Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1574: : Zhang Qi

"Check the news of the Han people in the city. If anyone dares to have a different mind, they will be killed directly." Dian Ling ordered.

Lian County was the base camp of the Qiangs at this time. Among them, there were more than 2,000 Han people, most of whom were looted from Han villages by the Qiangs.

If you want to reflect the superior status of the Qiang people, you naturally need the support of the Han people. The Qiang people regard the Han people as slaves, but they need the Han people to work hard for them. It is like farming. Naturally, the Han people are responsible, and the fields Most of the gains in China have been in the hands of the Qiang people.

Under such circumstances, the execution of Han people is rare. Among the Qiang people, there are also many Han people who take refuge.

By Dian Ling's side, there was a literati among the Han people, and he made great efforts in the process of Dian Ling's attack on Lian County and Lingzhou.

Zhang Qi is a poor scholar in the eyes of the Han family, but he has a high status among the Qiang people. When the Han people were desperate, Zhang Qi came to the Qiang tribe in Beidi County.

Dianling is a Qiang leader with a far-sighted perspective. He realized that the Qiang people had many problems in the process of fighting between the Han forces. The most important thing was the huge gap in strategy. Otherwise, relying on the strength of the Qiang people, he wanted to Sweeping Liangzhou is a simple matter.

For Zhang Qi, although Dianling is more reusable, it has a defensive mind. In any case, Zhang Qi is a Han Chinese and respects on the surface. It is reasonable to guard against Zhang Qi in secret. When Dianling attacked Fuping, I asked Zhang Qi, but he didn't let Zhang Qi go with the army.

"The leader, now that the Han army is powerful, if relying on the city, it will definitely be able to stop the Han army from moving forward." Zhang Qi whispered.

Dian Ling coldly snorted: "How can the Han army be strong? How powerful was the big man back then, not because the Qiang warriors defeated on the battlefield in Liangzhou, but now the Han army is just under the tent of the king of Jin. No matter, after the warriors from the Qiang tribe come to Lian County, this general will surely defeat the Han army on the frontal battlefield, so that the Han army will understand that in Liangzhou, the strength of the Qiang is the strongest."

Zhang Qi was silent when he heard this. At first, Dian Ling still obeyed his strategy. However, as Dian Ling became stronger and stronger, he had a lot of guard against him, but his position among the Qiang people, Zhang Qi was greatly satisfied. Since the Han Dynasty could not reuse him, he had to show enough ability among the Qiang people to make Dahan officials regret it.

After Lu Bu's rise in Chang'an, Zhang Qi felt a huge crisis. Judging from Lu Bu's past behavior, it is certain that Liangzhou would not be allowed to have such disasters as Qiang people. However, in the face of Zhang Qi's reminder, Dian Ling ignored it. In Dianling's view, no matter how powerful Lü Bu was, he would bow his head to the Qiang people in Liangzhou after all, but he could get a lot of benefits from it.

In the past, the Qiang people used this method to make the tribe stronger.

However, Lu Bu's behavior has made Dian Ling's wishes come to nothing.

"Leader Yingming, the Han army attacked Lingzhou because of the cunning of the Han army. Otherwise, it would be impossible to break Lingzhou. The warriors of the Qiang people have never been afraid of war. If the Han army comes, give it to A bitter lesson for them."

The generals of the Qiang tribe have agreed, and they have absolute confidence in the warriors in the tribe. In the past few years, the victory of wars will not affect their belief in victory because of one or two victories of the Han army.

The Qiang people with such beliefs are extremely terrible. As the leader of the Qiang tribe, Dian Ling knows that when facing war, the Qiang people cannot have the slightest retreat. What they need is victory.

Zhang Qi suddenly became a little unhappy about the situation of the Qiang people. The strength of the Han army is beyond doubt, especially the princes of the Central Plains, who have been war-torn for a long time, and Lv Bu can stand out from the princes and become the best among them. The coalition forces of the Quartet princes can still win, and its strength can be imagined.

When the Han army fought with the Qiang people in Liangzhou, the reason why they were weak is largely related to the fact that the Han army has not experienced a war for a long time. When the Han army is tempered by the war, how strong will it erupt. You can imagine the combat effectiveness.

On the battlefield outside Fuping City, the Qiang people led by Dian Ling were defeated by the Han army, and now the Han army has taken Lingzhou from the hands of the Qiang people like a bamboo. Han Jun?

Not to mention the turmoil among the Qiang people that Lingzhou was captured by the Han army, and that the news that Han Sui and Lv Bubing were united to attack the Qiang people in Liangzhou, after reaching Zhangye, the Qiang leader Bei Gongfeng was furious. Over the years, the Qiang people have given Han Sui a lot of care, in order to be able to have a place for them to survive in Liangzhou, but now Han Sui has abandoned the past easy and joined Lv Bu together. , Their hatred of Han Sui can be imagined.

The reason why Han Sui was able to grow in Liangzhou has a lot to do with the Qiang people's secret help. Without the Qiang people's support, it would be impossible for Han Sui to seize Wuwei.

Han Sui had various transactions with Qiang people in Liangzhou. Of course, more often, Han Sui got more. For this, the Qiang people didn’t mind, and even their leader died in Han Sui’s. In their hands, they did not attack Han Sui because of this.

Back then, Han Sui supported the Qiang people. At this point, the Qiang people are grateful, but gratitude does not mean that they have to work hard for Han Sui. This is the reason why the Qiang people have gradually risen in Zhangye County and Jiuquan County. , The Qiang people are not satisfied with the current situation, and want to extend their shots to Dunhuang County, as long as they hold Dunhuang in their hands, the Qiang people's influence in Liangzhou will be even greater.

Although the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions have experienced a lot of wars over the years, they are a land of wealth in the eyes of the Qiang people. As long as they can control the Western Region’s Duhu Mansion, it means that in future battles with the Han army, the Qiang people will Will occupy a greater advantage.

After receiving Han Sui’s order, Yan Xing did not dare to neglect. Although I don’t know what happened to Han Sui’s trip to Chang'an, Yan Xing would not violate Han Sui’s order. Over the years, the Qiang people did give it to Liangzhou. The people caused great harm, and Yan Xing, as a general of the Han army, had no affection for the Qiang people.

In Yan Xing’s view, the Qiang people do not know that they are satisfied. They were dissatisfied with the exploitation of the Han officials and rebelled in anger. These behaviors are understandable. When the Qiang people gained an advantage in Liangzhou, they revealed it. With ferocious faces, how many Han people were killed at the hands of Qiang people.

(End of this chapter)

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