Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1408: : Yuan Shao decisive battle (6)

"Ling the army, launch a full-scale charge!" Yuan Shao's face was crazy. He had a chance to win, but there have been successive changes. What hurt him the most was Ju Yi's betrayal.

The sound of war drums on the battlefield suddenly became denser. The Qingzhou Army, which was fighting, burst out even more powerful combat power when they heard the drums. They knew that this was also an order for a full charge, everyone. Will fight hard.

After hearing the changes in the drums of the Qingzhou Army, Lu Bu shouted: "Send command to the three armies, attack! Wolf ride, follow Benhou to charge!"

The sound of war drums in Lu Bu's army suddenly became deep and dense, giving people a sense of excitement, and the blood seemed to boil at this moment.

Amid the sound of the war drums, the Chituhorse turned faster. In the end, a Qingzhou army general in front of the battle line only saw a fiery red figure attacking, and then died of consciousness and crashed down.

"It's Jinhou!" A general pointed in the direction where Lu Bu was, and his voice was full of excitement. The news that Lu Bu shot himself was spreading at an extremely fast speed in the army. It's even more exciting than the drums just now.

Taking the lead is nothing for a general, but when the lead is placed on the main general, it will bring unexpected changes. The main general is not afraid of death, let alone the generals in the army, so psychological. Next, they will put life and death aside to the greatest extent.

Lu Bu, who rushed into the Qingzhou Army, was like a **** of war from the nine days. Every time he wielded the halberd, it would take the life of the Qingzhou Army generals. From Lu Bu's shot to the present, they have never seen Lu Bu kill one person twice, even though In the eyes of the Qingzhou sergeant, he was a general with good martial arts, and it was still the case.

However, this kind of deterrence cannot affect the madness of Qingzhou sergeants and soldiers, especially when Lu Bu appeared, many of them were very excited. In their eyes, Lu Bu represented not only millions of dollars, but also the great improvement of their status in the army in the future. , Is the key to their great transformation from an ordinary soldier to a general.

Even if they knew Lu Bu's toughness, these soldiers launched a defying charge against Lu Bu.

But on the battlefield, even though Lu Bu was entangled by enemy soldiers, he was able to do well, and the Red Rabbit Horse was even more spiritual. The Qingzhou Army soldiers who secretly attacked, failed, but attracted the Red Rabbit Horse to collide.

Although the horse under Dian Wei is good, its speed is hard to compare with the Red Rabbit Horse. Seeing the scene around Lu Bu, Dian Wei shouted and waved his double halberd to kill him. Then the wolf rider, It is centered on Lu Bu and Dianwei, and constantly kills the enemy soldiers rushing up all around.

Lu Bu didn't expect that the Qingzhou Army would be so crazy under these rewards. Didn't they think that if Yuan Shao failed on the battlefield, it meant that they would get nothing.

The soldiers blinded by money and interests completely put life and death aside.

However, the wolf cavalry who appeared with Lu Bu was a team with absolute strength. The wolf cavalry's defense made it difficult for the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army to do more. The wolf cavalry's charge was enough to disrupt the formation of the Qingzhou Army.

The death of a famous Qingzhou army soldier gradually awoke the crazy soldiers. Many soldiers looked at the wolf with awe, especially when the wolf was charging, the damage to the soldier was just a collision. Then he can smash the soldiers into the air. Under such a powerful charge, even if Yuan Shao has a lot of rewards, what can he do.

The most dazzling thing on the battlefield is Lu Bu. Fang Tian painted a halberd in his hand. The number of generals and soldiers who died in his hands reached 30 in a short period of time. The speed of killing the enemy is very terrifying, and the most lethal What they were frightened was that it would be difficult for Lu Bu to injure Lu Bu, whether it was an open gun or a siege.

Many soldiers could not bear the fear in their hearts and scattered to the side. This behavior affected more soldiers in the rear. Although they were extremely crazy in order to reward money, they felt a greater sense after waking up in the face of true life and death. fear.

Some generals even hid among the soldiers early. When the wolf cavalry charged and fell into the camp, even though the drums of their own all-out attack had already sounded, they seemed to be far less important than their own lives, especially some. Generals with experience on the battlefield, they know how to save their lives on the battlefield.

Hu Chuquan led the Xiongnu cavalry to wreak havoc in the camp of the Qingzhou Army. These alien cavalry were originally despised by the Han, but with their swords and guns they won the respect of the generals of Lu Bu. During the war, the Huns’ The performance is extremely crazy. Once you charge, you will never die. The temper of the war will completely arouse the blood in the chest of the Huns cavalry.

The Qingzhou army generals evaded where they led and led the dead. They were no strangers to Ju Yi, and even had some speculations about Ju Yi’s sudden betrayal Before Ju Yi was imprisoned Get up, as a general in the army, what kind of arrogance Ju Yi is, how can he give up after such grievances? It is not so much that Ju Yi betrayed Yuan Shao, it is better to say that it is the betrayal forced by Feng Ji general Ju Yi. NS.

Ju Yi's face was cold, the Qingzhou army generals were afraid of him, but he did not have the slightest pity in his eyes. As the saying goes, he needs credit to improve his status under Lu Bu. Since he has decided to take refuge in Lu Bu. , It is necessary to have enough credit to get the desired position after the war is over. After Yuan Shao's suspicion and the death of his deputy Zhao Qiang, the old paoze friendship has gradually dissipated.

Like many generals, Ju Yi is an ambitious person. He is uncomfortable with the status quo. This is not to say that he will betray, but that he needs to get greater recognition through the battlefield. Yuan Shao has always been jealous of him and keeps him on the battlefield. Although he has made great achievements, his status has not been improved too much. If it were not for the violent deaths and injuries in the army, I am afraid that Ju Yi would still be Yuan Shaoxuezang.

Ju Yi is the first group of generals to follow Yuan Shao. After receiving such treatment, one can imagine the dissatisfaction in his heart. The interrogation for every discipline was a fuse.

Xiandeng dead soldiers are the absolute elites in the Qingzhou Army. Some Qingzhou Army soldiers may not be afraid of the soldiers under Lu Bu, but they are more afraid of Ju Yi. They are in the army and hear more of them. The prestige of Deng Shishi, this is the Xian Deng Shi Shi who defeated the famous Baima Yi.

The Qingzhou Army's resistance was very small where Xiandeng's dead man passed. Ju Yi saw the banner of the Chinese Army not far away. As long as he could defeat the Chinese Army and capture Yuan Shao alive, his Ju Yi would be the biggest of the battle. Hero. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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