Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1414: : Vice Admiral Huang Zhong

"Han Sheng will return to the army to prepare. In addition to Han Sheng's Lieyang archers, there will be 7,000 Youzhou Army troops going to Qingzhou, and then Han Sheng will recruit 10,000 soldiers in Qingzhou."

"Here." Huang Zhong clasped his fist.

After walking out of the room, Dianwei stepped forward and smiled: "Congratulations to General Huang for becoming the chief general of the Qingzhou Army."

"When will Dian Commander lead a soldier? If Dian Commander intends, how can the leader of the Qingzhou Army take the old man's turn." Huang Zhongdao.

These remarks were obviously very useful to Dian Wei, and he smiled: "This commander must always follow the lord's side to protect the lord's safety, but you will leave the lord's side one after another."

Huang Zhong also sighed in the same way.

"This commander remembers that the lord had taken great pains to get General Huang to Bingzhou." Dianwei laughed.

Huang Zhong's face turned red and said, "It was the old man who misunderstood the lord."

"After arriving in Qingzhou, the old man asks Dian to lead the drinking, and he won't be drunk or return." Huang Zhongdao;

"The commander's favorite is drinking, then General Huang, don't give up." Dian Wei laughed.

After the two talked for a while, Huang Zhong left and became the commander of the army, who needed to take care of more problems.

Although Ji Ling has become one of the nine generals under Lu Bu's command, he is also relatively high among the nine generals, but on the battlefield, Ji Ling's performance is not outstanding, so Ji Ling's heart is not depressed. He took refuge in Lu Bu's time. It's not short anymore, the only thing missing is the opportunity to become famous on the battlefield. When attacking Xianbei, Ji Ling had made great achievements, otherwise, I am afraid that he will not be in the position of the nine generals.

As an aspiring general, Ji Ling has always hoped to be able to make achievements on the battlefield. However, his soldiers are nothing but pawns. There is nothing extraordinary. Even though Ji Ling's martial arts is not weak, he wants to rely on these soldiers to obtain Greater achievements have no small difficulties.

It is said that Ji Ling, as a general, can achieve today's achievements, which is enough to make other generals envy, but Ji Ling is not satisfied, especially after the new changes in the military system, who does not want to get his position. Promotion, especially after you have Youzhou, Bingzhou, Jizhou, Qingzhou, Sili, and Hanzhong under Lv Bu's rule, these strengths can be said to be the top princes in the world. If possible, they might become the best people in the world.

In the repeated battles, the princes have already shown their ambitions. No one wants to succumb to others. The depression from the top has disappeared in the successive decline of the Han room. The needs of the princes for the Han room, It's just the name.

Ji Ling, who was training soldiers in the army, learned that Huang Zhong had arrived, and was taken aback. Huang Zhong was the commander of the Lieyang Archer, and he was the general of the foot soldiers. There was not much overlap between the two sides, but the two of them were equally The generals of the Union State Army have a common word on this point.

"I don't know if the old General Huang is coming, there is a long way to go." Ji Ling clasped his fist.

Huang Zhong smiled and said, "General Ji must have made some gains on the battlefield this time."

"Naturally cannot be compared with General Huang." Ji Ling said.

Hearing the bitterness in Ji Ling's words, Huang Zhong whispered: "General Ji, but now there is a credit waiting for the general to go, I wonder if General Ji is willing?"

When Ji Ling heard the words, his eyes lit up. What he lacks most is the opportunity to make contributions on the battlefield. "I don't know what General Huang said?"

"Qingzhou." Huang Zhong whispered.

Ji Ling pondered for a while and understood the meaning of Huang Zhong’s words. Although Qingzhou was under Lv Bu’s rule, it is still unstable. Especially Qingzhou has the existence of the yellow turban remnants. These rebels are represented in the eyes of military generals. It is credit.

"The lord let the old man be the chief general in the Qingzhou army. If General Ji is willing to help, it will definitely make Qingzhou more stable." Huang Zhongdao.

With a move in Ji Ling's heart, following Huang Zhong to Qingzhou, it means that he has become a lieutenant in the Qingzhou army. This position is attractive enough for a military commander. Huang Zhong can mention him in front of such good things. , Ji Ling was extremely moved, and immediately clasped his fists and said: "Old General Huang has orders, but the general will die without hesitation."

"General Ji is polite. The general is the lord's beloved general. The old man dare not let the general die, but after arriving in Qingzhou, he needs to retrain the soldiers." Huang Zhongdao.

Ji Ling said: "This is something that should be done." Even so, there was still a bit of reluctance in his heart. These soldiers have followed him for many years.

After talking with Ji Ling, Zhang Xiu’s place is much easier. Huang Zhong and Zhang Xiu have cooperated many times. The two are very familiar with each other. Huang Zhong appreciates Zhang Xiu's ability very much, and Zhang Xiu admires Huang Zhong's strength. As for not being able to bring the soldiers selected from the Xiliang Army at the beginning, Zhang Xiu didn't have much opinion. After coming to Lu Bu's command, he could clearly feel the difference between Lv Bu's general can't May stay in one position forever, unless there is no plan to do more.

Besides, even if Zhang Xiu leaves, he can recommend the generals to lead the Xiliang soldiers, and the generals still have this power.

Nowadays, Lu Bu has the Chang'an Army, Jizhou Army, Bingzhou Army, and Youzhou Army under his command. The officers of each department did not have too many conflicts in training and cooperation. The treatment of the officers of each department is the same. What they have to do is how to be on the battlefield. Get credit and fight for face for your master.

Not only are there competitions among the generals, the chief generals of the various armies in the future will certainly have competition. Those who can control the armies of the states are the most prominent generals under Lu Bu's command. Of course, becoming the lieutenant of these armies is a great opportunity for a military future. Said it is also a great honor.

Faced with Huang Zhong’s invitation, Zhang Xiu naturally agreed without hesitation. Now the Qingzhou army is waiting to be revived. If it can make the Qingzhou army stronger, it will be a great contribution. Huang Zhong is at this time. Zhang Xiu is extremely excited to think of him, and one can imagine his gratitude to Huang Zhong.

Becoming a commander of an army is a manifestation of success for a general. Of course, if anyone can be favored by the commander of an army, the future achievements can be imagined.

Yuan Shao was defeated and Gan Ling surrendered. One can imagine the situation of Bohai. Although the prefect of Bohai appointed for Yuan Shao did not want to lose his power, he valued his wealth and life more.

After the Bohai prefect, Lu Bu immediately ordered Zhu Ling to lead three thousand soldiers and horses to the Bohai Sea. Zhu Ling had a high prestige in the Bohai Sea. This time the Bohai betrayal, you can imagine how angry Lv Bu was and welcomed the Bohai family. It is a huge test. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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