Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1508: :Tian Feng Loyalty (Part 1)

Tian Feng understands the situation of the officials under Yuan Shao's rule. It is the open and secret struggles between counsellors that restrict Yuan Shao's development. Otherwise, Yuan Shao wants to achieve greater success in the name of the Yuan family and the wealthy generals of Jizhou. It's not a problem at all, but under Lu Bu's rule, there is no such problem, and there are not too many fights between officials.

The main reason is that the aristocratic family was very peaceful under Lu Bu’s rule. Although it was compelling, it was for Lu Bu to better control and govern. The existence of the family had a great influence on Lu Bu. In this regard, Tian Feng believed that Lu Bu was What can be seen is that when Lu Bu is on the road of confronting the family, it is completely impossible to get the trust of the family.

Tian Feng is very clear about what a family is like. The Tian family is not a weak family in Jizhou, but now it is gradually declining. If the family lacks talent support, the speed of a family's decline will be rapid, even under Lu Bu's rule. The same is true, the methods used by the aristocratic family are no longer what they used to be.

Lu Bu’s words made Tian Feng feel ashamed and angry. He was waiting for death, waiting for Lu Bu’s three-foot white silk. Death is nothing to Tian Feng. He has his own persistence, which he initially followed. It is Yuan Shao who bears the mark of the Yuan family. This will not change. For Yuan Shao to be loyal, it is worthwhile in Tian Feng's view.

Even if Yuan Shao put him in jail, as a courtier, he believed that at any time, he must support the monarch and let the monarch walk on the right path, even if he pays a certain price for it, what can be considered.

"Yuan Hao, come here uninvited. I'm harassing Yuan Hao." Ju Xie walked in with two pots of wine, but his expression was a little low. He and Tian Feng are good friends. It's no secret, and Jushou is also very concerned about whether Tian Feng can take refuge in Lu Bu.

Tian Feng frowned slightly. He didn't understand Jushou's refuge in Lu Bu at first. However, after he talked with Jushou in Chang'an, he gradually understood Jushou. Jushou was normal to Yuan Shao and him. Jushou can no longer see hope from Yuan Shao, everyone has their own ambitions, not to mention Yuan Shao's actions have chilled the officials under his command.

"Then bet, please sit down." Tian Feng said lightly.

"Yuan Hao, now Ye Hou is already dead on the battlefield, Jizhou and Qingzhou are all owned by the Jin Hou, why does Yuan Hao have to insist on it so hard?" Ju Sui persuaded directly.

Tian Feng stroked his beard, and said slowly: "Yehou has the kindness of knowing and understanding here, even if it is a death, it does not matter."

Jushou sighed. He knew Tian Feng's character very well. He was upright, and he would say things that were not pleasing to the eye. Such talents would surely be reused if they met the right monarch, but what a character Yuan Shao is.

Yuan Shao’s character and the situation of his officials determine that Tian Feng wants to be reused, which is basically impossible. Whether it is Feng Ji or Xu You, both are good at meeting people. In this regard, Tian Feng and Jushou are Being at an absolute disadvantage, due to his character, Yuan Shao would not trust and reuse Tian Feng as he did with Feng Ji.

"Why is it for Yuan Hao? Yehou's failure is inevitable. This point must be clear to Yuan Hao. Jin Hou attaches great importance to Yuan Hao. If Yuan Hao joins Jin Hou, why not worry. If it cannot be reused, the situation of the Tian family in Chang'an is not very good. This is under the rule of the Jin princes. If it is replaced by other princes, does Yuan Hao think that the Tian family can still exist?" Ju said.

There was a movement in Tian Feng's heart. It was not that Tian Feng was ignorant of the outside world during his detention, but he did not want to admit Lu Bu.

"Yuan Hao is full of talents. If he can help Jin Hou achieve a career, his name will naturally be in the history." Ju said.

It is impossible for Tian Feng to remain unmoved. For any literati, he would be very attractive. For Yuan Shao to die for his loyalty, Tian Feng could also leave a fortune in history.

"You don't need to persuade you anymore, you won't take refuge in the next." Tian Feng said.

Having said that, Jushou saw the vacillation from Tian Feng’s expression. Tian Feng’s vacillation at this time showed that he was already interested in taking refuge in Lu Bu. Poor reputation, when you really enter Jin Hou's command, you will feel the difference. It is the so-called good birds that choose wood to live. Now the Han Dynasty is weak, Jin Hou has the capital of the Central Plains to help Jin Hou achieve some success. Career, isn't Yuan Hao not tempted?"

"In all fairness, when Jin Hou treated Yuan Hao, he had been negligent. No matter how Yuan Hao made things difficult, Jin Hou was always patient." Ju taught.

Tian Feng’s heart cannot be calm. To be fair, Lu Bu’s behavior is indeed impeccable. As a monarch, he can still achieve this level. Tian Feng also admires it. From this aspect, it can also be seen that Lu Bu’s talents Demand If this is the case, why did Lu Bu go on the opposite path to the development of the family? This makes Tian Feng a little puzzled.

Talents are in the hands of aristocratic families. Although this is not absolute, it will not be too far behind. For example, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Cheng Yu, Zhou Yu and others are members of aristocratic families, and the energy of aristocratic children cannot be ignored. This is also the main reason for the great strength of the Han family. Talents who leave the family will be more helpful to the family in the future.

Under these circumstances, it is extremely unwise to choose to oppose the noble family. This is also the reason why Tian Feng was not optimistic about Lu Bu. However, Lu Bu made a joke for all the princes. He was obviously a military commander, but he did. Things that the princes of the world admire.

"Then note, why bother to persuade each other?" Tian Feng said.

"I don't want Yuan Hao to take away all his talents like this. After Yuan Hao takes refuge in Jinhou, if he is not satisfied, it will not be too late to leave." Ju taught.

Tian Feng's heart was shaken. If Jushou's words were put to Chang'an first, he would not agree to it. After taking refuge in Lu Bu, his taste has changed. He is a counselor loyal to Yuan Shao. After taking refuge in Lu Bu, he will have He left the mark of Lv Bu. Besides, Lv Bu did not have the slightest respect for the Han Dynasty. From Jushou’s words, you can feel that Lv Bu has ideas about the world. Such people are extremely terrible. Aspiring scholars have great appeal.

It is difficult for any scholar to refuse to assist the monarch to achieve great achievements. If Lu Bu can treat the family like other princes, Tian Feng believes that Lu Bu will get more. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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