Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1560: : Cruel Qiang

More than a thousand Qiang soldiers were at a disadvantage, which made Mi Tang's face a little unsightly. He obviously did not expect that the Han soldiers would be able to explode such a powerful combat force under such circumstances. Similarly, Han soldiers The madness of the Qiang people has also deeply stimulated the Qiang people. There have always been only Qiang soldiers who are not afraid of death. They are warriors on the battlefield, while the Han people are weak in their eyes.

Now the soldiers of the Han people suddenly showed scenes even crazier than them. How willing they were, they wanted to get back their own glory.

On the other hand, the soldiers of the Han army did not retreat, and they did not hesitate to die. A famous Han army soldier was killed. At this time, there were only more than 300 Han army soldiers beside Li Qian. Most of them were wounded, but they were No soldier chooses to retreat at this time. They are the people of Lucheng. When the city is attacked by the enemy, they have the responsibility to stand up and protect their homeland, even if it is the price of their lives, what does it matter? They died to protect the homeland behind them.

"Let Mu Gu lead the cavalry." Mitang ordered. If the development continues according to the current situation, the Qiang soldiers will lose more. This is not what Mitang wants to see. These Han soldiers will be tougher. , After all, they are just infantry, when facing the cavalry charge, it is enough to make them collapse.

After Mu Gu was ordered to come to the place of battle, his expression was moved, but these Han soldiers were their enemies after all.

More than five hundred Qiang cavalry charged, only one charge, they tore the formation of the Han army. The soldiers of the Han army are already at the end of the battle. They are fighting with tenacious will to allow more people to escape. The city, they knew what the outcome would be if these people fell into the hands of the Qiang people.

After dispersing the Han army, Mitang only ordered the Qiang soldiers to surround the Han army, but did not charge.

"Who is the Han army general?" Mitang shouted: "If you are willing to take refuge, this lord will definitely treat you kindly."

Li Qian, who was covered in blood, shouted: "Qiang rebels, after waiting for King Jin’s army to arrive, you will definitely die without a place to be buried. You and other alien races dare to do this, even if I wait to die in battle, King Jin’s The army will avenge me."

As the leader of the Qiang people, Mitang has dealt with Han people a lot in recent years, and he can naturally understand the words of the Han people. Seeing that Li Qian didn't mean to retreat, he said coldly: "Kill!"

A team of Qiang cavalry rushed away from the formation of the Han army. They were fighting completely with iron and blood. When facing the collision of the horses, they would definitely be able to avoid them in peacetime, but their injuries were over. It is heavy, so many people are a little slow when avoiding, they can only watch the horses bumping into them.

This is a completely unequal battle. There are only 500 soldiers in the Han army, but they are facing the Qiang soldiers of more than 1,000 people, and they have to withstand the cavalry attack of the Qiang people. The strength of the two sides is completely unequal. However, under such circumstances, the soldiers of the Han army did not retreat. They used flesh and blood to win precious escape time for the people in the city. One hour is enough to let many people leave the city without becoming Qiang people. Plaything in hand.

Li Qian Yangtian shouted: "The officer was ordered by King Jin to guard Shanglu, but he lost him. Only if he died, can he repay King Jin for his knowledge of encounters!"

A long sword appeared in Li Qian’s hand. It was a long sword equipped by a civil official. In ordinary times, it was more of a decorative role. On the battlefield just now, if it were not for the protection of Li Qian from the Han soldiers, Plus, Li Qian might have fallen on the battlefield long ago.

Although Li Qian’s martial arts were not good, he was on the battlefield, but he was the spiritual pillar of the defenders in Shanglu City. Their adults were like this, not to mention them. Li Qian showed it with his behavior and when state officials faced life and death, he had What a choice, officials like Li Qian may be a very small part, but the existence of these officials is a great encouragement to the officials under the rule. This is the effect brought by the role model.

A long knife appeared in Mi Tang's hand. He was in awe of Li Qian. An official who dared to put his life and death out of his hands, even in a hostile camp, deserves their respect. No one is facing life and death. When you can be so calm.

When facing life and death, people always choose the side that is beneficial to them, but Li Qian explained what it means to fight forever.

The long sword in Mi Tang's hand swept away the long sword in Li Qian's hand, and it didn't fall into Mi Tang's chest, and the blood was flowing like a fountain.

Li Qian's eyes were wide open, and he slowly fell to the ground, seeming to be unwilling to the fall of the city.

The scene fell into silence for a while. Even if they saw their leader beheading the leader of the Han army, their mood was a bit heavy. The madness of the Han army and soldiers stimulated them to a certain extent.

Then there was the madness of the Qiang people in Shanglu city. They needed to vent their inner anger and fear, especially the Qiang people who encountered Han soldiers in the city. UU reading www.uukā and their performance seemed even more crazy. Only by killing a well-known Han Chinese can the fear in their hearts be relieved.

All the Qiang people are crazy. Perhaps the resistance of the Han people has offended them. Unless it is a woman who is favored by the Qiang people, the rest of the people, who encounter Qiang soldiers, are rarely spared.

The next day, the city of Shanglu gradually became quiet. This kind of quietness was complete silence. After a city lost its people, it felt desolate in addition to silence.

Mitang didn't restrain the soldiers of the Qiang people. They and the Han were enemies in their own right. On the enemy's territory, they didn't need to constrain. All they needed was to kill, to express their dissatisfaction with Lu Bu's attack on Liangzhou.

When the news of Shanglu city reached Xiabian, the prefect Zhang Wu of Xiabian was silent. He was the same as Li Qian and came from Jinyang Academy. However, Zhang Wu entered the school much earlier than Li Qian. For Li Qian Zhang Wu agrees with his ability to deal with matters before.

"Prefect, in Shanglu city, Li Qian led the defenders in the city, desperately trying to retreat, and now they have all been killed, and the people in the city who did not have time to escape were all killed by the Qiang." Du Wei Zhao Chong said here, his eyes flushed. , His lips were trembling slightly.

Zhang Wu's hands were also a little trembling. He was infected by the unrelenting will of Li Qian and others. He was angry at the brutal acts of the Qiang people. There were many battles between the Qiang people and the Han army, but he was dealing with the people. The methods of the Qiang people are extremely cruel, but the people in the city are seldom spared from the city that is attacked by the Qiang people. Even if they survive temporarily, they can only become the playthings of the Qiang people. , Will kill it. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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