Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1417: : Zhuge Liang's Means

Regardless of what achievements Liu Bei has achieved after taking over Jingzhou, to the family and officials in Jingzhou, Liu Bei has always been an outsider. The arrival of Liu Bei has brought about the loss of the family's strength and the war in Jingzhou.

There are many families who secretly dissatisfied Liu Bei, but because of the army in the city, they dare not be too presumptuous, and the arrival of Cao Jun is their chance to drive Liu Bei out of Jingzhou.

"So to speak, it needs to be discussed in the long term." Kuai Yue said.

Now that the two have reached a consensus, many things are much easier when planning.

"Brother, Cao Cao has secretly sent an envoy to the Kuaijia family. If we can discuss this matter with the envoy, after Cao Jun enters the city, the Kuaijia family will definitely get more benefits. At the same time, we can support Liu Cong to become the emperor. Liu Qinai He is a lustful person, indulged in drinking all day, how can such characters become the emperor of the big man." Kuai Yue said in a low voice with excitement.

"This matter is important. We will talk about it after meeting with the messenger, and we must be careful. If the news is leaked, the Kuai family will be in great danger." Kuailiang warned that this idea is not overnight. Liu Bei's threats can only support Liu Qi to become emperor. He originally thought that he could become an important figure in the court with such credit. Unexpectedly, Liu Bei seemed to have forgotten him after the incident, and Kuailiang's position is still one of the nine princes. It seemed that Liu Bei would feel relieved only if he did not have much power and strength in his hands. This situation made Kuailiang disgusted Liu Bei and at the same time he wanted to drive Liu Bei out of Jingzhou in this way.

Cao Cao led the army to attack Jingzhou, which was a huge opportunity for the Kuai family. Compared with Liu Bei, Cao Cao not only possessed extraordinary strength, but also had a strong army. Although Liu Bei claimed to be a clan of the Han clan, he was unable to investigate. out.

However, the Kuai family still ignores Zhuge Liang’s strengths. On the bright side, there are soldiers monitoring the Kuai family. There are also many secretly in the two families, especially when a stranger enters and exits the Kuai family’s mansion when Xiangyang is most sensitive. And the whereabouts are concealed, these are enough to make Zhuge Liang more vigilant.

In the middle of the night three days later, a thousand soldiers suddenly surrounded the Kuaijia family and controlled Kuailiang and Kuaiyue.

Looking at Jian Yong with a smile on his face, Kuailiang snorted coldly: "I am one of the nine qings. If you treat the official like this, don't you be afraid of being reprimanded by the Lord?"

Jian Yong sneered: "If it weren't for the military master to stop him, would you think that the current Kuai family could still be preserved? What's ridiculous is that you, who claim to be important ministers of Jingzhou, are secretly preparing to take refuge in Cao Cao. If you are allowed to succeed, It is the greatest harm to Jingzhou."

"It's nonsense, the official is loyal to the sage, and Cao Cao is just a rebel, how can the official take refuge in it?" Kuai Liang said sternly.

"Regardless of whether you take refuge in Cao Cao or not, the official will give the Kuai family innocence. If it is really done by the Kuai family, the official will directly kill you two." Jian Yong said.

The hearts of Kuailiang and Kuai Yue couldn't be calm, they did this very secretly, and they didn't expect Jian Yong to get the news in advance.

The Kuaijia family was surrounded by the Jingzhou Army, and it might be in danger at any time, which once again caused the turbulence of the family in the city.

In the face of Jian Yong’s condemnation, Kuailiang did not show any weakness. Although Kuai Yue on the side was frightened, he would not have the slightest omission in his words. Once this kind of thing was said, it would only bring a terrible danger to an army. , Just like the current Kuaijia.

Knowing that the people of the Kuai family were secretly preparing for betrayal, Zhuge Liang's face was pale, and Zhuge Liang had always been on guard against the Kuai family.

The Kuai family was unwilling to be reconciled to the current family background and wanted to achieve greater development, so it was bound to gain the trust of the monarch, and even after Kuai's more loyalty, they still beware of the Kuai family. This is something that the Kuai family can't bear.

As a well-known large family in Jingzhou, there is no doubt that the Kuai family is strong and powerful. After the Kuai family was controlled, the Jingzhou court was shocked, and many officials came forward to intercede for the Kuai family.

Seeing these scenes, Zhuge Liang didn't dare to act rashly. He dared to control the Kuai family, but he did not dare to fight against most of the aristocratic families in Jingzhou.

The reason why the aristocratic family in Jingzhou performed this way was because Liu Bei's previous methods against the Cai family shocked them. Once the Kuai family was embarrassed again, it meant that Liu Bei would cover the sky in Jingzhou. This situation is not what the family wants. Yes, but this time they are even more in awe of Zhuge Liang's methods.

After Cao Cao learned of the movement in the city, his expression was relieved a lot. Zhuge Liang's showing of weakness was Cao Jun's opportunity.

"In this way, the family in Jingzhou is still very resistant to Liu Bei." Cao Cao smiled.

Cheng Yu arched his hands and said: "Lord, Liu Bei suddenly attacked Cai Hao on the way from Jingzhou Army to Jingzhou, and thus controlled the Jingzhou Army. After occupying Jingzhou, the Cai family was even forced to rebel. The rebellion in the four counties of Jingnan was caused by Liu Bei. ."

Cao Cao sighed: "It's a pity that our army did not have the strength to attack Jingzhou, otherwise how could Liu Bei have the current situation."

The counsellor in the tent was silent when he heard the words. The defeat of Huguan was a turning point for Lu Bu's further strength. The princes needed to make more efforts to get out of that defeat.

"If you secretly support the Kuai family's aristocratic family, it will definitely have a surprising effect." Cheng Yu said.

Xun You suddenly said: "If Master Cheng does this, I am afraid that he will fall into Zhuge Liang's scheme. After Zhuge Liang joins Liu Bei, Liu Bei can achieve what he is today. The resistance of the Jingzhou family may have been deliberately committed by Zhuge Liang in secret."

Cheng Yu's heart moved, not to rule out this possibility, the Kuai family who secretly took refuge in Cao Jun has been controlled, and the remaining forces of the Cai family must not dare to stand up easily after the last incident.

Cao Cao smiled and said: "Even if Zhuge Liang is resourceful, he can break through Xiangyang with a dignified and upright teacher, leaving him at a loss for himself."

From Cao Cao's body, the counsellor in the tent felt a strong self-confidence.

"Cao Ren led an attack from the west of the city with 20,000 soldiers and horses, Xia Houyuan led an attack from the east of the city with 20,000 soldiers and horses, and Benhou led the rest of the army to attack from the north of the city." Cao Cao said coldly.

"Here." The advisor in the account said in unison.

After Cheng Yu pondered for a while, he understood Cao Cao’s intentions. Zhuge Liang wanted to use the affairs of the Kuai family to investigate the situation of more families. He wanted to use this as an opportunity to eliminate the families who had secretly sought refuge in his side, and Cao Jun would use it. Zhuge Liang was overwhelmed by the mighty forces, and Cao Jun's forces had already formed an absolute suppression of the Jingzhou Army.

The next day, the city of Xiangyang suddenly fell into a crisis. The Cao army had been attacking Xiangyang before, but they used tepid means. Even so, the moats in the east, west, and north of the city have been filled and leveled by the Cao army. Can only meet with Cao Jun. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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