Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1599: : Situation in Wudu

"Here." Wei Yan said with a fist. He was naturally a little dissatisfied with this task. Fighting with the Qiang means that there will be more merits. If you guard the city, it is not only boring, but also unable to rush on the battlefield. , He was the eighth general in the army, wouldn't it be a little overkill if he was used to guard the city?

As if he could see what Wei Yan was thinking, Lu Bu said: "Gu Zang is not only Wuwei's prefecture, but also the most important retreat for our army. If Gu Zang seizes for the Qiang, our army will inevitably face retreat. situation."

"The general will definitely make it difficult for the Qiang people to set foot in Gu Zang." Wei Yan clasped his fists again. In fact, deep down in his heart, he hoped that these Qiang people would lead the army to attack the city. In this way, his guarding Gu Zang would not appear boring.

"General Liang Xing, guarding Gu Zang with Wei Yan, as long as Gu Zang can protect him, the two of you have made the credit." Lu Bu cast his eyes on Liang Xing.

Liang Xing showed excitement when he heard this. Yan Xing just introduced him. He didn't expect King Jin to remember his name. It is said that this kind of emotion should not appear on a general in the army, but Liang Xing can't He had just taken refuge in Lu Bu, and naturally hoped to be reused, but now Yan Xing was left in the army outside the city. Among the defenders in the city, he was the commander-in-chief.

"This king has heard that there are so many good soldiers in the Xiliang army, I don't know how many combatable soldiers are in the city today?" Lu Bu asked.

Liang Xing clasped his fist and said, "King Jin, there are still 6,000 warriors in the city."

Lu Bu said: "Well, after General Liang Xing helped General Wei Yan to take over Gu Zang, he led these troops to the army."

"Here." Liang Xing said with a fist, but there was no excitement in his expression. If a general does not have enough military power, how can he gain credit and highlight their status? And this behavior of Lu Bu, Obviously distrusting him, but now their fate is under Lu Bu's control, Liang Xing has to obey, but as long as he can get more credit on the battlefield, he will definitely be taken seriously.

Han Sui knew that this was Lv Bu's beginning to weaken his strength. After the arrival of the army, Lv Bu ordered him to mobilize the defenders from various places to fight against the Qiang army.

In this case, the effect of Yan Xing's previous calculations will be extremely small. There are not too many large forces in the cities, how to fight against Lu Bu.

However, Han Sui understood that the best way to improve his status was to show enough ability on the battlefield in Liangzhou. During the period under Lu Bu's command, he had a lot of knowledge about the military system. I understand that at this time, he is the status of Zhou Mu, which is obviously inappropriate. In the future, he may become a chief general in the army, or he may follow Lu Bu's side, or he may serve in the Chang'an Mansion. Anyway, I think To be promoted, what is needed is credit. Whether it is a soldier in the army, a counselor, or a civil servant, if you want to promote your position, what you need is credit. Local civil servants need political achievements.

Han Sui naturally saw how terrifying the whole army would become under such a trend. Even ordinary soldiers have their own ideals. They also want to be generals, and they also want to be high-ranking figures. Among other vassals, the soldiers had such thoughts, and they could only hide them quietly. Otherwise, it might be ridicule from others. But in the army under Lu Bu, the soldiers had such thoughts, which is perfectly normal. There is even a saying that “soldiers who don’t want to be generals are not good soldiers”.

This is the most terrifying aspect of an army. When every soldier has a goal on the battlefield, how terrible the fighting power they will break out will be.

After the military affairs were tentatively settled, they began to be busy in an orderly manner, but the training of the sergeant soldiers never stopped. As long as the soldiers are kept in the fighting state at all times, they can exert their normal strength on the battlefield and maintain their troops for thousands of days. Use troops for a while.

The atmosphere before the start of the battle with the Qiang people became more and more solemn. This battle has an important impact on the situation in Liangzhou. Lu Bu can only win, not lose.

The consequences of failure will be extremely serious. It will affect what kind of situation Lu Bu will face when he fights against the princes of the Central Plains in the future. Although the princes of the Central Plains hate the Qiang people, they have the same fear of Lu Bu. The stronger the strength, the more it will affect the stability of their position.

Let’s say that after Tai Shici and Ju Shou led the troops and horses to the army, the war against the Qiang people began immediately. The Qiang people committed a heavy debt of blood in Shanglu city. This was something that soldiers in the army could not tolerate.

Even literati like Jushou, after learning the details of Shanglu City, were surprisingly angry, let alone soldiers in the army.

However, Jushou understands that as a counselor, you must stay awake at all times and not be blinded by the hatred in front of you. How to win on the battlefield and minimize the loss of your soldiers is the most important thing~www. After the arrival of Taishici, the leader of the Qiang, Mi Tang seemed to realize the urgency of the situation. He kept mobilizing soldiers and horses from the Qiang tribe, and now the number of Qiang soldiers in Shanglu City has reached 8,000. People, when the war is approaching, the powerful strength of the Qiang people in the battle is reflected. The young people in the tribe may become soldiers in the army, and they can play a huge role in the battle.

In terms of military discipline, the Qiang people may be far behind the Han army. However, in terms of the personal strength of the soldiers, the Qiang people are not weaker than the Han army's soldiers, and even stronger.

Mitang had absolute confidence in defeating this Han army, which caused greater turmoil in Wudu. When Lu Bu led the army to attack Hanzhong, Qiangdi was very honest, because they were at a disadvantage in terms of strength. In his eyes, Ma Chao, who was extremely tough, was driven out of Liangzhou by Lu Bu, not to mention Qiangdi with fewer soldiers and horses.

In the face of the threat of life and death, Qiangdi will not retreat. To preserve the strength in his hands, he must win more victories on the battlefield. The Han army has made up his mind to defeat them. In this case, they have to resist. When the survival of the Qiangdi tribe is greatly challenged again, they will explode with even more powerful combat effectiveness.

Invading the cities of the Han people can give the Qiangdi tribe enough benefits, but after breaking the Han army, it can allow Qiangdi to continue to survive in Liangzhou.

With the increase in strength, the ambitions of the Qiangdi tribe will also breed. Bei Gongfeng can lead the Qiangdi tribe and achieve such a great achievement in Zhangye. He can also be a fan of Tang. As long as he can occupy more cities, he will have With more Qiangdi tribes taking refuge, Mitang will also have the strength to confront Beigongfeng. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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