Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1450: : Cai Yan

Lu Bu frowned slightly, "What does Ziyuan mean?"

"Jin Marquis, the family's strength is strong, and the family has private soldiers in order to prevent people from making chaos. Otherwise, once the family is in danger and the defenders in the city cannot arrive in time, the family will not suffer. Xia Qian thinks that private soldiers of the family can exist, just control the number." Xu You saw Lu Bu meditating and said slowly.

Guo Jia and Gu Yong looked at Xu You with a little pity. Xu You is a smart person. However, a smart person sometimes comes into a misunderstanding. That is, they think that their remarks are correct. Xu You is right now. In this state, perhaps the persuasion of other families in the city has played a role. The private soldiers of the family are something that Lu Bu emphatically put forward. When in Qingzhou, there is no possibility of being spared. If you get to Jizhou, you will relax. If so, Qingzhou will inevitably be turbulent, and the aristocracy also needs to be fair.

"In that case, the Xu family has a lot of private soldiers? Under Benhou's rule, if you are worried about rebels, why not stay in Jizhou and leave directly." Lu Bu said coldly, the family wanted to be there. He couldn't understand the tricks he played secretly. As long as the private soldiers were allowed to exist in the family, they could rotate these private soldiers. In this way, the number of private soldiers did not decrease.

Private soldiers originally came from the people, but when they were training, they were instilled with absolute loyalty to the family.

Xu You was shocked. From Lu Bu's words, he felt bitter, "No, it's because the family has a lot of business. Normally, it is inevitable that private soldiers will need the protection."

Lu Bu angrily shot the case and said: "A big family has a big business, so it needs private soldiers to protect it? From the point of view of Benhou, they want to have private soldiers to fight against the prefecture and animal husbandry, right?"

"Not so." Xu You arched his hands, but his voice became much quieter.

"Ziyuan, you are also a smart person. Don't make mistakes. What kind of situation is in the Jizhou family. You must be aware that if the family has private soldiers, it will threaten the safety of governance." Lu Bu said in a deep voice.

"Subordinates understand." Xu You said.

"Well, after you go back, think about it." Lu Bu said.

After Xu You left the prefecture, there was a chill behind him. Just before Lu Bu said a few words, the sweat wet Xu You’s back. He walked out of the prefecture and faced the cold wind, but Xu You was much more sober. Before seeing Lu Bu, he believed that his statement was absolutely correct. The aristocratic family needed private soldiers to protect him from taking advantage of the opportunity to make trouble. However, he ignored that this was under Lu Bu's rule and if there was a rebellion under Lu Bu's rule. , There is a government office in the city, and there is a large army outside the city.

"The family mistaken me." Xu You whispered and walked towards the Xu family, but the figure looked a little lonely. Let Lu Bu take control of Jizhou, the benefits of Xu family are not few, and Xu You himself has become a pivotal figure in Jizhou. However, people’s greed is endless. Xu You wants a higher position and a greater influence in the city. Gu Yong can become Jizhou pastor. In Xu You’s view, he is equally competent. In the family He became a little arrogant under the praise of him.

"Lord, Master Xu probably didn't understand the stakes for a while." Gu Yongdao, in order to stabilize Jizhou, Xu You did put in a lot of effort, all of which he saw in his eyes, and Xu You was here. The process also showed extraordinary resourcefulness.

Lu Bu said, "Don’t mention Xu You. The most important thing now is the private soldiers of the family. The Zhen family is not allowed to have one private soldier, and the number of guards is not allowed to exceed 30. If it is in Yecheng, the Zhen family feels If you feel uneasy, you can go to Chang'an."

"Here." Zhen Yao handed his hand. He just saw Lü Bu's sullen side. Zhen Yao felt a sense of trepidation. From Lü Bu's body, he even felt what was called the anger of the king.

Now Lv Bu is the emperor of Jizhou, and only an order from Lv Bu can make Jizhou's aristocratic family disappear. There is no doubt about this.

The Zhen family and Lu Bu married, and the relationship between the two naturally became closer, and the Zhen family made it even more unreasonable to violate Lu Bu's orders. As for helping other aristocratic families to get through the current situation, the Zhen family was not so great.

What is the situation of the Mi family in Bingzhou? The Zhen family has long known that the Mi family has no private soldiers, but their strength is extremely powerful. After the writer was replaced by Lu Bu, great changes have taken place.

If the aristocratic family wants to gain benefits, it must use proper means. The previous methods are no longer feasible. As for the clever gains, it can only make the family die out at a faster rate.

"The private soldiers of the family are the key to threatening the stability of the land." Lu Bu said.

When Zhen Yao left the prefecture, he was not as heavy as Xu You. Even if there were no private soldiers in the family, no one would dare to move the Zhen family in There were no private soldiers in the Zhen family, Jizhou Chamber of Commerce. However, with the protection of the soldiers, the Zhen family's businessmen will not make much mistakes in the Chamber of Commerce. No family dared to attack the Chamber of Commerce madly.

After discussing the specific method, Guo Jia and Tian Yu left one after another.

"The husband must not get angry, the Jizhou family's problem will definitely be resolved smoothly." Cai Yan walked in after seeing the people leaving, gently kneading Lu Bu's shoulder and said softly.

"After my husband arrived in the city, I heard that Zhao Ji was in Jizhou during this period of time, which made Jizhou's family members worried. He is more and more inferior than the original lord, and he has the title of iron-blooded inspector." Seeing Cai Yan, Lu Bu's mood eased a lot, and he couldn't help but smile.

Cai Yan's face flushed slightly, "How terrible the husband said, but these aristocratic families are too hateful, secretly inquiring about the identity of the concubines, and then they dare not violate it."

Lu Bu laughed and said, "So, does the reputation of being a husband make the family afraid?"

Cai Yanying Yingying said with a polite: "Naturally, that's the case, otherwise, weak women like courtiers would have been in danger long ago."

Lü Bu nodded. Cai Yan went to Jizhou to take charge of the affairs of the Inspectorate and the Inspectorate. This is extremely dangerous in itself. If his army is at a disadvantage during the battle against Yuan Shao, Cai Yan will definitely be in danger of his life.

"Zhao Ji, Jizhou has worked hard for you."

Cai Yan said: "It is an honor for the concubines to share worries for the husband."

The next day, Lu Bu walked out of Cai Yan’s room refreshed and refreshed. Last night, Cai Yan also explained her analysis to the current situation of the family in the city, and talked to Lu Bu again, so that Lu Bu had a better understanding of the family in Jizhou. Awareness.

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