Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1433: : 3 parties meet

Du Yu coldly snorted: "Since you don't listen to this general's words, don't regret it in the future."

The bosses in the field, although nominally Du Yu’s subordinates, they all have military power in their hands. The reason why they are temporarily united is because Yuan Shao’s war in Beihai at the beginning controlled Qingzhou’s most powerful force. The defeat made the rest of the Yellow Turbans turbulent, and Du Yu was the most outstanding at the time, so he attracted other Yellow Turbans to join him.

Du Yu didn't want to completely control this Yellow Turban army, but people who can become the head of the Yellow Turban have certain means. No one wants to subdue to others. Under such a situation, Du Yu dare not act rashly, for fear of alarm. Apart from the other heads of the Yellow Scarf, his status still needs these heads of the Yellow Scarf to maintain.

Compared with Zhao Lu and Chang Chun, Du Yu can be regarded as the strength of the recent rise. Relying on the support of other Yellow Turbans, he has the current status. In fact, in terms of controlling the soldiers and horses under them, Du Yu, Zhao Lu and Chang Chun They are much worse in comparison. Both of them are long-established figures among the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans, but they did not obey Guan Hai's orders and stayed in Qingzhou.

"Send someone to tell Chang Chun and Zhao Li, in the old place, the three parties will meet to discuss dealing with the Han army." Du Yu was silent for a moment and whispered.

The leaders of the three parties guard against each other, but as the leaders, they must be people with certain ambitions. They are on guard against each other. What they have in common is that they are involved in the Qingzhou family. Originally, these Yellow Turbans were generals in the army. There are some relations, but after Lu Bu entered Qingzhou, these conditions have changed. The general level of Qingzhou Army has undergone earth-shaking changes. This makes the three-party leaders extremely jealous of Lu Bu and even more hate them. In order to win over the generals in the army, the three parties At the beginning, I paid no less.

After Zhao Li and Chang Chun received the news sent by Du Yu, they thought a little and agreed.

In order to prevent others from being jealous, the trio just led a hundred soldiers to act as escorts.

After the meeting, Du Yu talked about what he saw in Linzi and Lu Bu's recent actions, and the two fell silent after listening.

Zhao Li and Chang Chun are also unique in being able to go to the leadership position. Otherwise, how can they be preserved under Yuan Shao's rule. Although Yuan Shao has been defeated in Jizhou, his strength in Qingzhou is still strong.

"In that case, Jin Hou is likely to wait for me to shoot?" Zhao Li said.

"Humph, this time provoke Jin Hou, it is because of Du leader, if you don't assassinate Jin Hou, how can you do what you are now." Chang Chun coldly snorted, Du Yu's strength was originally among the three. It was the weakest, but it used means to gather the surrounding yellow turbans, and suddenly became the strongest person, which made Chang Chun extremely dissatisfied.

Du Yu said coldly: "General Chang, you are also a figure in the Yellow Turban Army. Why do you have to say this? If this general succeeds in assassinating Jin Hou, all the Yellow Turbans will benefit, even if this general does not assassinate. Marquis Jin, do you think the Marquis of Jin will allow the Yellow Turban army to be so rampant outside the city? You must have heard of Jin Marquis' methods."

Zhao Li said, "What's going on now is how to fight against the Jin Marquis. Since the Jin Marquis came, the brothers of the Shanzhai have rarely taken action. If it goes on like this, the brothers in the Shanzhai will starve to death without having to attack the Shanzhai. "

"What are you afraid of, how can you shoot? Although Jinhou has 40,000 soldiers and horses in his hands, 30,000 of them are recruited from various counties, and they can't be trained for more than a month, so they can be squeezed on the battlefield." Chang Chun Dao, unlike Zhao Lu and Du Yu's prudence, Chang Chun was a fierce man in the Yellow Turban Army, and he was the one who fought the army the most.

"Since General Chang said so, this general has nothing to say." Du Yu coldly snorted.

Seeing that the two had not reached an agreement, Zhao Li hurriedly said: "If the Marquis of Jin leads an army to attack the cottage, only the three parties can be united in one place to withstand the enemy's attack. Presumably the two don't want to lose their power now."

"Many of the aristocratic families in the city have their hearts on us. As long as these aristocratic families are secretly united, it may not be the same as Lu Buyi's longer and shorter strength." Zhao Li said.

With Zhao Li's coordination, the three temporarily reached an agreement that as long as Lu Bu attacked one of them, the other two sides would send troops and horses to support.

This situation is beneficial to the three parties. The three parties' soldiers and horses together amount to tens of thousands. Even if they confront Lu Bu head-on, Chang Chun has a certain degree of confidence.

"Commander Du has been in charge of the Yellow Turban not long ago. If someone under his command does not obey the order, it will be detrimental to our actions." Chang Chun laughed.

Du Yu's face was dumbfounded. This is also his biggest shortcoming compared with Chang Chun and Zhao Li. He can't control the people under him, and it is what Du Yu is worried about. Every time he discusses things, there will always be the boss and the boss. He was right, stating that he wanted to provoke his majesty in the Yellow Turban Army. However, in the face of this Yu could only try his best to persuade the leader of the Yellow Turban. If the problem can be solved by force, Du Yu had already shot.

"It's not easy for the general to worry about this matter." Du Yu coldly snorted.

Perhaps with the confidence of the tripartite coalition, the Yellow Turban army, who had been silent because of Lu Bu's arrival, made frequent moves again, looting the village, and the people who passed by were not living, and even the business fleet suffered considerable losses from time to time.

Lu Bu governed Qingzhou and gave the merchants confidence. According to the previous business, as long as Lu Bu arrived, there must be no thieves. However, these merchants suffered heavy losses in Qingzhou, and many merchants lost their lives as a result.

In the State Shepherd's Mansion, Lu Bu was furious when he heard the news. The Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou dared to be so rampant. He originally thought that these people would be stopped because of the army in the city, but he did not expect to get worse.

"Lord, in the opinion of his subordinates, he can take action." Guo Jiadao.

Lu Bu said in a deep voice: "In the city, there is filial piety. Since the Yellow Turban army outside the city is so rampant, Benhou makes it difficult for them to survive in Qingzhou."

The same is the Yellow Turban. The Yellow Turban in Qingzhou is more tyrannical than the original Yellow Turban in Bingzhou. For example, Guo Da, Zhang Yan and others are really good for the people. Even if the shots are aimed at the family, the reason why many people are displaced is because of the family. .

What the Qingzhou Yellow Turban showed was sturdy, there was nothing worthy of their fear, and they used all means to benefit.

"Fengxiao, after the leader of the lord leaves, the aristocratic family in the city will definitely make small actions in the dark. What you have to do is to pay close attention to the aristocratic family. As long as there is any change in the aristocratic family, you don't need to show mercy." Lu Bu said.

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