Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1498: : Jiangdong Army breaks 0 tomb

After Guiyang County was breached, Liu Du, the prefect of Lingling County, immediately felt tremendous pressure. Since the Jiangdong Army’s battle this time, it has shown too strong combat effectiveness. It has successively attacked Jiangxia, Changsha County, and Guiyang County, and its strength has been reduced. The damage is not too much.

Liu Xian, the son of Liu Du, said: "Father, now Cao Jun is sending troops to attack Nanjun. If Cao Jun can break through Nanjun, Jiangdong Army that attacked Wuling County will inevitably retreat, and we can rely on Cao Cao. Cao Cao is strong and supports Liu Cong to become a big man. The emperor, to take refuge in Cao Cao, is for Hanchen, and to Jiangdong, it is a rebel."

Liu Dushen nodded in agreement, "But the Jiangdong Army is fierce, and it is extremely difficult to stop the Jiangdong Army from invading Lingling County."

"Don't worry, adults, the final general thinks he is a little brave. If Jiangdong army comes to commit the crime, it will definitely teach them a bitter lesson." Army general Xing Daorong went out and said.

The full of air in the voice made many officials and generals in the Taishou's mansion feel relieved. They knew the force of Xing Daorong, and they were good at using big axes, but he was a powerful general.

"With General Xing, we will definitely be able to defend Lingling County and repel Jiangdong Army." Liu Du laughed.

Ten days later, Sun Ce led a large army to the outside of Quanling City, Lingling County Office, but seeing the East Army of Ten Thousand Jiang, the mighty and mighty, flags like clouds, and the swords and guns lined up. Many defenders showed their timidity when they saw this scene. color.

Sun Cece immediately shouted: "Lingling Prefect Liu Duhe, don't hesitate to come out and answer."

The city gate slowly opened, and Liu Du came outside the city surrounded by lieutenant soldiers.

"The shameless rebels dare to invade the territory of the Han Dynasty. Your father Sun Jian is a powerful general of the Han Dynasty. Unexpectedly, he has come out of your rebellion. If your father knows about it, he will not look down on his eyes." Liu Du shouted.

Sun Ce's expression kept changing, and Liu Du's words aroused the flames of his anger: "Lao Liu Du, if Benhou breaks through Lingling, he will surely kill Rumanmen."

"Does the officer still fear that the mere Jiangdong rebels will not succeed?" Liu Du shouted without fear.

Sun Ce was furious and led the cavalry to rush for a while. Liu Du ordered the lieutenant generals to stop him, but he retreated into the city in an orderly manner. In terms of righteousness, the Jiangdong Army was in a weak position. This point is difficult to change for the time being. After all, Jingzhou represents the court. The Jiangdong army attacked Lingling County to provoke the dignity of the Han. Many soldiers and civilians in Jingzhou still regarded themselves as the people of the Han. Compared with other prefectures and counties, Jingzhou has experienced very few wars. Sense of belonging.

Although Liu Du's words were ugly, they were justified and well-founded. This made the lieutenant generals look angrily at the Jiangdong Army outside the city. Jiangdong Army is the rebels, and they are the soldiers and horses of the imperial court. After thinking about it, many defenders looked at Jiang Dongjun's gaze, but they did not have the fear they had before. They represented the righteous division.

The next day, Jiangdong Army set up three thousand soldiers and horses to fight outside the city.

After the news reached the city, Xing Daorong was very excited. This was exactly when he became famous. As long as he can kill the enemy in front of the battlefield, why not get more credit.

The gate of the city opened wide, Xing Daorong led three thousand soldiers and went straight to the Jiangdong Army to kill. Sun Ce was overjoyed when he saw this scene. What he was most worried about was the enemy's defense of the city. This would bring trouble to the Jiangdong Army. Small trouble, if the enemy general can be captured alive or beheaded, the rest will be much simpler.

Xing Daorong had absolute confidence in his own strength, but after fighting with the Jiangdong Army, he felt tremendous pressure. During the fierce battle between the two sides, Sun Ce led more than a hundred cavalry to take Xing Daorong directly.

"The enemy general will come forward and die soon!" Sun Ce shouted loudly.

Xing Daorong was not afraid, and waved a double axe to kill Sun Ce.

The situation on the battlefield has undergone an extremely obvious change. In terms of the elite of the soldiers, the defenders of Lingling are far from the Jiangdong Army. The cavalry of Lingling even scattered and fled under the charge of the Jiangdong Army.

After Xing Daorong and Sun Ce fought together, his expression changed drastically. In a short period of time, if it were not for his rich experience in fighting on the battlefield, he almost died in Sun Ce's hands twice. Xing Daorong looked at Sun Ce. There was a trace of awe in his eyes.

"Retreat!" Xing Daorong did not hesitate at all and chose to retreat. Sun Ce led the cavalry to rush for a while, leading the troops back to the camp.

When the defenders of the city saw this scene, they fell into a dead silence. Their most powerful general led the army to fight, but they didn't get any benefits.

"General Xing, the Jiangdong army is so fierce, what should it be?" Liu Du was worried when he learned that the army had not won outside the city.

Xing Daorong said: "There is no need to worry about the prefect. Jiangdong Army comes from afar. If it attacks the camp, it will surely catch the enemy by surprise."

"All there is General Labor." Liu Dudao.

That night, Xing Daorong and Liu Xian led a surprise attack on the Jiangdong Army. Unexpectedly, Jiangdong Army took precautions. Xing Daorong and Liu Xian desperately fought their way out of the siege. On the way to withdraw their troops, Sun Ceyin's army suddenly broke The Lingling army was in chaos at once, and Sun Ce took Xing Daorong directly. After the fifth round, he stabbed Xing Daorong with a single shot.

Seeing this, Liu Xian's liver and gallbladder were split, he pulled the horse and left. Zhou Tai came to kill Liu Xian and captured Liu Xian alive.

After Sun Ce comforted Liu Xian with some kind words, Liu Xian expressed his willingness to take refuge in Sun Ce. Seeing that Liu Xian did not appear to be a fake, Sun Ce put Liu Xian into the city and persuaded Liu Du to surrender. , The others can be temporarily placed aside.

After hearing Xing Daorong's death and Liu Xian's experience in Jiangdong Army, Liu Duchang sighed: "It was a certain person who misunderstood Wuhou before."

So Liu Du opened the city gate to welcome the Jiang Dong army to enter the city.

After pacifying Liu Du, Sun Ce occupied Lingling County, and the Jiangdong Army took the city very quickly. At this time, among the four counties of Jingnan, only Wuling County was still in the hands of the Jingzhou Army. If the county seizes it, it will have the power to attack the southern county. The geographic location of the southern county is extremely important in Jingzhou. Occupying the southern county is equivalent to occupying a certain initiative in the future war.

Sun Ce obeyed Zhou Yu's words and asked Liu Du's son Liu Xian to follow the army, and Liu Du remained the prefect of Lingling.

Outside the city of Jiangling, sixty thousand Cao troops gathered at this time.

The arrival of Cao Jun made the situation in Jiangling City even more urgent. Even Zhuge Liang felt tremendous pressure. Cao Jun’s elite was beyond doubt, and the hearts of the family in the city were floating. Those who secretly took refuge in Cao Cao did not know the geometry and the army. So staying in Jiangling is because there is still a large amount of grain and grass in Jiangling City, and there is no time to transport it away.

Zhuge Liang didn't think that with the thousands of soldiers and horses in Jiangling City, the pigs could resist Cao's army like wolves and tigers. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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