Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1562: : Qiang People's Attack on Fuping (Part 1)

Ju taught: "This is what the official thought."

The two looked at each other, and both felt anger from each other's eyes. This anger did not seem to destroy the Qiang people in Wudu, and was not enough to calm the anger.

After the news that Shanglu City was slaughtered by the Qiang people spread to Chang'an, Chang'an shook up and down, but after learning the news, Jia Xu didn’t have the slightest surprise. He was originally from Liangzhou. The grievances are quite clear.

However, this matter was spread all over the world through the Dajin Newspaper, which attracted condemnation from scholars from all over the world. In their eyes, Lu Bu was an unpopular person. However, compared to the words of the Qiang people, they still support Lu Bu, Qiang. There are so many blood debts committed by people in Liangzhou, but the past wars have not been manifested in this form.

The anger of the people under King Jin’s rule was completely ignited by the actions of the Qiang people. If they were a little bit hesitant about Lu Buxing’s attack on Liangzhou before, now they have no hesitation. These brutal Qiang people, They need tyrannical means to conquer them.

Cao Cao obviously didn't expect the Qiang people to have such a radical move. Although I heard a little about the battle between the Han and Liangzhou Qiang people, it was a real slaughter of the city. Of course, he had done this before. But now that the people who killed the city were replaced by Qiang people, the effect was completely different. They were Han people, and the war between them could be understood even if they were cruel, but the Qiang people were aliens.

The next day, on the advice of Cao Cao, Liu Cong ordered Lv Bu to be appointed as the commander of the army to attack Liangzhou, and he supported Lv Bu's move to attack Liangzhou and expressed the court’s goodwill.

The coach who attacked the army in Liangzhou and supported Lu Bu was waving the flag for Lu Bu. Although the prestige of the Han Dynasty gradually weakened, it was still orthodox.

Like Xu Du's Han room, Yizhou's Han room also expressed support for Lu Bu.

For a time, the princes focused their eyes on Liangzhou again. Although they hoped that Lu Bu could lose his troops on the battlefield in Liangzhou, and did not have more energy to deal with other princes, they did not have the slightest affection for the cruelty of the aliens. , At this time their mood is contradictory.

After Pound led five thousand soldiers and horses to Anding County, he joined the soldiers and horses of Anding County, totaling 10,000 people, and came to Fuping, the county of Beidi County.

As the prefecture of Beidi County, Fuping is the most important place in Beidi County. However, in recent years, due to the growing power of the Qiang people in Beidi County, the Han army has become much weaker in their ability to control the Fuping area.

There are many Han people in Lingzhou and Lian County. Compared with the cruelty of other Qiang tribes, Beidi County’s Xianlingqiang methods are much softer, but the current living conditions of the people in the city are Terrible.

Living under the rule of the Qiang people, they can be said to lead a life inferior to pigs and dogs. The Qiang people have absolute power over their lives. If they do not obey the orders of the Qiang people, the consequences will most likely be death. , How many Han people fell under the sword of the Qiang people.

The Han people in the two places also thought of fleeing, but once they were caught by the cavalry for the Qiang, the consequences would be extremely serious. The local Han people were silent, just hoping to survive under the rule of the Qiang people.

When Anding County sent 10,000 troops towards Fuping, Dian Ling, the leader of Xian Ling Qiang, was furious. In the past few years, Xian Ling Qiang has made considerable development in Beidi County and Anding County, and Dian Ling The Qiang army in his hand is a total of nine thousand people. With this level of strength, even after Li Ru secretly supported Zhao Yang to become the prefect of the North, he maintained a very good relationship with the Qiang.

Even Li Ru did not dare to place Beidi County's prefecture in Fuping, but moved to the more barren Niyang, which shows how powerful the Qiang people in Beidi County have reached.

The action of the Qiang people, whether in Liangzhou or the whole big man, is an absolute righteous act. The Qiang people have been a disaster for Liangzhou for many years, and how many people have died in the hands of the Qiang people.

Yang Qiu and Niu Fu, as Liangzhou people, are even more worried about the current situation in Liangzhou. Han Sui’s strength is second to none in Liangzhou. However, when the Qiang people are in real turmoil, Han Sui’s strength is still somewhat weak, positive. Facing the army of Qiang people, Han Sui didn't have much chance of winning, and after the Qiang people entered the hinterland of Liangzhou, they just made killings and looted the people. In this way, Han Sui fell completely into a passive situation.

This is also the reason why Han Sui has always maintained a good relationship with the Qiangs for many years, and even comforted the Qiangs under his control. No one wants to anger a powerful enemy at this time.

The Qiang people are ambitious. In the process of fighting with the Han army, they gradually realized the importance of the site, otherwise the Beigong Feng would not gradually occupy Zhangye and strength It is very different from the attachment of the people. The Han people are afraid of the Qiang people, but behind the fear is hatred, but the Han people have no strength.

Under the anger of Dianling, the leader of Xianling Qiang, the most unlucky thing was the Han people underneath. On the day that the Han army was dispatched, Dianling ordered the execution of more than three hundred Han people and ordered the people of the two places to be killed. People were panicked, but under the panic, they even more hoped that the Han army could come. They had endured enough under the rule of the Qiang people.

For many years, they have lived a life of fear and provoke the Qiang people a little. Their fate is death, and many people have come from various villages, captured by the Qiang people, and become a tool for the Qiang people to obtain benefits. In troubled times, to survive is a luxury for the people. Even if it is a tool for the Qiang people, few people will resist. However, when faced with threats to their lives, it is very different. The temperament is unpredictable, maybe even talking and laughing in the last moment, and then waving the butcher knife in your hand at you in the next moment.

The news of the arrival of the Han army made many people secretly look forward to it.

As if to express dissatisfaction with the dispatch of the Han army, Dian Ling mobilized five thousand troops and came towards Fuping. He wanted to teach the Han people a severe lesson and let them understand that in Beidi County, the Qiang Qiang is not to be provoked. exist.

At this time, there were only 1,000 defenders in Buping City. As the county governor of Beidi County, Buping City was strong in the eyes of the Qiang people. However, over the years, the Qiang and Han forces have gradually been in a state of peace. The army was immersed in peace, and at this time, Beidi County's prefecture was in Niyang, which lacked sufficient attention to Fuping. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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