Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1568: : The army is dispatched

More than two thousand Xianbei cavalry soldiers camped outside the city, and Pound led a hundred guards into the city with Zhong Quan and others.

The defeat of the Qiang people this time was a great encouragement to the soldiers and people in the city. For many years, the Han army has always been at a disadvantage when facing the Qiang people. In their hands, they became the captives of the Qiangs, and now they have won, and they have repelled a large number of Qiang cavalry with their weak forces.

After entering the city and seeing the situation in the city, Pound's anger was rekindled.

In order to resist the Qiang army outside the city, the people even demolished the house at home to resist the attack of the Qiang army. In the looks of the people, Pound saw not only the joy of the aftermath, but also Pessimism about current life.

Entering the government office, Pound sat directly in the upper position. He was the commander of the army and was responsible for all matters of attacking the Qiang.

Naturally, Zhong Quan and the generals in the army have no opinion on this.

The entry of a hundred Xianbei cavalry into the city also caused a lot of panic among the people.

Pound looked around at the people and slowly said: "You can hold Fuping in such an emergency situation, it is a great achievement. This general will inform King Jin, but now the Qiang people still have a lot of military strength. The mission is to make the Qiang people a prisoner of our army, so that they can't do harm to Liangzhou from now on."

Everyone was refreshed when they heard this. The Qiang people have always been a thorn in the hearts of the people of Liangzhou. If the disaster of the Qiang people cannot be eliminated, they need to worry about their own safety at all times.

"There is news from Wudu that after the Qiangs broke through Shanglu City, they slaughtered the people in the city, and the defenders in the city died more than 90%." Pound said: "Under the tent of the King of Jin, the most important thing is the elite soldiers."

Pound turned his gaze to Zhong Qian and said: "You are the main general in the city. You naturally have a better understanding of the Qiang people. You can talk about the situation of the Qiang people."

Zhong Quan stood up and said: "General, the Qiang people of Beidi County are dominated by Dianling, the leader of Xianlingqiang. There are about 9,000 people under his command, and they are extremely powerful. They now occupy Lianxian and Lingzhou. When Dian Ling attacked Fuping this time, the people of the Han army were responsible for filling in the moat, and the Qiang army followed."

"Dianling is very prestigious among the nearby Qiang people. The Qiang army under its command is brave and good at fighting, and Dianling often looted the villages of the Han people. The captured people are the playthings of the Qiang people." Speaking of this, Zhong Zhong There was an angry expression in my expression.

Not only Zhong Qian, but all Han generals who heard such news would not have any good moods. Originally in Liangzhou, the status of the Han people was very high. After the successive rebellions of the Qiang people, the Qiang People have become a high-status existence in Beidi County. The Han people are like vassals in their eyes. Even if the people of the Han people obey the orders of the Qiang people, they will not end well.

Pound said solemnly: "Send the cavalry outside the city to closely fight the Qiang people in Lingzhou."

"Here." Zhong Quan said with a fist.

From Pound, the generals in the field felt vigorous and vigorous. It was a great encouragement to the Qiang people and the soldiers and civilians of Liangzhou. If they could win, it would be to move a mountain above the people's head.

Then Pound walked around the city. After seeing the current living conditions of the people, Pound was extremely dissatisfied. Now that Beidi County is under the rule of King Jin, the people should enjoy the same treatment. In other words, Pound learned that although Fuping was often harassed by the Qiang people, there were two families in the city. These two families owned more than 60% of all the fields under the rule of Fuping, and the two families were in Fuping. It also has a great influence.

For these aristocratic families, Pound does not have the slightest affection. He is under the king of Jin and will surely be the opposite of the aristocratic family in the future. If these aristocratic families are acquainted and hand over the fields in their hands, they may enjoy better treatment in the future. , Otherwise, the families of other places are the fate of these families.

Now under the rule of King Jin, the family did not dare to disobey the slightest. This was suppressed by a powerful army, and the strength in the hands of the family was gradually being weakened.

Under these circumstances, many members of the family can choose to go to the rule of the princes. Some of the members of the family can pass through the recruitment hall and become officials under the rule of the Jin king, which can retain their strength for the extension of the family.

As for the living conditions of the people, Pound originally didn’t care. He was a general under Ma Teng at the beginning. He was a pivotal figure in the army. Under Lu Bu’s rule, his conception was quietly happening. Change.

Today's situation in Fuping is not suitable for the aristocratic family. After the Qiang is defeated, it is time to liquidate the aristocratic family.

Let’s say that after Dian Ling gathered the soldiers and horses, when they came, there were 5,000 people, and now there are only more than 3,100 people left. Most of them were lost during the attack on Fuping. They are so strong for the cavalry of the Han army~www.readwn. com~Dianling has deep concerns. If the Han army were so powerful, then the Qiang would be in danger.

The most important place for the Qiang people today is Lian County. The Qiang tribe is close to Lian County. As long as there is a war, they can send a large army to support it.

After returning to Lian County, Dian Ling immediately ordered to gather the Qiang army in Lian County. He had a hunch that the Han army would definitely attack.

Lingzhou and Dianling also did not want to give up. When they captured Lianxian and Lingzhou, the Qiang people paid a great price. The Han army was much worse than the Qiang people in terms of city diplomacy, but they had the city. The benefits have caused considerable harm to the Qiang people.

Half a month later, the army and the food and crops arrived in Fuping, and news about the Qiang people was continuously passed to Pound. When he learned that the Qiang people had gathered three thousand soldiers and horses in Lingzhou City, Pound sneered in his heart. , It seems that the Qiang people are very confident in their own strength.

The next day, Pound led a large army towards Lingzhou. In Fuping City, there were a thousand defenders left. Zhong Quan knew the Qiang people better and went with the army.

For such an order, Zhong Quan will naturally not violate. He is already a general under the Jin King’s account. If he can gain credit on the battlefield against the Qiang, it will be of great benefit to the future. Pound is in Fuping. During this period of time, some things in the general were told to him.

Nine thousand armies appeared outside Lingzhou City, but the Qiang people on the city did not show the slightest fear. They were invincible Qiang warriors. In their eyes, the Han army was weak, even if the Han army was in Fuping. After winning a battle outside the city, the attitude of the Qiang people towards the Han army could not be changed.

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(End of this chapter)

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