Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1518: : Carry King Jin (Part 1)

However, Cao Cao’s actions included all Jingzhou officials. After Cao Cao stabilized the situation in Jingzhou, he rewarded Jingzhou officials much more boldly than Liu Bei, which inspired the Jingzhou officials. However, as the capital moved, They had to go to Xudu. When these aristocratic families were not in Jingzhou, Cao Cao would have greater control over Jingzhou.

The move of Cao Cao's capital naturally attracted criticism from Yizhou officials. Now the two sides are on opposite sides. As long as they find the other's flaws, they will not let go. However, people with a discerning eye can see that moving the capital is very necessary for Cao Cao at this time. Yes, Jingzhou is the place of the Four World Wars. Jiangdong, Yizhou, and Chang'an are all looking at it. It is extremely unsafe to set the capital in Xiangyang.

After the move of the capital was spread to Chang'an, it did not cause much disturbance under Lu Bu's rule. No matter what actions Cao Cao took, in the eyes of Chang'an officials at this time, it can only be said to be a concern, but the matter is about it. The school in Chang'an aroused fierce controversy.

"The lord, now the saint is named Lord Jin, I am afraid it is to not cause turmoil in the world." Guo Jia smiled.

Lu Bu said: "Does Feng Xiao think that even if Cao Cao is not crowned king, the world today will not be stable."

From Lu Bu’s tone, the officials in the field felt absolute self-confidence. Among the princes, Lu Bu could completely ignore the Han family. Even if Liu Cong succeeded Datong to become emperor, Chang'an did not show the slightest expression. This relationship has been maintained since the princes jointly attacked the merged state. Regarding the orders of the Han Dynasty, the officials in Chang'an also followed the style of Lu Bu and ignored them. They only needed to obey Lu Bu's orders.

"If the lord is willing, make a plan early." Jia Xu whispered.

Lü Bu nodded and said, "Leave this matter to the State Council to take care of it."

"Here." Tian Yu's expression was slightly agitated. Lü Bu's ability to take this step is extremely important for the civil servants and generals under his rule. Once he becomes the king, it means that Lü Bu has the nominal power to rule under him. The meaning of being able to fight against courtesy with the court is extremely important.

Not only are the princes ambitious, when the strength of the princes reaches a certain level, the officials under the princes' rule are no exceptions, but people, how can they have no ambition, it was only because they did not have the corresponding strength.

In the city of Chang'an, tens of thousands of people were used to build the ruined palace, which gave the princes more speculations. Although the palace in Chang'an has been dilapidated, it is still the palace. When Dong Zhuo hijacked the Han Emperor to go to Chang'an, it was repaired. However, After the rebellion of Li Yu Guo Bang, Chang'an's palace was destroyed again, but now Chang'an Mansion has used a lot of manpower to repair the palace. Does it mean that Lu Bu will perform further?

The news that the Han room named Lu Bu as Jin Gong also spread around the world, seemingly to fight against Cao Cao. It was learned that Cao Cao named Lu Bu as Jin Gong, and the Han family in Yizhou also named Lu Bu as Jin Gong and dispatched Sun Gan to the court. The messenger went to Chang'an.

This situation has caused people all over the world to talk about it. When a big man appears with two emperors, it will inevitably give people a feeling of absurdity. However, behind the two emperors are surrounded by vassals. Under these circumstances, Sun Ce and Lu Bu Temporarily at a disadvantage in name.

Naturally, Sun Ce didn't want to lower one's head in name, so he sent Qin Song as an envoy to Chang'an.

The two messengers arrived in Chang'an almost at the same time. For the messengers of the two parties, Chang'an officials did not have the slightest favor. Whether it was Jiangdong or Yizhou, they all had deep hatred with Lu Bu.

The Han Dynasty controlled by Liu Bei at this time had joined forces with the princes to attack Bingzhou, and once put Bingzhou in a dangerous situation. If it weren’t for Lu Buli to turn the tide and defeat the princes, the current Bingzhou might be another scene, and Jiangdong is in Chang'an. The civil servants and generals of Jiangdong seem to be typical ungrateful people. It is hard to argue with Jiangdong. Lu Bu's help to Jiangdong is indeed obvious to all, but Jiangdong's treatment of Lu Bu is hateful.

The two envoys have their own missions. Sun Gan came to Chang'an not only to make Lu Bu the Jin Gong, but also to get the support of Lu Bu. Today, there are two emperors. If they can get the support of the princes, Can occupy a higher position in the sense of justice, Lu Bu's weight at this time is undoubtedly very heavy.

In the eyes of the soldiers and civilians in Chang'an, Liu Bei and Lu Bu have an antagonism, but as long as they have enough interests, even the two parties with animosity can temporarily unite together.

Sun Qianxuan’s decree still had to wait for Lu Bu’s reception, which invisibly weakened the Han Dynasty’s majesty. Faced with such a situation, Sun Gan had nothing to do. He knew that even after Liu Cong’s messenger arrived in Chang'an, he still had nothing to do. The same treatment, the majesty of the Han imperial family, has been infinitely weakened by Lu But in the face of such a situation, the emissary of the imperial court still has nothing to do.

"The Marquis of Jin is destined to let the envoys in." Dian Wei said.

"There is General Lao." Sun Gan said with his hands.

Seeing Sun Gan’s behaving well-behaved also made Dianwei less interested in teasing. For the messengers of all parties, Dianwei was very embarrassed at the beginning, but these messengers are now smarter. As arrogant as before.

In Jinhou's Mansion, Jia Xu, Guo Jia and others are listed.

Sun Gan said in a salute: "The envoy of the Great Han, Sun Gan, has seen the Marquis of Jin."

After the imperial court of Yizhou did not reward Lu Bu, Sun Gan, as a messenger, could not easily let go.

Lu Bu said lightly: "The messenger, please get up."

"Thank you Jinhou." Sun Gan said respectfully.

Jia Xu and Guo Jia glanced at each other and nodded secretly. They were obviously satisfied with the current situation. Although Cao Cao and Liu Bei each supported an emperor in their hands, their envoys were extremely respectful when they saw Lu Bu. Because of Jingzhou, the relationship between Cao Cao, Sun Ce and Liu Bei has been cracked, and what Changan has to do is to prevent their relationship from being repaired. In this way, Changan will face fewer enemies in future wars. .

Sun Gan said: "The saint canonize the prince of Jin as the prince of Jin, and all the other officials have a reward. This is an imperial decree."

After receiving Lv Bu's signal, the guards stepped forward and took the imperial decree. After opening it and taking a look, Lü Bu smiled and said: "The awards of the sage of Yizhou and the sage of Xudu are roughly the same."

The civil servants and generals in the field burst into laughter. Two emperors appeared, but the two emperors also had roughly the same rewards. The feeling it brought them was not glory, but ridiculous. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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