Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1590: : Scout dispatched

After listening to the news from the scouts, Huang Xu ordered the cavalry to pass the situation back to the army, frowning. Judging from the appearance of the Qiang scouts, they seemed to want to carry out a siege to their cavalry. There are a full 300 scouts for the flying cavalry, and the lowest number of scouts for the Qiang is 500. However, the Qiang scouts who have the advantage in numbers basically fail when facing the flying scouts. Liang Xing leads a thousand cavalry. It can fight with the Qiang's two thousand cavalry, not to mention the flying cavalry.

The flying cavalry represented the most powerful force of the cavalry under King Jin's tent.

In terms of personal martial arts, the Qiang people are very powerful, they even have the riding skills not weaker than that of the Huns. However, whether it is the control of the war horses or the excellent war horses, the Qiangs and the flying knights have excellent armors. There is a big gap, and their personal strength may be comparable to Feiqi, but when confronted, they truly experienced the power of the scimitar.

Faced with this situation, the generals in charge of the Qiang scouts are indeed angry. They are the most elite cavalry among the Qiangs, and they have suffered many losses in the flying knights. This is not something that the Qiangs can tolerate, but he intends to investigate clearly. After the news of the flying cavalry scouts, relying on the advantages of troops, gradually killed the flying cavalry on the battlefield.

Huang Xu showed a sneer. He didn't expect Qiang scouts to play the role of hunter in such a battlefield. Feiqi was indeed at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, and it was not comparable to Qiang scouts.

A flying eagle soldier informed Huang Xu of the news and left quietly.

Although the flying knights around were a little surprised, they didn't delve into it. There are many things that they can't understand. What they need to do is to complete each task to get more credit.

"Brothers of Feiqi, now there is a lot of credit in front of you. I wonder if you have the courage?" Huang Xuxiao asked.

Hearing this, Feiqi turned their gazes to Huang Xu. They are naturally no strangers to Huang Xu. They are a member of Lu Bu's guard, who is very good at archery. Although he is a bit young among the generals, he is a lieutenant general. I admire the capable people.

Huang Xu said: "Now the Qiang scouts want to besiege me. From the news from the scouts, the Qiang has gathered hundreds of scouts and is besieging our scouts."

One stone stirred up waves. They have always been on the battlefield. They are the masters of the scouts. Even the scouts of the Xianbei, who are known as the eagles on the grassland, shiver when facing the flying scouts, not to mention the mere Qiangs. .

"General order." A flying squad could not wait to say, Qiang scouts have such courage, they admire it, but this also means that the credit will come.

Huang Xu smiled and said, "So these Qiang scouts are only three miles away from us."

The Qiang generals did not realize that their whereabouts were controlled by the flying scouts, and the Qiang generals were also very depressed. They encountered two or three flying scouts on the battlefield. They wanted to chase them, but they couldn't catch up. , In terms of speed, Feiqi is better than Qiang scouts, especially since this half an hour, I have not encountered Feiqi scouts. This situation makes the Qiang generals wonder if there are any flying scouts on the battlefield. Scout riding.

As for Lü Bu’s elite cavalry, it seems to the Qiang people that it is nothing more than that. Although they have been damaged a lot in the hands of the flying horses, they still have the pride of the Qiang people. They want to win the battlefield. As for gathering hundreds of scouts. , The enemy scouts on the besieged battlefield, in the opinion of the Qiang generals, this is resourcefulness.

As the Qiang scouts scattered and moved slowly forward, Huang Xu led the flying knights and appeared without a call. The Qiang scouts had already killed the flying knights on their way.

The Qiang generals dared to kill when they saw Han army scouts but only more than fifty people. With a loud shout, the Qiang cavalry rushed up.

What appeared in the hands of Feiqi was a bow and arrow. At a distance of a hundred steps, all the cavalry had been prepared to disperse the impact. They had their own goals, and Huang Xu’s goal was the Qiang’s general. Generals who are not forbearing, as long as they can tell from their outfits, although the overall equipment of Qiang cavalry is much better than that of infantry, there is still a big gap between generals and ordinary cavalry.

The Qiang cavalry took out their bows and arrows one after another. In the arrow showdown, they did not think that they were weaker than the Han cavalry.

Arrows from both sides come and go, and Qiang cavalry continues to fall.

An arrow came towards the Qiang general with the sound of breaking through the air, and at this moment a Qiang cavalry passed in front of the Qiang general and fell off the horse when the arrow was shot.

When Huang Xu saw this scene, he secretly regretted that the Qiang generals had no defense at all. It was definitely the best time to shoot the Qiang generals. However, the appearance of this Qiang cavalry was the general who saved them.

The cavalry's fall attracted the attention of the Qiang with cold sweat on his back, he was sure that the arrow was directed at him, and all his energy was devoted to the cavalry on both sides. Showdown.

The Qiang generals hurriedly hid among the cavalry. Judging from the battle of bows and arrows on the battlefield, the Qiang cavalry was completely at a disadvantage. From the fight to the present, the Qiang generals only saw a Han cavalry fall, and the reason for the fall. , But the horse under him was shot by an arrow. After the Han cavalry fell, they did not die. Instead, they quickly left the battlefield. The movements from the horse fall to the escape from the battlefield were extremely proficient. The Qiang generals who watched were dumbfounded.

The strength displayed by the Han cavalry was too strong. A Qiang cavalry stared blankly at the blade in his hand that was broken by the flying cavalry, and then directly beheaded by the flying cavalry from the rear.

On the battlefield, this situation is constantly playing out. The Qiang cavalry, who is superior in number, has not gained the advantage on the battlefield, but is constantly losing ground. The cooperation of the flying cavalry in the charge makes the lover’s cavalry. Suffered a great deal of damage, what they pay attention to is personal martial arts, even if the strength of a Qiang is strong, can it be able to withstand the combination of two or even three flying knights.

When cavalry rushed on the battlefield, the distance between each other was widened. If they were deliberately avoided, it would be difficult to cause damage to these cavalry. The flying cavalry not only has the advantage in speed, but also in the weapon. After the Qiang people’s sophisticated weapons and the flying cavalry's weapons collide, there is a possibility that they might not have anticipated the situation.

The Qiang leaders found it hard to calm down when they saw this situation. The Han cavalry, who were prey in their eyes, turned out to be hunters, and the Qiang cavalry was suffering constant losses. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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