Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1465: : Excuse

Pang Tong nodded. He understood the meaning of Jushou’s words. He thought of the scene when he met with Lu Bu. In order to change himself, Lu Bu did not hesitate to spend a lot of effort. Pang Tong felt that Pang Tong was not funny but moved. Such a move is enough to explain its importance.

In comparison, Zhuge Liang’s approach is indeed offensive. Lu Bu is a military commander, but he is a great general of the Han Dynasty. Although the gentry looks down on Lu Bu, they still respect Lu Bu on the bright side, and invite Zhuge Liang twice as Lu Bu. After being rejected, although it reflects Zhuge Liang's value, it also shows Zhuge Liang's arrogance.

After the messengers from the three parties settled in the city, they went to Chang'an Mansion. Compared with the messengers in Jingzhou, the messengers from Cao Cao and Jiangdong both prepared generous gifts.

When the three envoys met outside Chang'an Mansion, in addition to surprise, the eyes of each other were clear. The purpose of the three parties can be guessed after a little thought.

Seeing that the Iraqi Ji was empty-handed, Chong Chong stepped forward and smiled: "The envoy of Jingzhou is indeed a bold generation. He came to Jinhou to pay a visit, and he did not bring anything. Could it be that Jingzhou is already in such a state of poverty?"

The Iraqi face was angry and coldly snorted: "You and other rebels who sent troops to attack the court are unforgivable. They should punish the nine tribes, but now they are outside the Chang'an Mansion and laugh at the court messengers. What crime should they be?"

"I'm afraid there is only so much support for the envoy of Jingzhou, right?" Man Chong sneered, but there was no respect in the words.

The three parties have their own goals, and it is reasonable to disagree with each other. Sun Ce hopes that Cao Cao can stop after breaking Xiangyang, while Jingzhou hopes that Cao Jun will retreat now. Cao Jun did not want Lu Bu to intervene in the war in Jingzhou, Lu Bu. The power under his control is too strong, so the three parties have to pay attention to it.

"Tripartite envoys, military divisions have requested." An official of Chang'an Prefecture said loudly.

Looking at the actions of Chang'an officials, the messengers of the three parties were dissatisfied, but now under Lu Bu's rule, they had no other way but to endure.

Manchong did not miss any chance to attack the envoy of Jingzhou, and said in a low voice, "Why didn't the envoy of the imperial court let Jia Xu come out to meet him in person?"

The Iraqi complexion turned red. What happened to the Jingzhou court is no longer a secret among the princes. Especially the matter between the envoy of Jingzhou and Lu Bu has become a joke between the princes, not to mention that it was when Jingzhou was in a crisis. Even when Jingzhou is stable, it is impossible for Lu Bu to come out to greet him personally. What's more, now that the war in Jingzhou is urgent, Jia Xu is in charge of the affairs of Chang'an, and Jia Xu is asked to come out to meet them and completely offend Lu Bu. There is no difference.

"Don't take advantage of your tongue. Jin Hou is the great general of the Han Dynasty. He will definitely send troops to support the Han Dynasty and eradicate Er and other rebellions." Yi Ji said.

The officials of Chang'an Prefecture saw that Manchong and the Iraqi were still struggling at this time. They couldn't help but feel a little speechless. However, they just treated the tripartite messengers' behavior that they didn’t care about, but it inspired the Chang'an official. This is what absolute strength brings. What about the benefits, even if it is the messenger of the three parties, conversely, if Lu Bu's messenger goes to the three parties at this time, it will definitely cause a great shock.

Also as officials, who doesn't want to be more dignified, who doesn't want to be able to straighten their waists when facing others, it is Lu Bu that gives them a greater face in front of the tripartite envoys.

Regarding the tripartite messengers, Jia Xu, Pang Tong, and Jushou’s strategy was evasive. The three parties’ battle reached a critical moment. However, this situation is what Jia Xu wants to see. What he needs is a chaotic Jingzhou. When Liu Bei's power is eliminated, it is still necessary to see Cao Cao and Sun Ce fighting in Jingzhou. It is best to be severely damaged. If this is the case, Lu Bu will have a greater chance of winning in the future.

After pacifying Qingzhou, Lv Bu's footsteps certainly do not stop there. Liangzhou and Yizhou also need Lv Bu to send troops, especially Liangzhou. Although there is Han Sui, the situation in Liangzhou is extremely chaotic. The Western Regions Long History Fuzhong, the influence of the Han The strength has been reduced to the lowest level. If the big man doesn’t make a move anymore, maybe a few years later, the Western Regions Changshi Mansion only knows about Guishuang but not the big guy. Guishuang’s name in the big guy is Dayue’s. In the past, when the big guy was strong, Dayue The Clan has great respect for the big man and sends people to the big man every year. However, after the Great Han war, the country that originally depended on the big man chose to be independent, and they coveted the big man. In their eyes, the big man is the wealthy man. land.

Han Sui was in Liangzhou to make advance preparations for Lu Bu's next step to pacify Liangzhou. Han Sui's strength was not weak, but he did not dare to fight against Lu Bu. Besides, attacking other counties and counties in Liangzhou was a good deal for Han Sui. , He can get more benefits from it.

The Jiangdong messenger Yu Fan was slightly taken aback after seeing Pang Actually, he can’t be blamed for this incident. The main reason is that Pang Tong’s appearance is too amazing. It definitely belongs to the category that people will never forget after seeing it. .

It was originally waiting for the Jiangdong messenger's flattery. I didn't expect to see surprise from the Jiangdong messenger's face. The more ugly people are, the more sensitive they are to other people's opinions.

Seeing Pang Tong's uncomfortable expression, Yu Fan hurriedly said, "The Jiangdong messenger has seen the lord."

Pang Tong nodded slightly and said: "Envoy, please sit down, Jin Hou is not in Chang'an, and the affairs of Chang'an Mansion are heavy today."

The Jiangdong messenger instantly understood the meaning of Pang Tong's words, and couldn't help being annoyed by his previous performance. Originally, as a messenger, he was a talented person under the rule of the princes. Yu Fan just didn't expect Pang Tong's appearance to be so ugly that he would be briefly astonished.

"My lord, Wu Hou Sunce and Jin Hou are old acquaintances. When the 18th Route princes defeated Dong Zhuo, the Jin Hou had acted righteously to rescue the husband. This kind of kindness is always remembered by Jiangdong soldiers and civilians." See Pang Tong some Disgusted, Yu Fan naturally thinks of a close relationship with Lubula.

Pang Tong sneered: "It's a good one to keep in mind. How can this officer remember that Wu Hou sent 40,000 soldiers and horses when the princes' coalition attacked Bingzhou? Is this the way for the people of Jiangdong to repay their kindness? If this is the case, the officer also It's an eye-opener."

Yu turned red, and joined forces with the princes to attack Bingzhou. This was the biggest disparity between Jiangdong and Lu Bu. Before that, Lu Bu's care for Jiangdong was obvious. Sun Ce knows that the greatest benefit was given. Otherwise, with Jiangdong's strength, it would be extremely difficult to form a cavalry. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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