Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1587: : Qin Tian's mission

When the Qiang soldiers boarded the city wall, the Han soldiers began to suffer casualties, and the archers on the wells outside the city caused a lot of trouble to the Han army.

At this time, Lu Bu led the army and had arrived at Lingju in Jincheng County. The fighting situation of Guzang was continuously passed on to him. When the Qiang tribe near Guzang faced danger, they had to go from Guzang. Withdrawing troops outside the city made Lu Bu feel a little dignified, and when the incident of the appearance of Han people in the Qiang army came out, Lu Bu was furious.

Over the years, how much damage the Qiang people’s death has caused to the people of Liangzhou. Under such circumstances, there are even Han people who choose to join the Qiang people and help the Qiang people attack the Han city. These people can already be described as frenzied. .

"It was passed that Qin Tian came to see the Lord." Lu Bu said solemnly, handing all the defensive tasks to Han Sui. Naturally, he had the idea of ​​weakening Han Sui's strength. This does not mean that he would sit back and watch Han people appear in Qiang people. Indifferent among the army.

After reading the situation on the battlefield, Li Ru said in a low voice: "Lord, from the perspective of now, the Hans among the Qiangs are not weak, but they don't have a clear understanding of the strength of our army. When the cavalry rushed into the range of the thunderbolt car and the bed crossbow, it can be seen that the Qiang people’s judgment of the Han army is still based on the previous experience of fighting the Han army. If this is the case, after the lord leads the army outside the city, he can Give a severe lesson to the Qiang army."

Lü Bu nodded and said: "Wen You's words are very serious, the three of you are responsible for planning this matter, and strive to defeat the Qiang army in the fastest time."

After the situation of fighting against the Qiang people from various places came, Lu Bu felt the Qiang people's strength on the battlefield. Both the Qiang people of Beidi County and Wudu showed their strong fighting ability, and the number of Qiang people outside Guzang City It reached a staggering 90,000, but at this time the army beside Lu Bu was reduced to 60,000, mainly because of the control of the city along the way.

With the dispatch of tens of thousands of troops, it is impossible to keep the control of the cities along the way in Han Sui's hands. If Han Sui colludes with the Qiang people, it means that tens of thousands of troops will be in danger.

Han Sui was naturally unable to stop this situation. He had already chosen to take refuge, so he could only hand over the power in his hand, and he is now in Lu Bu’s army and wants to do something unfavorable to Lu Bu. Put yourself in a dangerous situation.

Han Sui has a deep city, but he still values ​​his own life, so he naturally doesn't want to just die like this.

From Lu Bu’s body, Han Sui felt ambition, and Lu Bu has the strength commensurate with his ambition. As long as he can defeat the Qiang people in Liangzhou and stabilize Liangzhou, he will not have to worry about the rear when he fights against the princes of the Central Plains in the future. Steady, if you can use the soldiers of the Qiang tribe, like the Xianbei, Wuhuan and Huns, they will play a huge role on the battlefield.

"Zhao Yun, led the army, slowed down and waited for the army in Cangsong." Lu Bu said.

There are a large number of Qiang people. With the five thousand soldiers and horses in Zhao Yun's hands, it is very difficult to get benefits in the hands of Qiang people.

After Qin Tian got Lü Bu's order, he did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly came. This time, not only the assassins of the Black Ice Terrace, but also the entourage of the Flying Eagle soldiers, the Black Ice Terrace showed when he assassinated Liu Bei's officials in Yizhou. In order to gain a strong strength, it has promoted its position under Lu Bu's command.

Now that Lu Bu became King of Jin, it made Qin Tian more energetic. Lu Bu's strength was already strong enough to be able to achieve the highest position in the future, and Lu Bu's hand had the jade seal of the ancient kingdom, which represents the destiny of things. .

Once Lu Bu's strength reaches a certain level, publicizing this matter will inevitably cause greater turmoil in the world. Although the rumored jade seal is very good, it has a fatal temptation for the princes and requires the princes to have the strength to protect the jade seal.

After Yuan Shu got Yuxi, it was because of his ambitions that he proclaimed himself the emperor in Shouchun and attracted attacks from the princes. In fact, if Yuan Shu could hold back it, with the prestige of the Yuan family, he gradually gained a foothold in Yangzhou. When the princes are in confusion, gradually increase their strength, and then become the emperor, maybe they will succeed.

"Master." Qin Tian saluted respectfully.

Lu Bu nodded slightly and said, "Commander Qin, letting you come this time is because there is one thing that requires you to do it yourself."

"The lord has orders, and his subordinates will die without hesitation." Qin Tian arched his hands.

"Well, if the leader of Qin personally takes action, he will surely succeed. Now Beigongfeng claims to be King of Qiang and gathers 90,000 troops to attack Gu Zang. Gu Zang is in danger. Among the Qiang army, there is a Han Chinese. It is precisely because of the existence of this person that our side is passive. What Qin Commander has to do is to take a shot in secret and behead this person. UU Reading will clear the obstacles for our army to break through the Qiang." Lu Bu slowly. road.

Qin Tian arched his hands and said, "The subordinates must behead this person!"

"If it can be done, the Qin leader can take the lead, but the Qiang army has a strong fighting force. If you can't do anything, you don't need to force it." Lu Bu said.

"The lord can rest assured that his subordinates will definitely be able to complete the task." Qin Tiandao, as the commander of a famous assassin under Lu Bu's command, how many assassinations have been experienced by Qin Tian, ​​how close was the defense around Lu Bu back then, and it was almost the Black Ice Platform. Not to mention the mere Qiang people.

Lu Bu said: "You have been following this king for a while, and the efforts of the Black Ice Terrace are in my eyes."

Qin Tian bowed his hand and left the camp where Lu Bu was located, but his mood became more agitated because of Lu Bu's words. Lu Bu's affirmation is of vital importance to Hei Bingtai, as the leader of today's lords. The most powerful existence in China, even daring to openly provoke the authority of the Han Dynasty, and proclaim himself king. Behind this courage is powerful strength. Few princes can compare with Lu Bu in strength.

After Qin Tian took refuge in Lu Bu, the reason why he worked so hard was to enable the assassins of the Black Ice Terrace to get a good result in the future. After all, before the Black Ice Terrace stood on the opposite side of Lu Bu, he repeatedly assassinated Lu Bu, even The important strategist Guo Jia under Lu Bu was almost assassinated. All kinds of deeds made Black Ice Terrace act more cautiously.

Now Lv Bu has no precautions against the black ice platform, but he has handed over the power of managing the black ice platform to Jia Xu. What kind of person is Jia Xu? That is one of Lv Bu’s most savvy advisers, and he is highly regarded by Lu Bu. Many times Lu Bu led soldiers outside, and Jia Xu guarded the rear. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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