Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1494: : Bow Long Assault

"All this is because of Liu Bei, a rebellious official. If it weren't for this, the little prince would be the current sage. With the little prince's intelligence and the ability of General Cai Hao to lead the battle, how could there be the current chaos in Jingzhou." Zhao Fandao.

This is not just the opinion of Zhao Fan and the generals. Officials in many counties and counties in Jingzhou have the same perception. In their opinion, the situation in Jingzhou is because of Liu Bei. If it is not for Liu Bei, Jingzhou is stable, but Liu Bei is here. After that, everything changed, which made them hate Liu Bei even more. If Liu Bei hadn't seized power in Jingzhou, Jingzhou officials still had some respect for Liu Bei.

"In any case, it is important to repel the Jiangdong Army outside the city. Our army only has fifty Perak cars, while the enemy army outside the city has a full two hundred Perak cars. This situation is for me. The army is extremely disadvantaged." Zhao Fandao.

Bao Long clasped his fist and said: "Premier Zhao, he will eventually be willing to lead three hundred cavalry out of the city and accidentally burn these thunderbolt carts. As a result, the city will be more stable and will be able to dampen the enemy's spirit."

"Well, with General Bao personally on the move, He worry can't break the Jiangdong Army." Zhao Fan was overjoyed when he heard this. Bao Long was also a famous warrior in the army, and even the first warrior under Zhao Fan's command.

At the beginning, Sun Ce sent troops to fight outside the city, and even played many times in person. However, the results were not very good. The enemy troops always huddled in the city and dealt with Jiangdong Army. He originally thought that he would break Guiyang. It was a breeze. Now nearly half a month has passed, and the moat has not been filled. The enemy dared not go to war, which made Sun Ce a little bit distressed. Otherwise, the two sides would fight for a fight, and nothing would be resolved. NS.

It was in this situation that the Jiangdong Army gradually relaxed its vigilance, and the moat was being filled at a very fast rate. According to the current situation, within three days, the moat must be filled, and then it could attack Guiyang. Besides, although the defenders in the city have Thunderbolt cars, the Jiangdong Army has the absolute upper hand with the Thunderbolt cars on both sides.

The sophisticated equipment can affect the changes on the battlefield to a large extent. Now Sun Ce has a deep understanding of this sentence. If there is no thunderbolt car in the army, filling the moat will not only bear the enemy. The harassment of the thunderbolt car, but also to worry about the archers in the defending army, it is the existence of the thunderbolt car, which makes the siege war much easier. Which party can suppress the other party with equipment is to occupy an absolute advantage.

The Thunderbolt continued to attack the city, but the Jiangdong Army next to the Thunderbolt looked a little tired. When they first attacked the city with the Thunderbolt, they were extremely excited. Especially the Thunderbolt could cause a lot of damage to the enemy. Excited them, but after a long time, the defenders found the defect of the Thunderbolt and hid behind the female wall. There is no need to worry about the attack by the Thunderbolt from the Jiangdong Army. Besides, although the number of Thunderbolt cars in the city is small, they gathered. After a city wall, the effect is not small.

At this moment, the closed city gate suddenly opened wide, and Bao Long led three hundred cavalrymen to file out, and launched a fierce attack towards the Jiangdong Army's Thunderbolt team.

The defenders' counterattack was beyond the Jiangdong Army's expectations. Who could have imagined that the defenders, who had been huddled in the city for days, would have left the city.

A thunderbolt car was burned by the cavalry. The soldiers who controlled the thunderbolt car had the combat effectiveness. When they faced the cavalry, they chose to flee. There was no difference between fighting the enemy cavalry with flesh and blood and looking for death.

The cavalry guarding both sides of the Perak car team saw this situation and hurried forward to fight. Five hundred cavalry battled three hundred Guiyang County cavalry, but it was difficult to distinguish between them. Baolong ordered two hundred cavalry to entangle the Jiangdong army. The cavalry, led the rest of the cavalry, continued to burn the thunderbolt chariot.

The presence of the cavalry on their own side shocked the morale of the defending army, especially seeing the Thunderbolt cars that were still raging outside the city, emitting billowing dust and smoke, and the comfort in my heart can be imagined.

Zhu Huan was angry. He was one of the cavalry generals in the Jiangdong Army, but this kind of war occurred while he was guarding.

It is undeniable that the Jiangdong Army was caught off guard by the defense of the army. The cavalry was on the sidelines. In the view of Jiangdong Army soldiers, they lost their original role, because the defenders did not dare to fight. After receiving a huge stimulus, he even launched a charge towards his camp.

When Sun Ce learned of the situation ahead, he was very angry, and immediately led five hundred cavalry to kill.

Seeing the cavalry from the enemy army, Bao Long led the cavalry to push into the city. Zhu Huan led the cavalry to pursue, but he repelled for the defenders of the city.

This raid made the Jiangdong Army’s offensive have to stop temporarily.

Sun Ce glanced at the generals in the Jiangdong Army’s tent, and said coldly, “Although our army has breached Jiangxia County and Changsha, it was encountered in Wuling County and Guiyang County. Resistance, today, the lieutenant’s negligence caused the defenders to burn more than fifty Perak vehicles."

"This is the dereliction of duty at the end." Zhu Huan said with a flushed face.

"As a general in the army, the enemy is currently relaxing its vigilance and letting the enemy succeed. What should be the crime? Come, pull Zhu Huan out and behead to show the public." Sun Ce shouted angrily.

Zhu Huan was shocked, but he did not beg for mercy. It was because of his negligence that Pili Che suffered heavy losses today.

"My lord, General Zhu Huan is a general in the army who has followed the lord in the battle for many years. He has made remarkable achievements and beheaded the general. It is extremely detrimental to the morale of the army. I hope the lord will think twice." Zhou Yu hurriedly went out to persuade him.

The generals in the army also interceded one after another. In normal times, Zhu Huan still had a good popularity among the generals.

"Huh, Zhu Huan, Ben Hou Nian, for the sake of the military general's plea, forgive you for the time being, but the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin is inevitable, so Zhu Huan will be pulled out of the great twenty army stick." Sun Ce said.

Faced with the plea of ​​the generals in the account this time, Sun Ce was unmoved.

After this incident, the generals in the army were silent. After twenty army sticks, even if it was a fierce general, it was unbearable. Zhu Huan returned to the camp with the help of the soldiers.

Sun Ce also publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with Zhu Huan in the army. Although the generals in the army had some doubts, no one dared to question Sun Ce at this time.

Bao Long led the cavalry to a great victory. The morale of the defending army was greatly encouraged. Zhao Fan even hosted a banquet for Bao Long at the Taishou Palace. After the Jiangdong army lost more than 50 thunderbolt cars, he was not eager to attack. Instead, the city returned to the camp, which made Zhao Fan extremely satisfied. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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