Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1463: : Three messengers to Chang'an

With elite cavalry, the possibility of winning on the battlefield will be greatly increased. Just like this time the Cao army attacked Xiangyang, if there is no heavy cavalry as support, it is not easy to defeat the support of the Jingzhou navy. Things, and there are heavy cavalry wandering the battlefield, it is a huge deterrent to the defenders in Jingzhou, but Zhuge Liang is unable to deal with these heavy cavalry.

Cao Cao nodded and said, "Gongda's words are true. Unsurprisingly, the envoys sent by Jingzhou this time must go to Chang'an for help."

Xun You's expression tightened. Chang'an represented the most powerful combat power among the princes. Once Lu Bu shot, even Cao Jun had to evade. As for Cao Cao and Lu Bu's previous alliance, it was very fragile in the face of interests.

"Lord, if Lu Bu sends troops, I am afraid that it will be extremely difficult for our army to obtain greater benefits in Jingzhou." Xun You said.

"How can I not know that the time for Lu Buping Yuan Shao was too short, and the defenders in Xiangyang resisted stubbornly, otherwise, why is there such a situation now?" Cao Cao sighed.

"My lord, the ambition of the Jin Marquis is clearly revealed. If the lord promises Jin Marquis to be the Jin Duke after he seizes Jingzhou, I don't know what to do?" Cheng Yu said suddenly.

Cao Cao's eyes tightened. If Lu Bu is Jin Gong in the above table, it means that he has once again challenged the dignity of the big man. However, can Lu Bu's heart be satisfied by only Jin Gong.

Judging from Lu Bu's various performances, he has the heart to dominate the world, and Lu Bu does not need to worry about threats from the Han room, he has enough strength to deal with the Han room.

Cao Cao shook his head and said, "You look down on Lu Bu too much. If you are a king, I'm afraid Lu Bu will have some consideration."

"Fighting the king?" Cheng Yu and Xunyou were shocked. If they become Jin Gong, they can be justified. If they are king, they will be truly rebellious. However, they found that the power of the princes at this time is no longer enough to restrain Lu Bu, especially when When Cao Jun attacked Jingzhou, it meant that the strength of the princes was further weakened.

Xun You understands Cao Cao’s idea that if he can’t improve his own strength at an extremely fast speed, he will be at an absolute disadvantage if he fights against Lu Bu on the battlefield in the future. The vastness of the land is far from being compared with Lu Bu, and Lu Bu is far from being compared. With a vast grassland, the alien races on the grassland provided Lu Bu with a steady stream of cavalry. These forces were enough to deter other princes.

"Order Man Chong to go to Chang'an and persuade Lv Bu. If Lv Bu has his heart to the benefactor, he will be King Jin after the beneficence settles Jingzhou." Cao Cao said, "Remember not to provoke Lu Bu at this time."

What worries Cao Cao the most is Xuzhou. If Lu Bu sent troops, he would definitely not directly threaten Yanzhou. Yanzhou is the root of Cao Cao. There is no doubt about Cao Cao’s attachment. However, unlike Xuzhou, Zang Ba himself is a thief in Xuzhou, and he takes refuge in Lu Bu. There is a great possibility that the two sides will unite in one place. With the strength of Lu Bu's army, it is enough to seize Xuzhou.

"Here." Although Xun You and Cheng Yu were a bit dissatisfied with this order, they could only hand in hand and say it. They knew that only by making friends with Lu Bu could they achieve their desired goals in Jingzhou.

"As for the Jiangdong Army, it shouldn't be a concern. After Benhou breaks Xiangyang, he will surely be able to seize the four counties of Jingnan from the Jiangdong Army." Cao Cao showed confidence.

Let’s say that the three envoys from Jiangdong, Jingzhou, and Cao Jun arrived in Chang'an one after another. Although Lü Bu made the final decision on this matter, it is possible to send troops from Chang'an to threaten Cao Cao even more. If you go to Jizhou, the journey will be farther.

Jia Xu was not surprised by the arrival of the tripartite envoys. He was naturally aware of the war in Jingzhou. He was in charge of the intelligence of Chang'an, and Jia Xu had a very good understanding of the affairs between the princes. This is exactly where Jia Xu was responsible. He just wanted to work out a plan that was beneficial to Lu Bu based on the changes between the princes.

The position of Jia Xu in Chang'an is unquestionable. Lu Bu delegated the affairs of Chang'an to Jia Xulai with full responsibility, and Jushou and Pang Tong assisted him. This is enough to show that Jia Xu's position is high.

The most daunting of Changan officials is Jia Xu’s methods. Jia Xu’s principles are bound to be unlucky. Regardless of whether it is an official or an aristocratic family, Jia Xu is terrified, but it is this class of high-powered person. When acting normally, he was extremely low-key, making people unable to find his handle. Lu Bu's rule was different from other princes. As long as he found the mistakes made by officials, he might be able to make this official disappear from the front of the family, secretly wanting There are so many officials against Jia Xu.

Lv Bu’s pinging of Yuan Shao is a great encouragement to Chang’an. Yuan Shao has always been a strong enemy of Lu Bu’s development. He has repeatedly sent troops to harass at critical moments. Yuan Shao’s death has not only strengthened his own strength, but also cut him off. A scourge. At this time, the civil servants and generals in Chang'an have unprecedented fighting spirit, and now Lü Bu's governance is getting bigger and There are more and more troops under his command, which gives officials and generals more room for improvement. .

This is the first time that Yu Fan has come to Chang'an in many years. Since Dong Zhuo occupied Chang'an, what he has learned is that the people of Sanshou are not living, and the corpses are everywhere, and there are ten rooms and nine empty spaces.

Now that I entered Chang'an again, I have different feelings. The most obvious is the cement road with the characteristics of the state. But wherever Lu Bu expanded, cement roads would be built. This seems to have become a practice. Under the rule of the princes, there are also cement roads. The road is just a lot worse than under Lu Bu's rule. Lu Bu was more willing to invest in building concrete roads.

The construction of cement roads is of great significance to the rule of the princes, not only can make the army faster in wartime, but also more convenient for the monarch to control under the rule, just like the Qin Shihuang after the unification of the six kingdoms, Build roads and stipulate the width of the road to make it easier to travel between different places and easier to control.

The cement roads under Lü Bu's rule have similarities in the same way.

After entering the territory of Chang'an, I gave Yu Fan a different feeling. First of all, in terms of the number of people. After Lu Bu moved the people, the number of Chang'an people increased sharply. The wasteland was reclaimed for the army, and the people had land to cultivate. It will get higher and higher. This is something that the princes can't compare. If the fields are distributed to the people, Yu Fan can imagine how grateful the people are to Lu Bu after they get the fields.

The aristocracy hated Lu Bu, and it was excusable. However, Lu Bu offended a very small group of people and pleased more than 90% of the people.

"The method of the Jin Marquis is really not what ordinary people can predict." Yu Fan looked at the majestic Chang'an City ahead and sighed sincerely. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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