Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1613: : The Battle of Po Qiang (3)

Qiangdi’s army was in the hands of the charge, but the shield in his hand was raised. In the knowledge of the Qiangdi soldiers, the shield could provide them with sufficient protection.

However, the situation on the battlefield was beyond their expectations. The crossbow arrows, like long spears, directly penetrated the shields wrapped in animal skins in their hands, and the armor on their bodies did not provide them with sufficient protection.

After a crossbow arrow penetrated a Qiang **** in the front army, it did not weaken its power. The crossbow arrow took the Qiang **** and continued to go backwards, piercing through three pawns in succession, and then stopped.

The two hundred bed crossbows fought together, corresponding to the Qiang front army in this section of the bed crossbow. They fell neatly like cutting wheat. This process shocked the Qiang soldiers in the rear, but the order they received was just The charge naturally didn't dare to stop at the slightest. As long as he got close to the Han army, he could stop the **** monster, and the Han army could pay a heavy price.

The performances of the Qiang pawns in Wudu are average when fighting with them. When the Qiang army is at a disadvantage on the long-range equipment, they think more about getting close to the enemy as quickly as possible, rather than retreating. This is Qiang. The difference between the army of Di and the army of princes on the battlefield.

It’s impossible for the Qiangdi soldiers behind to see the power of the bed crossbow. However, they were in madness and took the initiative to ignore this point. Instead, they continued to launch a more violent attack. On such a battlefield, they did not. To retreat, you can only charge forward.

At 200 paces, the Qiangdi army ushered in a new round of offensive. The dead and wounded Qiangdi soldiers were not only afraid of the Qiangdi soldiers, but also aroused their fierceness to a great extent. The blood of the Han people is needed to avenge the death of Paoze on the way forward.

From three hundred steps to two hundred steps, the Qiang soldiers paid the price of more than 700 people. Even if they were not close to the enemy, they would have such a big loss. Put them on the general army, and the soldiers in the back would surely have Panicked.

The **** nature of the Qiang people's chest when they fought, they did not retreat because of the strength displayed by the Han army, because they have their own pride and their own persistence. It is normal for them to die on the battlefield. Things, wars, how could no one die, and their soldiers who have survived today should work harder, for the Qiang tribe, for the Di tribe to continue, and continue to work hard.

In fact, the Qiang team of the former army had been instructed by their generals before. The Wudu battlefield gave Beigong a wake-up call. That would not be deterred by the Han's crossbow arrows, as long as the fastest When the speed and the Han army start to collide, the advantage of the Han army on the bed crossbow can be completely dismantled.

As for the battle of bows and arrows between the two armies, the Qiang people are at an absolute disadvantage in long-range equipment. How can they compete with the Han army in archery, and it is clear that the Han army's bed crossbow will cause them even more heavy losses. Bei Gongfeng can still see clearly.

The Han sergeants who controlled the Thunderbolt had to admit that the Qiangs were crazy, but they would not have the slightest pity for these enemies. They wanted to cause the greatest casualties to the Qiangs at the fastest speed. It was these Qiangs. People, make Han soldiers and civilians suffer.

Although this is Liangzhou, there are many people living in it. This alone is enough.

After three rounds of crossbow arrows, the Qiang people are still a hundred steps away from the army. Except that the Qiang army facing the crossbow is still not close, the rest of the Han and Qiang army have already started fighting. A fierce battle took place. The Qiang people were brave and the Han people were good at fighting. The two sides collided in the same place, and they were the most elite soldiers. If they could gain the advantage at the beginning of the decisive battle, the enemy's trump card would be in this way. The situation is constantly exposed, which is of great help to the next battle.

After the initial contact, the two sides played hard to separate.

However, the most dazzling thing on the battlefield at this time was not the camp, nor the rest of the Han sergeants, but the strong crossbow army. The strong crossbow army under Chen's command continued to stretch on the battlefield, but they maintained a three-stage shooting. , But it caused huge damage to the Qiang pawns who charged.

In the eyes of the Qiang people, the strong crossbows facing them seem to be endless, and these strong crossbows are extremely powerful. The armor and leather armor on their bodies did not bring them corresponding protection, even the martial arts of the Qiang people. After the general resisted with the weapon in his hand, he felt the tingling of his arm, and only then realized that the crossbow in the hand of the Han army at this time was quite different from the Han army crossbow they had seen before.

These crossbows are all strong crossbows with a range of nearly 120 steps, and their penetration is much better than the previous strong This is the Qin Army strong crossbow, but in the Changan Army In the middle, there are still three strong crossbows, but they have just been put into training soon, and it is difficult to form effective lethality on the battlefield.

Crossbowmen also need close cooperation during training. Only in this way can they be invincible on the battlefield. What Chen Dao pays most attention to is the cooperation between the crossbowmen.

The control of the crossbow is relatively simple compared to the bow and arrow. It does not require longer training time. Up to three months, the soldiers can learn to control the crossbow. However, it takes longer to cooperate. The coordination between the two requires time and training. Only when the coordination between officers and soldiers is closer, will there be no more flaws in the battlefield.

The Crossbow Army is good at shooting at long range, which means that once the Qiang army approaches, their role will be greatly weakened. This is also helpless, but these crossbowmen cannot be ignored. The importance of, when they are scattered among the soldiers in groups of three or five, they can unexpectedly cause harm to the soldiers of the Qiang people on the battlefield.

The Qiangs went crazy under the attack of the crossbowmen, which made Chen Dao feel a lot of pressure, and the crossbowmen shot faster.

But seeing the front of the strong crossbowmen, there are constantly charging Qiang pawns falling down, and the five thousand people occupy a relatively broad level on the battlefield. However, the cooperation of these strong crossbow troops gives people a smooth feeling. After a row of strong crossbowmen shot the crossbow arrows in their hands, they would squat down without hesitation and wind the crossbow. The second row of strong crossbowmen started their shooting, and then the third row, and so on. The cooperation of the soldiers on the battlefield is a great test. If one of them makes a mistake, it will cause considerable damage to the entire formation. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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