Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1468: : The Kingship

The princes hold heavy soldiers and do not want to be restrained by others. They are most likely to choose the road to compete in the world, and to compete in the world is more in line with the interests of their officials and generals. No one wants to be under the command of others in the future.

Soldiers need military merit. When the military merit reaches a certain level, they need more room for improvement. This requires the monarch to have greater ambitions to meet the needs of his subordinates.

"In this way, the official understands Jin Hou's choice." Man Chong said slowly.

Jia Xu smiled and said: "It's not just Jin Marquis, I'm afraid Shanyang Marquis has the same thoughts, but today is not clear, it is the time when people with lofty ideals made contributions."

Man Chong nodded slightly. Jia Xu is a smart person. Talking with such a person does not require much explanation. Sometimes just a point is enough.

"Now the biggest enemy of the Jin Marquis is Cao Cao, and the envoy must have seen this clearly, but now it is not the time for the two sides to fight decisively." Jia Xu said.

Man Chong stared at Jia Xu for a long time, daring to say these things at this time, which shows that Jia Xu is very confident in Lu Bu.

"The military commander's words are true, and now Shanyanghou's battle in Jingzhou is not the result of negotiations with Jinhou?" Man Chong asked with a smile.

After Man Chong left, Jia Xu's expression was a bit heavy. The princes did not have easy generations. They would make greater efforts to secure their own power. For example, Cao Cao showed a strong presence on the battlefield in Jingzhou. Strength, this is the inevitable product of the war era, the strength of the princes cannot be improved, they can only be eliminated.

The battlefield of Bingzhou made the princes understand the importance of a strong military force, which is why Cao Jun cavalry developed.

After a month of vigorous rectification, Jizhou has gradually restored its initial stability. The most obvious change is that the expressions of the people walking on the street have become much more relaxed. They don’t need to worry about threats from aristocratic families. There are even pickets among the people. Institutions are held by highly respected people. The main task of these people is to pick up officials and lawbreakers in the family. After the implementation in Jizhou, they have achieved good results, allowing the Jizhou family to have a deeper understanding of the methods of the prefecture. Of fear.

If the picket organization is fully implemented in Jizhou, it will be a nightmare for the aristocratic family. They will become as cautious as the aristocratic family in Bingzhou. Even if there are members of the family who are officials in Jizhou, they don’t dare to go too far. After being targeted by the inspectorate or the inspectorate, it is a huge trouble.

After reading the step-up letter from Chang'an, Lu Bu smiled. The princes still did not hold back their interests. The three-party warfare was definitely good news in Lu Bu's view. This temporarily eliminated the possibility that the princes might unite in one place. With his current strength, facing any prince alone, there will be no problem. After the princes unite, of course it will bring no small trouble.

"Fengxiao, now Jingzhou is completely chaotic." Lu Bu handed the letter to Guo Jiadao.

After reading it, Guo Jia pondered for a moment and said: "Lord, if Chang'an sends troops at this time, it will make the situation in Jingzhou more turbulent. After the three parties are deadlocked, there will be an endless situation of death."

Lu Bu shook his head slightly and said, "This is the analysis of Wenhe, and Feng Xiao will understand it after reading it."

After reading another letter, Guo Jia said: "So, Zhuge Liang will definitely fail in Jingzhou?"

Lu Bu nodded, "This Hou did not expect that the strength of Cao Jun should be so strong. Cao Cao was very determined to seize Jingzhou. He sent out a hundred thousand troops, which is obviously a must for Jingzhou's ambition."

"Cao Cao's words are not impossible. With the current power and status of the lord, he can completely rule the king." Guo Jia said suddenly.

Gu Yong on the side narrowed his eyes after listening, saying that the king was absolutely rebellious to the big man. Since the great ancestor's White Horse pledge, as long as there are kings of different surnames in the world, they will rise up and attack them. If Lu Bu becomes king at this time, Will definitely be on the cusp of the storm.

"Why did Feng Xiao say this?" Lu Bu asked.

Guo Jia said slowly: "Lord, if Cao Cao breaks through Jingzhou, he will definitely support Liu He or Liu Cong to inherit the rulership, and hold the emperor to make the princes. With Cao Cao's strength, if he does this, his strength will definitely be greatly improved. , And Zhuge Liang would not be willing to let the emperor fall into the hands of Cao Cao after he defeated Yizhou from Jingzhou. Instead, he would continue to support Liu Qi in Yizhou. As a result, there will be two emperors in the world. Unsurprisingly, Jiangdong will also have Any princes who fall behind in name will fall into a passive position. Sun Ce does not have the emperor in his hands as the capital to command the world. He can completely claim the king and refuse to obey the orders of the Han family, so that his ministers can feel at ease."

Gu Yong sighed secretly. As a big man, he has deep feelings for the Han family. Even though the Han family has declined, he does not want to have two emperors. If two emperors appear, it means that the Han family is gone. The last The powerful princes will vie to show their different hearts.

"The matter of proclaiming the king is a matter of great importance. A little carelessness will cause the princes to be jealous. This matter will be finalized after returning to Chang'an." Lu Bu said.

"Here." Guo Jia looked on without the slightest mourning, and Lu Bu did not refuse to be king in his words.

Calling the king is definitely good news for the civilian officers and generals under Lu Bu's command. Only when Lu Bu's status is high can it bring them more benefits.

"Marquis Jin, now the wife has been in charge of the inspectorate of the inspectorate for some time, and now Jizhou is stable." Gu Yong said.

Lu Bu's expression condensed, and he instantly understood the meaning of Gu Yong's words. He admired Cai Yan's ability very much, but had to consider deeper issues. If Cai Yan had a huge influence among the civilian officers and generals under his command, For the officials under the rule, there will be no small impact.

"Lord, the subordinates think that of course the wife will return to Chang'an." Guo Jia echoed.

Lü Bu was silent for a long time and nodded. Now both Cai Yan and Diao Chan already have his sons. If Cai Yan has too much power, it will indeed have a bad influence, but this does not affect his respect for Cai Yan. , Even if you return to Chang'an, you can plan secretly.

"According to the order of this lord, five days later, the army set off to return to Chang'an." Lu Bu ordered.

"Here." Guo Jia and Gu Yong said in unison.

Gu Yong is Cai Yong's disciple, and Guo Jia feels admiration for being able to take the initiative to mention Cai Yan's affairs at this time.

After the two left, Lu Bu fell into contemplation, and the development under the present rule has indeed reached an extremely critical moment, and what he needs most is stability.

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Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. Book Fun Pavilion_Mobile version reading URL:

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