Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1510: : Tian Feng's analysis

From Tian Feng's tone, Lü Bu felt confidence. "Before Yuan Hao went to Jinyang, he first learned some about the situation under the rule of Benhou in Chang'an Mansion. In this way, after entering Jinyang, he would not lose his clue. "

"Here." Tian Feng saluted.

After agreeing on Tian Feng's official position, Lu Bu asked with a smile: "I wonder what Yuan Hao thinks of the current situation?"

Any counsellor will have a different view when dealing with the general situation. They have their own way of doing things. Tian Feng has a great reputation and must have his own opinions.

Tian Feng knew that this was the beginning of Lu Bu’s test of him. He was best at planning, and his ability to govern localities was not weak. He was a talent under Yuan Shao's command. Yuan Shao also understood this. He repeatedly confronted him in Tian Feng. After that, Tian Feng was not questioned.

And Lü Bu appreciates the personality of talents like Tian Feng. He is honest and upright. When the monarch makes a mistake, they will point out mercilessly. Although such officials will cause dissatisfaction in the monarch’s heart, they play a huge role. Yes, at least you don’t need to take extra precautions when appointing such talents.

From the behavior of Tian Feng after being captured, it can be seen that after Tian Feng took refuge, he would not betray easily. If it were not for Jushou, Lu Bu believed that Tian Feng would rather die than surrender. Such a person is worthy of respect. of.

"Now the Han Dynasty is weak, and the lords are everywhere. At this moment, there are still four lords in the world, Jinhou, Shanyanghou, Wuhou, and Hussar generals. The war in Jingzhou, Liu Bei's strength was seriously damaged, and he could only hold on to Yizhou. , Yizhou, a country of abundance, fertile fields and dangerous terrain, if Liu Bei can gradually stabilize in Yizhou, it will definitely become a deterrent to Chang'an in the future."

"The princes of Jin are very powerful, and they were jealous of other princes. At the beginning, they united to attack the Bingzhou. However, the princes are all ambitious. Under such circumstances, they want to unite again. It is extremely difficult, Cao Cao. The attack on Jingzhou was for their own interests. Now under the rule of the Jin Dynasty, there are Jizhou, Qingzhou, Youzhou, Bingzhou, Sili, and Hanzhong. The grasslands are surrendered and powerful. Just let the rule be stable, and there is no need to worry about the offensive from the princes. "Tian Fengdao, he had to admit that at this time Lu Bu's strength was enough to affect the entire world.

"The Han Dynasty is weak, and the princes have strong forces in their hands. Naturally, they are not willing to be controlled by the Han Dynasty. They will seek other ways."

Lü Bu was silent for a moment and said, "From Yuan Hao's point of view, where can I get the most benefit from the attack?"

"The Jin Hou’s troops are powerful, but the family is not a small disaster. Presumably Jin Hou is also aware of this. The princes’ battle is the opportunity for the Jin Hou. Liangzhou is close to Sili, but Liangzhou is in chaos, and the Qiang people are in trouble. For the people of Liangzhou for many years, if the Marquis of Jin Xingbing attacked Liangzhou, the princes would certainly not be embarrassed. After obtaining Liangzhou, the rule of the Marquis of Jin will be more stable. After recuperating, leading the elites to raid Yizhou will benefit. If the state is occupied, the Marquis of Jin will be invincible." Tian Feng said slowly.

If Lu Bu can pacify Liangzhou and Yizhou on the battlefield in the future, his strength will inevitably be greatly improved, especially Yizhou, who has experienced few wars over the years and has many people. In troubled times, the number of people can be measured by the lords. Of strength.

The princes now don’t pay much attention to the people. When there is a shortage of soldiers in the army, they recruit directly from the people. When the stalemate between the princes goes to the end, whoever has more people will be stronger. In this regard, Lu Bu is Walking ahead of the princes, how impoverished Bingzhou was at the beginning, but in the hands of Lu Bu gradually achieved what it is today.

If Lu Bu can continue according to the current situation, it will have a huge impact on the entire world. When the princes realize the importance of the people, it is basically impossible to get the people from Lu Bu's hands.

There are powerful families under the rule of the princes, which determines that when the princes treat the people, they will certainly not be as unscrupulous as Lu Bu, and let the people divide the fields in the hands of the family.

"Yizhou, Benhou is determined to win, but Liangzhou is barren." Lu Bu frowned slightly.

"Jin Hou, Liangzhou is barren, and after all, it is the territory of the Han. The Qiang people's chaos in the past made the treasury empty, but the Han never gave up Liangzhou." Tian Feng said seriously that things related to the territory cannot be done in the slightest. Of concessions.

"Ben Hou understands Yuan Hao's meaning. Wouldn't it be better if the attack on Chang'an and the attack on Yizhou were changed?" Lu Bu asked.

"The Jin Hou's words are absurd. The war in Jingzhou will definitely end this year. Sun Ce occupies Jingzhou counties and will definitely make peace with Cao Cao. If the lord prospers to attack Yizhou, what will the three princes do?" Tian Feng said. When I was talking, I was observing Lü Bu. If the same words were placed on Yuan, Yuan Shao would definitely be unhappy.

Lu Bu nodded. The princes were most afraid of attacking Jingzhou. It was more because Cao Cao felt the threat from Liu Bei. Perhaps at the beginning, Cao Cao had already counted Liu Bei into it. When Jingzhou’s elite troops followed Liu Bei After entering the middle of Shu, Jingzhou will be empty, and Liu Bei will seize Yizhou and the Chang'an army will be trapped in Yizhou. If it is difficult to escape, Yuan Shao will certainly not miss the opportunity. If he attacks Jizhou, he will inevitably lead his troops to attack Yuan Shao, and this is Cao Cao. Waiting for the opportunity.

After understanding this, Lv Bu couldn't help but admire Cao Cao's plan, but Lv Bu got a lot of benefits. The elimination of Yuan Shao can make Jizhou more stable, Qingzhou and Xuzhou are close, and in Xuzhou, there is a Zangba existence, unite In one place, it can affect Xuzhou in the future, which is of great significance to Lu Bu.

"When attacking Liangzhou, the princes will support the Jin, and when they attack Yizhou, the princes will rebel against the Jin princes, and the princes will fight for their own interests. If Sun Ce occupies the counties of Jingzhou, how can Cao Cao give up?" Tian Fengdao .

"Listen to Yuan Hao's words, Ben Hou Sheng has been studying for ten years." Lu Bu laughed.

"Thanks to Jin Hou's praise, this is a matter of his subordinates. There are many advisers under Jin Hou's account, and they must have a more detailed grasp of the general trend of the world." Tian Feng arched his hands.

Lu Bu said, "As the saying goes, listening more is clear. It's better to listen to more suggestions. Yuan Hao hasn't returned home for a long time, and it won't be too late to go to Chang'an Mansion after the family affairs are handled."

"Thank you Jinhou, there is nothing important in the subordinate's family." Tian Fengdao, since he has made a choice, he will work hard for it. This is also due to Tian Feng's character. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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