Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1647: : The Strategy of Seizing the City

With the city as its backing, it is Qinghe's greatest confidence in the confrontation with the Han army. Although the Han army has monsters that can throw boulders, the city is strong, but it can provide security for the Qiang people.

If possible, Qinghe was unwilling to face the Han army anymore, he was already afraid.

In the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, Lu Bu glanced around at the generals in the Tent, and slowly said: "It has been nearly three months since we went to war. Our army has won victory after victory in Liangzhou. Tai Shici led the troops in Wudu County. Outside the city of Lucheng, Cenglangqiang and Baimaqiang were broken, and then the Qiang Dao was burned with fire. Thousands of Qiang's elite soldiers were buried in the Qiang Dao. They joined the wolf and Qiang for refuge. Bai Maqiang was led by Taishici and Ju Yi. ."

The generals in the tent showed a look of yearning when they heard the words, but they had achieved even greater success. This was a direct confrontation with nearly 100,000 soldiers and horses of the Qiang people.

"Pound broke the Qiang people in Beidi County and ordered the Qiang people to give the head. Now Xianling Qiang of Beidi County has chosen to surrender." Lu Bu said.

"You are all powerful generals under the king's account, and you have achieved greater victories outside Guzang City. The more you get to this time, the more you can't relax. As the saying goes, the arrogant soldiers will be defeated. , I must have seen that if you can achieve victory on the battlefield at the least cost, it is the best."

Everyone in the tent said, there was a scorching gaze at Lu Bu, even Yan Xing, if he was only in awe of Lu Bu before, now Lu Bu led the army to calm the Qiang people in Liangzhou, let Lu Bu be in his heart. The image is infinitely magnified.

The Qiang people most hated by the military and civilians in Liangzhou, and the Qiang people who caused the Han army's headaches, were buried in the hands of Lu Bu. The Qiang army was stronger than before, but Lu Bu, who was inferior in military strength, was able to The victory was a great encouragement to the military and civilians in Liangzhou.

"Now that the Qiang people occupy the city, I wonder if you have a good strategy to break the enemy?" Lu Bu asked.

The generals in the tent began to discuss, but when attacking the city, it was more of a strong attack, or someone inside should open the city gate to welcome the army's attack.

There are Han people in the city at this time, but these Han people are not enough to be the internal response. Their strength is too weak compared to the army of the Qiang people. I am afraid that they have been wiped out by the Qiang people before they are close to the city gate.

Under the rule of the Qiang people, these Han people may have long lost their original bloodliness. They have gradually become numb under the bullying of the Qiang people, and they only know how to obey the orders of the Qiang people.

This is also an unavoidable thing. The people of the Han people may have been looking forward to the arrival of the Han army at the beginning. However, after years and years, they have not waited until the army of the Han people. The disappointment and the fierceness of the Qiang people gradually made them lose hope. .

After discussing for a long time, there was no plan that made people shine. Guo Jia, Pang Tong, and Li Ru were silent. It seemed that they were not interested in attacking the city, but Lu Bu understood that the three of them were doing this. Think about how to break the enemy.

After everyone left, Lu Bu, Zhao Yun and the three counsellors stayed. In the future, Zhao Yun will definitely be the generals alone. At this time, it is very necessary to cultivate Zhao Yun's ability on the battlefield. From the battlefield shown by Zhao Yun In terms of ability, it already possesses the ability to act on its own.

After the generals left, the noisy Chinese army's big account gradually recovered quiet. This situation was very common in the past. Whenever important battles occur, the generals in the army will inevitably discuss them in the Chinese army's account. It gives the generals a chance to think, but sometimes the methods proposed by these generals can still make people’s eyes bright. For this, the counsellors who come with the military generally choose to be silent, perhaps based on the opinions put forward by these generals, and come up with ideas. The trick comes.

It is undeniable that these generals are extremely enthusiastic in making plans. Without him, if these strategies can be adopted and succeeded, they will also have credit. They have made the generals addicted to advisers. Many generals are extremely enthusiastic. It's just a mouthful, even if it fails to succeed, there will be no punishment.

Lu Bu turned his gaze to Pang Tongdao: "I wonder if Shiyuan has a good strategy to break the enemy?"

Pang Tong saw curious glances from the four of them, and coughed lightly: "Master, the subordinate's strategy is to open the gate of the city internally."

"Nei should open the city gate?" Lu Bu frowned slightly, and Zhao Yun was also puzzled.

"Neiying can be the people in the city, of course, it can also be the people of our army. The Qiang people have the benefits of the city. Even if they can stop the attack of our army, the Qiang people still have a big gap in the defense of the city. As long as I Fang's soldiers can sneak into the city and look for opportunities to get close to the city gate. The city will definitely be broken. At the same time, the lord can order people to spread the news in the city secretly. Qiang people's fighting spirit." Pang Tongdao.

Lu Bu nodded slightly. Pang Tong’s strategy is indeed feasible. After the elite soldiers sneak into the city, there is a certain risk after Now the city is controlled by the Qiang people, even if it is the Han people in the city, it is not certain. Did they take refuge in the Qiang people?

Letting the Black Ice Terrace or the Shadow Guards enter it, although the chance of success is very high, it will cause the two teams to lose. Now these secret forces play a vital role in dealing with the princes, especially It was Lu Bu who secretly increased his vigilance after hearing that Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Ce were also forming a team of assassins.

The reason why the princes were at a disadvantage in the past was because they did not pay much attention to some powers. The princes had a large number of talents. This is not something that Lu Bu can compare. Once the princes seriously do these things, they will definitely be able to play a huge role. Function, this only allowed Lu Bu to strengthen the defense against the Baibogu craftsman's workshop.

The thing that the princes most desired was in the Baibogu Artisan Workshop. Whether it was the method of building weapons or the method of building equipment, it was fatal to the princes. For these things, the princes would take risks.

If successful for the princes, it would be a huge threat to Lu Bu's rule. Today, Chang'an's army is at the top of the princes, not only because of their high morale, but also because they have Sophisticated armor and weapons beyond the princes, these are important factors affecting victory on the battlefield.

Guo Jiadao: "My lord, now that our army has an advantage in terms of strength, it is completely possible for the Qiang people to feel fear on the frontal battlefield. You only need to use the thunderbolt to attack the city, and you can cause the Qiang people to panic. The Qiang army has just experienced it. The defeat on the battlefield has made our army more frightened. If this is the case, the Qiang people will definitely be able to break through and give up the city." The real lady online service, help you find a book to chat with you, please We/Letter/ Search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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