Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1456: : Opportunity for Jiangdong

"Now Lu Bu has occupied the land of Qingzhou and Jizhou. Xuzhou is near Qingzhou. If Lu Bu sends troops to attack Xuzhou in the future, it will be a huge trouble." Cheng Yu said that he was extremely afraid of Lu Bu's methods and dared to be in the same family. To confront and let the family settle down, just this courage is not something ordinary monarchs can have, and Lu Bu's army has a tyrannical combat power.

If it weren’t for Liu Zhang’s invitation to Liu Bei to enter Yizhou, then Yizhou might already be in Lv Bu’s hands. Such Lv Bu is even more terrifying. There is no doubt about how important Yizhou is to a prince. Owning Yizhou is equivalent to owning a granary, so you don’t have to worry about food and grass in the future.

Cao Cao sighed: "It's a shame that Yuan Shao was defeated and committed suicide in Jizhou." He was rather sorry for Yuan Shao's defeat and suicide. No matter what his views on Yuan Shao, the two had known each other since childhood. The Yellow Turban and Dong Zhuo walked to where they are today.

However, this is also the general trend. The world has been in chaos for a long time, and there will definitely be strong figures born out of the sky to smooth the chaos, but what Cao Cao did not expect is that Lu Bu will become more and more powerful in this chaos.

In terms of the talents under his command, Lu Bu is much worse than Yuan Shao. However, under these circumstances, Lu Bu not only defeated the allied forces of the princes, but also eliminated Yuan Shao, Ma Teng, and Zhang Lu. Cao Cao thought he was a good leader, but compared with Lu Bu, he lamented that he was inferior.

"It's okay. Lu Bu will definitely not tear his face with Benhou at this time. The army under Lu Bu has been fighting for a long time. Although the fighting strength is strong, the soldiers are tired, and the cure takes time and solidity. The expansion speed is too fast. On the contrary, It would be counterproductive." Cao Cao said that he is quite familiar with Lu Bu's character. In the eyes of outsiders, every battle of Lu Bu is dangerous, but it is not the case. Every time Lu Bu goes out, he has great confidence in fighting against the princes. This is true for the attack on Ma Teng, and the same is true for the sweep of Youzhou and Xianbei.

Xun You understood the reason for a while. The two sides are currently in an alliance, and Lu Bu was jealous of other princes. He wanted to see the princes fighting each other and profit from it, just as Lu Bu eliminated Yuan Shao’s power this time. When Cao Cao led his troops to attack Jingzhou, otherwise Cao Jun would be able to make Lv Bu take care of himself as long as he restrained him from the battlefield.

As the war progresses, the princes who can't bear it will be eliminated, and the remaining princes are all those with certain strength.

In Jingzhou, Cao Cao was determined to win. Even if the Jiangdong Army attacked Jingzhou, it would not give up easily. Jiangdong Army attacked Jingzhou, which was also a manifestation of ambition. Sun Ce understood the importance of Jingzhou. Jiangdong Army needed one if they wanted to compete in the Central Plains. Springboard, and Jingzhou must be obtained, otherwise Sun Ce has repeatedly invaded Jiang Xia over the years. As long as Jiang Xia is captured, Sun Ce has the possibility of further seizing Jingzhou.

"Send the command to the army and continue to attack the city." Cao Cao ordered that only by constant attacking can the defenders reveal their flaws. Today, Xiangyang has revealed its flaws in the successive wars.

Neither Zhuge Liang nor Liu Bei made Cao Cao an opponent. The most terrifying opponent in Cao Cao's eyes was Lu Bu.

The reason why Cao Cao reached an agreement with Lu Bu was to see the discord between the princes. Sooner or later, Lu Bu took advantage of it. He took advantage of this time to expand his strength at the fastest speed and possess the background of confrontation with Lu Bu.

Moreover, Cao Jun’s fierce attack on the city not only caused heavy losses to the defenders in Xiangyang, but also crushed the Jingzhou navy reinforcements and made Sun Ce ready to move. The biggest threat to the Jiangdong Army was the Jingzhou navy. These years, the Jiangdong Army was in Jingzhou. The army has suffered no less. Unlike the soldiers on the land in Jingzhou, the Jingzhou army is unique in the navy. Perhaps the navy lacks resourceful men, but the strength is extremely strong, especially Cai Hao in the Jingzhou navy. And Zhang Yun.

However, the current Jingzhou navy army not only damaged a large number of navy forces, but Cai Tao died, and Zhang Yun was jealous of Liu Bei. He no longer had enough strength. As long as the Jingzhou navy army was defeated, the Jiangdong army could take advantage of Jiangxia. , And the latter sentence captured the four counties and even the five counties of Jingnan.

The longer Cao Jun was blocked in Xiangyang, the better it was for Jiangdong Army. During this time, Jiangdong Army had been paying attention to the battle in Jingzhou. What Sun Ce had to admit was that Cao Jun was indeed strong, but Jiangdong Army was not weak. , Now is the opportunity for Jiangdong Army to attack Jingzhou.

"Gong Jin, now the battle in Xiangyang is critical. If we send troops, we will surely be able to capture Jiangxia, and if the four Jingnan counties and the southern county fall into the hands of the prince, even if it is the elite of the Cao army, they will never want to seize Jingzhou from the prince." Sun Ce's words showed strong self-confidence.

Zhou Yu said: "The lord Now that Cao Jun is attacking Xiangyang at a critical moment, he sent troops to attack Jiangxia, which can achieve unexpected results. However, Cao Jun is extremely strong. If he learns that the lord general Jing Nan has captured most of them, how can he give up? , There is bound to be a battle between the two sides, and Nanjun is the richest place in Jingzhou, Cao Cao will definitely not give up."

"In Gongjin's opinion, what should I do?" Sun Ce asked.

Zhou Yu pondered for a moment and said: "When you contacted Lu Bu, he thought that if Lu Buken sent troops to support him, Cao Cao would be overwhelmed. Even if the lord seized the four counties of Jingnan, he would be helpless."

Sun Cedao: "In the beginning, the prince and the princes led the army to attack the Bingzhou, and they have completely offended the Jin prince. Now that he is united with the Jin prince, how can he easily agree."

"The lord is relieved, if you send an envoy, you will definitely gain." Zhou Yu smiled.

"Gong Jin elaborate." Seeing Zhou Yu's expression, Sun Ce knew that Zhou Yu had a plan.

"Lord, if Cao Cao seized Jingzhou, his strength would be stronger. Jin Hou was sitting on Qingzhou, Jizhou and other places with powerful strength. Naturally, he did not want to have powerful princes. However, Cao Cao and Lv Bu reached an agreement at the beginning because of Yuan Shao. For this reason, Cao Cao gave up helping Yuan Shao contain Lv Bu, and Lv Bu let the Cao Jun capture Jingzhou. Now Cao Jun is blocked by the Jingzhou Army in Xiangyang. According to the current situation, even if there is no internal response for two months, he would never want to break Xiangyang. After the Jin Marquis stabilizes Qingzhou and Jizhou, how can they sit back and watch Cao Cao grow, and the lord only needs to send envoys to make alliances with Jin Marquis, and Jin Marquis will certainly agree." Zhou Yu said slowly.

"Well, in Gong Jin's words, it seems that Liu Dal can only hide in Yizhou." Sun Ce smiled. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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