Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1580: : Li Ruzhimou

As for the ceremonies for proclaiming the king in Beigong, there is no such thing. Beigongfeng wants only the title. Besides, the Qiang people don't pay much attention to the red tape of the Han people.

After Liang Xing led the defeated soldiers and fled back to Gu Zang, he ordered people to send the news quickly to Han Sui and Yan Xing. He already imagined how angry Yan Xing would be after receiving the news. The five thousand soldiers guarding Fanhe It was Han Sui's elite, but he defeated the Qiang in such a short period of time, almost allowing the Qiang to get the food and grass of the Han army.

Even so, after the Qiang people broke through the city, they still got a lot of things. First of all, the armor of weapons and armors, and there are many in the treasury. These things are precious in the eyes of the Qiang people. The Qiang people are brave and brave. With a more sophisticated weapon blade armor, the combat effectiveness will be more powerful.

Liang Xingzai Fanhe resisted the Qiang army's offensive, but instead gave the Qiang army a sword and armor, which greatly improved the strength of the Qiang.

After receiving the news that the Qiangs had broken through Fanhe, Lu Bu led a large army to Ji County, the prefecture of Hanyang County.

When he attacked Jixian County, Li Ru’s tactics plunged Jixian County into the flood, and many people died as a result. Even though Jixian County has not been stabilized for a short time, the number of people in the city has decreased by 80%. Such a situation is extremely fatal to the rule of a county.

The county governance is the most prosperous and important place in a county. It must have the most people. Like Ji County, there are not too many people. It is not true to call it the county governance of Hanyang County.

Lu Bu shook his head secretly after seeing the scene in Ji County. After entering the city, the Prefect’s Mansion became the place where Lu Bu handled military affairs. Outside the Prefect’s Mansion, guards led by Dianwei were stationed. After all, this is Han Sui’s site. And Han Sui is an ambitious person, even if he chooses to seek refuge, he must be treated with care. No one is sure whether Han Sui will suddenly turn his face in the next moment.

And Han Sui's past actions show that this is a person who will do whatever it takes to gain benefits. As long as he can obtain more benefits, those who used to be called brothers will die in his hands.

Lü Bu looked around the generals in the field of vision and slowly said: "This king just got the news that the Qiang leader Bei Gongfeng led 40,000 Qiangs and broke through Fanhe. The five thousand troops in the city only escaped with less than five hundred people. , The people in the city were poisoned by the Qiang people."

The generals in the court heard the words and talked about it. When the Qiang attacked Fanhe, although there were 40,000 people, there were five thousand troops in the city. With the Qiang people’s siege methods, it was obviously necessary to pay for the attack. It's a great price.

"The reason why the Qiang people broke Fanhe so easily is that when they attacked the city, the Qiang people used poisoning, so that most of the defenders in the city lost their combat effectiveness. The Qiang people suddenly attacked. The city has fallen." Lu Bu said here, his expression is also a little solemn, Qiang people, it is really not simple, people say that when the Qiang people do not know how to use strategies when fighting, and he just led the army to see the Qiang people using strategies. one side.

The discussion among the generals in the army has become more intense, but they are more annoying at the Qiang people.

After the court gradually calmed down, Lu Bu said: "Now that Fanhe has broken through for the Qiang people, what does Wenyue think should be done?"

Han Sui arched his hands and said: "The lord, his subordinates believe that when the rumor makes our army stick to Guzang, Guzang is the prefecture of Wuwei. The city is high and deep. Even though there are many Qiang troops, it is difficult to break Guzang. Wait until the Lord leads the army. After arriving at Guzang, it is the time for these Qiang people to die."

Lu Bu said: "Just in terms of text, it is said that the army should be stationed in Guzang to resist the Qiang. The guard must be more cautious. The Qiang is not so easy."

"Hey." Han Sui said with a flushed face. When Liang Xing led five thousand soldiers and horses to guard Fanhe, Han Sui vowed that he would be able to withstand the army of Qiang people. Now Fanhe is in a short period of time. For the Qiang to break through within the time period, this incident also shows that he does not understand the strength of the Qiang.

"Send command to the vanguard army to closely investigate the news ahead, without the slightest negligence." Lu Bu ordered.

Han Sui said: "Lord, the Qiang people are extremely powerful in Liangzhou. Not only in Dunhuang in Zhangye, but in Wuwei, there are also many Qiang tribes. Although these Qiang tribes obeyed the orders of their subordinates before, they are now the Qiang tribes. Rebellion, if these Qiang tribes take the opportunity to rise, it will be a big trouble."

This is what Han Sui worries most. If the army is in Fan and resisting the Qiang people, these Qiang tribes dare not make any changes for the time being. However, after Wuwei County opens up to the Qiang tribes, these Qiang tribes will be as honest as before. In the eyes of the Qiang people, the Han people are lambs to be slaughtered. From the Han people, the Qiang people can get more benefits.

Qiang people admire the strong but when dealing with the weak, they will not have the slightest softness. They need to get more benefits from the weak.

"The words of the Wenyue are true. These Qiang tribes are themselves a huge disaster in Wuwei County, but now these Qiang tribes are following the orders of the Wenyue. Wenyue might as well order these Qiang tribes to attack Fanhe. "Lu Bu said.

Han Sui's heart tensed, and he said, if this order is issued, these Qiang tribes are very likely to take refuge in the Beigong seal. This is obviously to rebel against these Qiangs, instead of letting these Qiangs stay in the ruled land. , It is better to directly push them to the opposite side, so that when fighting with the Qiang people, they will not worry about the rear things.

Li Ru stepped forward and said, "Lord, although the Qiang people are brave, they are not good at strategy. Since these Qiang people obeyed Master Han's orders, why not let these Qiang people participate in the defense of the city? Just ask the Qiang tribe to provide three thousand soldiers and horses. , Stationed outside the city of Guzang, when the Qiang people arrive, just order the Qiang people to come forward to fight."

Lü Bu wondered: "How to make these Qiang people obey orders?"

Li Ru smiled and said: "This matter is easy to hear. The subordinates have heard that there are patriarchs in the Qiang tribes. If the patriarchs of these tribes are controlled by some strategies, why not worry that the soldiers of the Qiang tribes will not obey orders. ."

Han Sui looked at Li Ru with a little jealousy. Such tactics are not vicious. If the Qiang people are driven away, they will not cut off the life of the Qiang people. As long as these Qiang people do not oppose the Han army in the future, they can still be The tribe continued to survive, but Li Ru wanted these Qiang tribes in Wuwei to completely go to the opposite of Beigong Feng, but the battle between the Qiang and the Qiang was still very exciting. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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