Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1655: : Qiang People's Vibration

Lü Bu asked, "This is how Qiang people are?"

"The lord must know that Ma Chao was regarded as a mighty general by the Qiang people. That's because Ma Chao showed strong abilities on the battlefield, which convinced the Qiang people that they dare not disrespect Ma Chao."

Lu Bu suddenly felt that the Qiang, the Huns, and the Xianbei were somewhat similar in this regard.

"In this way, we will spread the king's past achievements in the city, and at the same time tell the Qiang people how the king treated the Qiang people." Lu Bu said, he believes that the Qiang people will make the right choice after learning about this. Although Lu Bu temporarily deprived the Qiang people of their freedom, the Qiang people live and work in peace and contentment without worrying about more problems. Building cities and roads does not endanger their lives.

In the troubled times, the Qiang people definitely want to survive. Besides, how they dealt with the Han people before, even if they have done some hard work, they are also atonement for their past actions. Presumably, this point of the Qiang people can still be understood.

Before the Han army arrived, Lufu City became lively. First Qinghe flees due to Lu Bu’s power, and then Lu Bu’s various achievements in the past. After listening to this, many Qiang people are looking forward to it. Only then discovered that compared with Lu Bu, their leader's previous record is so shabby, Lu Bu is the real hero, the real strong.

As Li Ru said, Yang Wanwan is a Di people after all. He temporarily controls the power of the Qiang people, but he cannot really affect the Qiang people. When facing danger, the Qiang people will still obey the orders of their own patriarch, after all. Yang Wanwan is not Beigong Feng.

Before the decisive battle with the Han army, Yang Wanwan was no more than the leader of the Diren. Relying on his own tactics, he made plans next to Bei Gongfeng, but he still failed to defeat the Han army. The master of the city still wants to dominate the Qiang people.

Previously, the reason why the Qiang people followed Yang Wan's orders was mainly because they wanted to use Yang Wan's means to resist the soldiers and horses of the Han army. Now it seems that it is extremely difficult. Even Qinghe gave up the city and fled. It can be seen that the Han army left him so deeply impressed. They didn't think Yang Wan could compare Qinghe in bravery.

In some respects, the Qiang people are pure. When they measure a person, they use their martial arts as the standard of calmness. Yang Wanwan looks weak, just like a literati in the eyes of the Han people. How can the Qiang people believe that Yang Wanwan will lead the Qiang people to victory.

Yang Wanwan also noticed something wrong. Recently, the most talked about in the city is how brave and good at fighting Lu Bu, and even Qinghe fled directly, Qinghe abandoning the city, not long after it reached him, this kind of news must be It can't be spread easily, but more ordinary Qiang people know about it.

From the discussion, Yang Wan felt critical and suddenly thought of the character of the Qiang people, not only the Qiang people, but even the Di people to a certain extent.

It's stupid to think that I once talked about how brave Lu Bu was in front of the Qiang people. Didn't it make clear that he wanted to push the Qiang people to the Han army? The generals in the army also reminded him at that time.

However, in Yang Wan’s view, the Qiang people would only choose to resist because of the strength and cruelty of the Han army, but they appreciated the courage of the Qiang people. In the face of the choice of life, few of them would choose to follow Yang Wan to fight. On the battlefield of death, everyone wanted to live in troubled times, and now Lü Bu gave them such an opportunity. If he couldn't grasp it, he would really have to fight the Han army to the death.

The patriarchs of the Qiang tribe were once again gathered by Yang Wan. He believes that the first thing to do is to make sense of the patriarchs of these Qiang tribes. Only when these patriarchs think this is correct can they affect the tribes below.

However, after some conversation, Yang Wan found that there was not much effect. These patriarchs did not seem to have the slightest interest in Yang Wan’s words. .

This situation caused Yang Wan to panic completely. He didn't want to join the Han army so easily and become a prisoner of the Han people. He had not had time to enjoy the power in his hands. In fact, this was also Yang Wan's worry, Qiang. Although people admire the strong, they have not yet reached the point where the enemy is a hundred miles away, they choose to take refuge, mainly looking at the Han army.

If Yang Wan can lead the Qiang people to victory in the next battle, even a small victory, it will be able to make the Qiang people trust Yang Wan again.

After the patriarch of the Qiang tribe left, Yang Wan was lost in thought. After a long time, Yang Wan slowly got up. He also wanted to understand the key point.

Nearly 30,000 Han troops came outside the city to shake the Qiang people in the city. In the past, facing such a large number of Han troops, they would not take it seriously, because there were tens of thousands of Qiang soldiers in the city.

However, it is the Han people who have brought them to where they are They don’t know what they should look like when they look at the Han army, admiration, hatred or admiration, but what they know is, if they can’t If they stop the attack of the Han people, they will become rebellious in the eyes of the Han people.

The army opened its battle outside the city, magnificent, a Han general led dozens of Han cavalry, shouting something outside the city.

Among the Qiang people, there are inevitably some who can understand the Chinese language. Soon, the content of the shouts outside the city was uploaded to the city.

It seems that the arrival of the Han army this time was to show the strength of the Han army, and then shouted outside the city. After completing the task, they went straight to camp.

After the news reached the city, Yang Wan was furious. The Han army really wanted to disintegrate their fighting spirit. This behavior is too shameless. Once the Qiang people lose their fighting spirit, they will be facing war. They will not be as brave as usual, and when faced with difficulties, they will shrink back, which is also inevitable.

Yang Wanwan sighed, he seemed to see Qiangdi's end in Liangzhou.

On the third day, when the Han army’s grain, grass and grains were transported outside the city, the Han army began to attack the city. The Han army had an absolute advantage in number. With a three-to-one strength, if the Qiang dared to go out of the city to fight, The Han army will teach them a bitter lesson.

"The lord does not need to really attack the city, just make the Qiang people feel scared." Li Rudao, who has lived in Liangzhou for many years, has a very good understanding of the character of the Qiang people. At that time, Dong Zhuo was able to be as big as the Qiang people. Li Ru's prestige is inseparable from Li Ru's secret plans. Although many years have passed, the habits of the Qiang people have not changed much. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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