Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1471: : Gao Xiang

In treating the people, Ju Yi asked himself how much he was not as good as Lu Bu. He could feel that Lu Bu really took the people to heart.

The cavalry in the army dispersed in all directions. Their target was the bandits hiding nearby. Dianwei even gave a death order. If these bandits could not be found, they would be punished.

The cavalry in the personal guards are more from the people, and without more words, they will do their best to find out these cunning thieves.

In less than an hour, the shadow guard and the cavalry sent information one after another and found the cottage of these bandits.

Hearing the news, Lu Bu frowned. These thieves actually have cavalry. It is absolutely rare for thieves to have cavalry, and the number of thieves and cavalry is still quite large.

Half an hour later, Lu Bu saw the cottage located halfway up the mountain. From the layout of the cottage, Lu Bu could clearly feel that the leader of the bandit was not an ordinary person. First of all, the choice of the location of the cottage, if not for the shadow guard's investigation, It will not be so easy to find the thief's cottage, and the construction of the cottage is very well organized, and it is completely in a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

"How long will the thieves return?" Lu Bu asked. These thieves did not return to the cottage. This is the biggest opportunity. Once these thieves enter the mountain, it will be a big problem. In the deep mountains, even if the army enters the search, It is impossible to eliminate all thieves.

"Master, at most one hour, these thieves will come back." Dian Wei said.

"Clean up the traces and wait for the return of the bandits." Lu Bu said.

The horseshoe mark on the road was quickly restored by the soldiers, and the soldiers of the Modao Army arrived at the designated location half an hour later, sprinting for nearly ten miles, making the Modao Army breathless.

Ju Yi saw the performance of these Mo Dao soldiers after the attack, and secretly admired that even after the first-densing dead soldiers after such a high-intensity exercise, they would not be much better than the Mo Dao army, but the first-dening dead soldiers could not control this. Ju Yi felt a little regretful when he got the credit.

Nowadays, the most important thing in Ju Yi's mind is credit. He is eager for credit, especially when he heard that there will be drills every month in the military. Teams with outstanding performance will have credit. Ju Yi secretly remembered it in his heart.

Even Zhang Yun has become one of the warriors. He thinks he is not weaker than Zhang Yun. Zhang Yun has the Euphorbia, and he has the first to die. At the beginning, the Euphorbia was defeated by the Baima Yicong, but the first to the death was. It is the end of Baima Yicong.

After encountering Feiqi and Modao Army in Bingzhou that day, Gao Xiang escaped by chance. After hearing about the miserable situation of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry led by Xu Chu, Gao Xiang escaped Bingzhou quietly without hesitation. On the way, many cavalry left him. After Si Li, he had only a hundred cavalry in his hands. When he first entered Bingzhou, he had thousands of Jizhou's most elite cavalry in his hands.

Gao Xiang did not dare to return to Jizhou, especially after hearing that Youzhou Army was going to Sili area after attacking Jizhou. Gao Xiang made the decision after considering it for a long time. At that time, the princes were in the chaos of war, so Gao Xiang found a chance. .

Compared with Bingzhou, the Sili area is paradise in Gao Xiang's eyes. Bingzhou and Chang'an are at war. There are so many people in Hanoi who went to the Sili area. After Gao Lan paid half the price of cavalry horses, he gradually settled in Jiuhua Mountain. With a firm foothold, the strength has made tremendous progress.

Knowing that the allied forces of the princes were defeated outside Huguan, and even Jizhou had fallen into Lu Bu's hands, Gao Xiang's inner panic was conceivable. He didn't want to die like this. No matter how courageous he was, he didn't dare to provoke him. Lu Bu.

After Chang'an was stabilized, the thieves in the third place were purged from Chang'an. They took turns to clear out the thieves in the third place. Even if Gao Xiang had the confidence to defeat any of the teams, he did not dare to act rashly and defeated an enemy. After the army, it meant that he would face more dangers in the third place. Fortunately, before, Gao Xiang hoarded a lot of food and grass, and passed the most difficult moment.

In the process of the Chang'an Army's elimination of thieves, Gao Xiang retained a team of three hundred people. There were too many people, and the news was easy to leak. Among the three hundred thieves, more than one hundred were cavalry who first followed Gao Xiang. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry that Gao Xiang subdued, spent a time in the land of Sanshou, and lived very freely. After spending a lot of money, Gao Xiang got in touch with the Zhang family in Huayin City, if the army in the city was dispatched. At that time, Gao Xiang was able to get news in time, but during the looting, Gao Xiang was very restrained, as long as the people were willing to hand over the rice in his hands, he would not kill.

This time things were out of control. The three cavalrymen encountered resistance from the people during the raid. Such resistance was a provocation to them. If the villages in the future are like this, how can they survive? Without the order of Gao, this group of bandits made killings in the village. Zhangjia Village suffered. Only a few people escaped. Many cavalry horses even had women who kept crying.

After Gao Xiang scolded the cavalry under his command, he did not stop looting. He knew that this time the incident was too big, and Chang'an Mansion would not let them off so easily, so he planned to take advantage of the opportunity to looting more. The village gets enough food to avoid the army.

For all the calculations, Gao Xiang did not expect that Lu Bu would return to Chang'an at this time. If he knew, even if he had given Gao Xiang a hundred courage, he would not dare to condone the robbery of his subordinates.

Nearly two hundred thieves continued to laugh arrogantly, occasionally mixed with women's crying.

Lu Bu's complexion was low and deep, and the behavior of these people had completely angered him. There were such arrogant and large-scale thieves in the land of Sansuke. Among these thieves, there were no fewer than fifty cavalrymen.

Gao Xiang suddenly felt something wrong. The surroundings were too quiet. This situation has never happened in the past. Perhaps because of the fiasco in Bingzhou, Gao Xiang became extremely sensitive. This is also the case between Gao Xiang and the family in the city. The reasons involved.

"General, what's the matter?" A thief asked when Gao Xiang stopped walking.

"Have you ever explored the surrounding situation?" Gao Xiang asked.

"The general is worrying too much. Brothers often go along this road. No one else will show up. Don't worry, the general. We have been here for nearly half a year and haven't seen the enemy."

"Fuzzy, now Chang'an has a large number of troops, once we let others know our trail, it is also extremely dangerous." Gao Xiang scolded. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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