It was for this reason that Huang Zhong led the Lieyang archer to dispatch. The Lieyang archer could not match the speed of other cavalry. Even in the face of the sudden appearance of the enemy's bed crossbow, he could still do it. When it comes to avoidance, in this battle, one's own side occupies an absolute advantage, especially in the number of cavalry. You only need to use these cavalry correctly to achieve victory.

The arrival of the Lieyang Bow Cavalry has caused a lot of trouble to the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army. They need to guard against the bows and arrows of the enemy cavalry. A little carelessness is the end of death. Not every soldier can have armor. Many Qingzhou sergeants used low-cost leather armor. As the number of sergeants increased, it would be a considerable expense to take on the armor and blades of these soldiers.

Huang Zhong led the Lieyang Archer to give full play to its advantages on the battlefield. Only relying on the bow and arrow caused the enemy to suffer a lot of damage. The Lieyang Archer who is good at riding and shooting knows how to give the enemy when charging. The army caused the most damage.

At this moment, the soldiers on the flanks suddenly dispersed. What greeted the Lieyang archers were hundreds of bed crossbows. The crossbows on these bed crossbows had been wound in order to accidentally cause damage to the enemy.

Huang Zhong's expression changed drastically. The enemy soldiers dispersed too suddenly, while Lieyang Archer was riding a horse and shooting arrows. If he wanted to change direction in a short time, it would be difficult for the cavalry to do just that. Try to avoid it.

The roaring crossbow arrows caused damage to nearly a hundred cavalry. However, wherever the crossbow arrows pass, there is no reason to be spared. Not to mention the sun archers. Even the heavy cavalry can only avoid them after encountering the bed crossbow. Edge

Huang Zhong's complexion became low, and the timing of the enemy generals' choices was too clever, otherwise, the damage of the Lieyang Archer could be reduced by half.

After avoiding the crossbow arrows, the Lieyang Archer slew to the enemy without hesitation.

The scattered Jizhou sergeant pawns stepped forward tacitly and blocked the attack from the Lieyang archers, while the soldiers who controlled the bed crossbow from the rear wound the crossbow at the fastest speed.

However, these cavalry were somewhat stretched in the face of the Lieyang Archer’s charge, and after knowing the direction of the enemy’s bed crossbow, the Lieyang Archer had more defenses in the next battle, which seemed to be expected. At this point, the thousands of Jizhou army cavalry who had been silent all came to the Lieyang archers.

The number of Xiandeng dead soldiers in Ju Yi's hands was only 400. Although the number has decreased, the fighting spirit of Xiandeng dead soldiers has not weakened in the slightest.

The battle has lasted for two hours. The soldiers on both sides are a little tired in this high-intensity fight. The more they come to this time, they will not retreat. Only by persisting can they win the final victory. The soldiers of the Qingzhou Army. They also gradually wake up from the initial madness, especially after seeing the endless death of the robe around them, their original desire for rewarding money is gradually weakening. If they die on the battlefield, rewarding money is for them. What use is it, of course, this is just the idea of ​​a small number of wise soldiers.

As the chief general of the army, the last thing you want to see is such wise soldiers. They need soldiers to become crazy in the battle, and go to the battlefield without hesitation for an order from the chief general.

The appearance of the Lieyang Archer made Yuan Shao have to expose the bed crossbow, and the performance of the Lieyang Archer was too cunning, and he could only rely on his cavalry to entangle the Lieyang Archer.

The battlefield was in a stalemate for a while.

Yuan Shao was a little anxious about the current situation on the battlefield. The enemy only dispatched two thousand Sunbow Cavaliers and revealed his own card. There were not only Sunbow Cavaliers but also Pound led by the enemy. The Xianbei cavalry, and the heavy cavalry led by Zhang Liao, originally these bed crossbows were prepared for the heavy cavalry. Who knows that the enemy army was the first to send out the Lieyang archers, if not the soldiers on the flanks appeared when facing the Lieyang archers. In view of the major damage, Yuan Shao will definitely not let the bed crossbow be On such a huge battlefield, it is obviously impossible to transfer the bed crossbow from one side to the other. Yes, the enemy army will not give them this opportunity. The only thing they can do is to cooperate with their cavalry to cause the greatest damage to the enemy's cavalry.

"Lord, it seems that Yuan Shao wants to rely on the bed crossbow and cavalry to deal with our army. On the other side, it must be the first to climb the dead. If the Xiongnu cavalry suddenly rebels as Yuan Shao expected, it will be for our army. It will indeed cause no small impact." Guo Jiadao.

Lü Bu coldly snorted: "The Huns cavalry dare not betray. They can't bear the anger of the prince, not to mention the heavy cavalry behind the Huns."

When the battle was originally formulated, the reason the wolf cavalry was placed behind the Huns cavalry was to prevent accidents on the battlefield. After all, the Huns cavalry are aliens. On such a battlefield, everything is possible. occurring. "

"Now that the two sides have been fighting for two hours, it's time to show the final killer." Lu Bu said slowly.

Guo Jia looked horrified when he heard the words, and said yes.

"Ling Gao Shun led the camp to attack the enemy!" Lu Bu commanded: "Ling Pound, led two thousand cavalry, launched an offensive, to support Huang Zhong."

"It was ordered that Hu Chuquan led the cavalry out, and Zhang Liao then covered and killed!"

After a series of orders were issued, the battlefield that was in a stalemate suddenly changed.

Gao Shun led the trapped camp and appeared in front of the army, bringing about cruel killings. Under the close cooperation and absolute protection of the trapped camp, the Qingzhou army soldiers suffered heavy casualties. The trapped camp rushed into the Qingzhou army like a black torrent. , Wherever he goes, people turn their backs on their backs. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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