Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1632: : New boss

After Qinghe became the leader of the Qiang, he immediately defeated the remnant under Zhangye's leader. He received nearly 20,000 soldiers and horses, and his strength was growing day by day. However, the Shaodang Qiang where Qinghe is located has merged with many Qiang tribes. Such things are not uncommon in Qiang tribes, but after Qinghe became the leader, he eagerly expanded the strength of the tribe, which made many Qiang tribes secretly dissatisfied.

At this critical moment, their biggest enemy is the threat from the Han army. If they can't stop the Han army from attacking, they will lose more things.

Qinghe obviously didn’t realize this. Perhaps it’s been that the Shao Dang Qiang has been suppressed too much over the years, and he finally became the incumbent. Qinghe’s oppression of other Qiang tribes has not ceased, and in the end several Qiang tribes With the persuasion of the tribe chief, Qinghe stopped.

However, the biggest problem for the soldiers of the Qiang tribe is how to resist the Han army. The braveness of the Han army is greatly demonstrated outside the city of Guzang. Qinghe is afraid of the fighting power of the Han army. Above, if it were not for the loyalty of the soldiers of the Qinghe tribe, at the critical moment, let him escape first, I am afraid that he would die on the battlefield like many patriarchs of the Qiang tribe.

There are still 20,000 soldiers and horses in the city that give Qinghe great confidence. In the past, the Han army used the city's advantages to make the Qiang people suffer a lot of losses, and now he can also use the city to block the attack of the Han army.

After understanding the key points, Qinghe's mood improved a lot, and the soldiers in the army were naturally responsible for the materials defending the city.

The defeat of the Qiang people caused the Han people in the city to suffer. After the Qiang army failed on the battlefield, the anger was vented on the Han people.

When Lu Bu, who was on the march, got the news, his complexion became gloomy, and these Qiangs even dared to act like this at such a time.

"Send orders carefully and inquire about the news in the city. These Qiang tribes who attacked the Han people will be severely punished." Lu Bu said.

Guo Jia said, "He naturally has no good feelings for these Qiang people, but in order to stabilize Liangzhou faster, they can't cause too many killings in the Qiang tribe, but punishment is for these Qiang people." It is absolutely cruel to say.

The ordinary Qiang tribes who participated in the war this time will need to participate in the construction team for three years after taking refuge. According to the Qiang’s past treatment of the Han people, it is divided into five years, ten years, and twenty years. Wait.

It is conceivable that once a tribe is punished for twenty years, can it still exist? In the construction team, although it can eat food, it is extremely tired. How many young people in Xianbei died in the construction team. In, for these people, no one will have mercy. They can make some contributions before they die. It is better than before. As for the betrayal in such a team, the consequences will be extremely serious.

"Lord, the Qiang people have always yearned for the life of the Han people and want to live in the city. Now there are many empty cities in Liangzhou. Why not meet the requirements of the Qiang people." Li Ru said in a low voice.

Lü Bu's eyes narrowed slightly, "Wen You will elaborate."

"How tyrannical the Xianbei, the Huns, and the Wuhuan people were in the past, but now they can only stay near the city on the grassland, and dare not violate the lord’s orders in the slightest. In contrast, the strength of the Qiang is nothing. There are many Qiang tribes in Liangzhou. However, after Liangzhou has been fighting for a long time, the people have no one out of ten. Why not let the old and weak in the Qiang tribe fill the cities and let them be responsible for reclaiming the land, among which the young and strong, Responsible for the construction of Liangzhou. If this is the case, the young and strong of the Qiang tribe will be fettered, and they will not dare to defect easily, and the old and weak among these Qiang tribes can provide food and grass for the master. In the long run, the strength of the Qiang people It must become weaker and weaker and eventually disappear." Li Ru said slowly.

Lu Bu was silent for a long time after hearing this. Li Ru’s strategy is very feasible, but it is extremely unfair to the Qiang people. Thinking of the Qiang’s behavior in Liangzhou, Lu Bu nodded and said: "This plan is feasible. Wenyou will be responsible."

"Here." Li Ru arched his hands.

Pang Tong and Guo Jia looked at Li Ru in different eyes. Li Ru’s strategy could work, but it can be described as vicious. It is completely to wipe out the Qiang people. If you follow Li Ru’s method, After ten or twenty years, the Qiang people in Liangzhou will become extremely weak and become vassals of the Han people.

However, they don't have any opinions when treating the Qiang people in this way, and the behavior of the Qiang people has violated their bottom line.

The Qiang people didn't realize that a huge crisis had quietly approached. If they couldn't save all of them from the attack of the Han army, their ultimate fate would most likely be destruction and disappear in Liangzhou.

There is no life worry for the time being, just to make them give up resistance. As for their future treatment, it depends on their But in front of the hope of living, there are still many. The Qiang people are willing to choose to surrender. No one wants to die like this. The reason they rebelled is to live.

Lian County, at this time, became the most important place for Xianling Qiang. Dianling’s soldiers and horses gathered in the city had reached 8,000. Under the stimulation of the powerful Han army, the Qiang tribe was also doing its best to recruit warriors in the tribe. Going to Lian County, if it fails against the Han army, it means that the Qiang tribe's years of efforts in Beidi County will be wiped out.

After Pound suppressed Lingzhou, Yang Qiu was left to garrison the city and led seven thousand soldiers and horses to Lianxian. The victory made the morale of the Han army high. Even though there was an army of 8,000 Qiang people in Lianxian, they were not afraid.

The Xianbei cavalry is the key to defeating the Qiang army this time. If these cavalry are used properly, they can gain a greater advantage on the battlefield. From the perspective of the situation of the war, relying on the soldiers in the hands of Niu Fu is not enough. Although Fu had long since taken refuge in Lu Bu in secret, not only did the soldier’s clothes remain unchanged, but the soldiers’ armor and blades were not small compared to the soldiers under the king’s tent at this time, and they lacked the degree of bravery in combat. .

The cavalry is the key to defeating the enemy. From the previous defeat of the army led by Dianling outside Fuping City, it can be seen that the Qiang cavalry is much worse than the Xianbei cavalry in terms of combat effectiveness. Without stirrups, there is a big gap between the flexibility of the horses and the Xianbei cavalry.

Don't underestimate the stirrups. It was with the stirrups that Lv Bu led the flying cavalry to victories repeatedly and gained a great reputation. Now the stirrups have become an important thing for the Xianbei cavalry to restrain the Qiang cavalry. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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