Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1663: : Zhao Yun cuts the general

After noticing this scene, many Qiang people turned pale. Their morale was already low. When they met such powerful generals as Zhao Yun again, their feelings in their hearts can be imagined. If possible, they would rather flee now. On the battlefield, just after the cavalry charged up, it became extremely difficult for them to escape from the battlefield.

Zhao Yun’s words just gave a lot of Qiang pawns a mind. They have already seen that Yang Wan is about to fail. Under the attack of the Han army, Yang Wan could not escape again, and after taking refuge in the Han army, Their lives can be guaranteed.

As for being punished after taking refuge in the Han army, they suddenly realized that even if they were punished, it was better than dying on the battlefield. It is better to die than to live. When people are in desperate situations, they have hope of living. At that time, you can imagine what choices they will make.

Zhao Yun led more than a hundred white horses, and it can be described as a broken bamboo. The soldiers of Qiangdi had lost their fighting spirit.

"Yang Wan, are you still stubbornly resisting at this point?" Zhao Yun sneered.

"Even if the king died in battle, he would never take refuge in the Han people. This king is the king of the Di tribe." Yang Wanwan said firmly. He was afraid of death, but he would not choose to surrender. The boldness that a famous king should have.

After hearing Yang Wan's words, many Di Ren's soldiers seemed to feel something in their hearts and gradually gathered towards Yang Wan's body.

Zhao Yun nodded secretly, this Yang Wan did show some spirit, he deserved to be the king of Di people, but his bloodliness was destined to be useless, and even the Di people tribe would be even worse because of Yang Wan's decision. More punishment.

"Yang Wan, you can be regarded as a temporary figure, this general won't do anything, come by yourself." Zhao Yun sighed, the king of the Di people tribe, the status in Liangzhou is not small, but it is precisely because of Di People's greed, wanting to get more things, suffered the current embarrassment.

Yang Wanwan looked at the hundreds of celebrities remaining around him, sighed to the sky, drew the saber from his waist, and lay it across his neck. Time seemed to freeze at this moment. Many Qiangdi soldiers cast their gazes, some The soldier's eyes were filled with incredible color.

Especially the soldiers of the Di people tribe, they followed Yang Wan all the way to where they are today. They admire Yang Wan's ability, but they did not expect to have reached this stage.

Yang Wan is the king of the Di people and the patriarch of the enemy tribe. If Yang Wan died, it means that there will be no room for the Di people to survive in Liangzhou.

The soldiers who followed Yang Wan felt a bit at a loss while pitying Yang Wan. They didn't know what to do in the future. Their homes were gone. The soldiers in their tribe lost 80% of them in this battle, no. Has the strength to fight against the Han people.

With a strong flick of his wrist and a splash of blood, Yang Wan fell from the horse in the morning sun. His expression was not as sad as he had imagined. On the contrary, there was a trace of relief and a trace of unwillingness. From then on, these Things have nothing to do with him, and the things he worked so hard to get disappeared.

Yang Wanwan is a person who is not reconciled to the status quo. He is so similar to the vassals of the Central Plains of the Han Dynasty. When he has no strength in his hands, he thinks about how to make the strength in his hands stronger and unwilling to subdue to others. However, in the face of the powerful strength of the Han army, He sees no hope of victory.

There are many such people in history. If they can't make a difference, they will eventually die and become a dust in the long river of history.

After Yang Wan's death, the rest of the Qiang people died. Without too much resistance, they chose to surrender to the Han army. The main reason was that they could no longer see the hope of victory. The Han army cavalry had already made them feel desperate. .

There is only one dead end if you don't take refuge in the Han army, and after taking refuge, you can barely survive.

Some Qiang and Di soldiers woke up after Yang Wan's death. They were initially bewitched by Yang Wan's rhetoric. Now looking back, when Yang Wan died, everything will disappear. The rise of Qiangdi, the so-called occupying Liangzhou, under the tyrannical strength of the Han army, is just a joke.

This was their choice. When they followed Yang Wan to escape from the city, their ending was already doomed.

However, there is a major turning point for these Qiang captives. If they can stand out in the selection of soldiers, it means that they can get rid of the status of prisoners, but they have no salary in the army, even so. , It also made many Qiang prisoners excited.

If they can enter the army, not only will their status as captives disappear, but also their family members will follow. Their success will be accompanied by the whole family getting rid of their status as captives. In the face of such temptation, the military pays What's more, let's say that they have been in the Qiang army for so many years, not to mention the army's salary, that is, the meals in the army are all hungry and full.

This is a low opportunity for all Qiangs and emperors. Not only the Qiang prisoners in Wuwei, Zhangye, and Jiuquan, but also the Qiang prisoners in Wudu and Beidi County will have this opportunity.

The formation of a 3,000-member Qiang team is a gamble. After all, the Qiang had stood on the opposite side of the Han before, and had fought with the Han for many years, causing heavy losses to the Han. The Qiang people also have some distrust of the Han army.

In the blink of an eye, he was fighting, shaking hands, making peace, and even choosing soldiers from the captives. This kind of thing made the generals in the army quite puzzled, but Lu Bu has absolute prestige in the army. His words are the whole team. The will of the army.

This time, the soldiers were selected from the Qiang people. The place where Lu Bu was located had the most Qiang captives, and two thousand of them were selected, while the Qiang captives in Beidi County were selected five hundred, and the Qiang captives in Wudu were selected five. Hundreds of people.

This is the last chance for the Qiang people to get rid of their captive status. If they fail to succeed, it means that they can only be captives under Lu Bu's rule in the future. As long as they are some aspiring Qiang captives, they are all eager to try. The number of people seems to be a lot, but it is not. From the battle to the present, how many Qiang prisoners have been captured by the Han army. Besides, the selection of soldiers this time is not only from the prisoners of the army, but also from the Qiang people. Choose among the young men of the tribe, as long as the young men of the Qiang tribe can participate.

After a series of battles, Liangzhou temporarily stabilized. Although Qinghe led his troops and horses to hide in the Heli Mountain, it was bound to be difficult for long. The Assassins of the Shadow Guard and the Black Ice Platform took full action and were looking for the traces of these Qiangs in the mountains. Once discovered for the two, you can imagine what fate these Qiang people will face, and the task of eradicating these Qiang people was directly handed over to Shi A and Qin Tian by Lu Bu. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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