Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1670: : Wei Yanxun's Talk

Choosing soldiers from the Qiangs and adding them to the army is of great importance to the entire army. After learning that the soldiers of the Qiangs had been selected, Lu Bu brought twenty guards to live with the soldiers of the Qiangs. From the place.

Seeing the lively scene in the arena, Lu Bu frowned slightly. The Qiang's military discipline was loose. Although he was brave in combat, his requirements were not very strict. Naturally, such an army is not what Lu Bu wants to see, whether it is Qiang. The Xianbei are still the Huns. After they enter the Han army, they will gradually enjoy the treatment of the Han army. The same is true for the Qiang dynasty, but the premise is that they must be loyal to the army and have no disagreement. If they are generals in the army, they will definitely Will require this, and this is also an important measure of whether there is always an army.

The first choice was the deputy general in the army. In the previous competition, the top ten Qiang people all came out and played a duel. From among them, there will be deputy generals and Qiang generals.

Fu Yan, who had been following Wei Yan, was also involved.

This is to become a deputy general in the army. Fen Tong did his best to become a deputy general in this army, which means that he is the highest-ranking of the Qiang people, and his relatives will definitely live a better life.

"My lord, this man is named Fu Dong. He is Zhong Qiang's warrior. He fought with General Wei Yan before and defeated him." Huang Xu whispered.

Lu Bu nodded slightly. Zhong Qiang’s first warrior might be brave among the Qiang people. However, after he came under his command, it was not enough to have strong martial arts. Especially after becoming a general, many things are needed. When you use your brain to think, you can use simple and rude methods when fighting against the Qiang people, but when fighting against the army of the princes of the Central Plains, this method is not applicable.

The bravery of the soldiers in the battle between the two armies is of course important. However, the strategy of the chief general can also greatly affect the outcome of a war. This is also the reason for the importance of strategy.

The arrival of Lu Bu did not disturb the Qiang people in the competition. Judging from the performance of these Qiang people, it is clear that they want to reflect their own value in the competition at the same time. When the Qiang people have this idea, they will not be easy. Betrayal, because they have what they need in the army.

Halfway through the test, Lu Bu quietly left. He wouldn't ask too much about how the generals trained their soldiers. As long as the basic rules in the military were followed, there would not be too many problems. And the generals The most hopeful thing is that the soldiers in the generals are trained more elite.

As expected, Qun Xun lived up to the name of Zhong Qiang's first warrior, defeated everyone, and became the vice general of the Qiang army. Many Qiang people looked at Qun Xun with unconcealable envy, and won positions in the Qiang army. , Is obviously a more difficult thing, and their current performance is related to the relatives behind them, who don't want their relatives to lead a more stable life.

The generals in the Qiang army were based on the standards of the Han army, but only two thousand generals were selected. After all, there are still thousands of Qiang soldiers in the two places.

After selecting the generals in the army, Wei Yan stepped onto the temporarily erected platform.

Seeing Wei Yan appearing, many Qiang people consciously closed their mouths.

"From now on, you need to train hard. Only in this way can you become a good soldier. This general doesn't want to take you on the battlefield in the future and laugh at the enemy." Wei Yan said.

Many Qiang people looked at Lu Bu with dissatisfaction. Also, in the eyes of Qiang people, brave people can become their main generals. Although Wei Yan looks stronger, he still has differences compared to some powerful generals in Qiang people. There is a small gap, but now Wei Yan is the chief general in the army and has a righteous right to speak in the army. They dare not easily object. Who knows if Wei Yan will be so angry that he will be dragged out and killed.

"Don’t think that after being selected to stay, you can breathe a sigh of relief. There are three thousand people among you. This general will only select two thousand soldiers from among you to become soldiers under this general. As for the selection of the remaining soldiers, only I can go back to where you should go." Wei Yan said.

Compared to the previous experience, the Qiang people suddenly felt a little nervous, and finally stood out from the Qiang people. Unexpectedly, they still had to compete for the remaining places and send them to the place where they should go, which clearly meant that they should go back to build the road.

Building roads and becoming a soldier in the army naturally means that the latter is more valuable in the eyes of the Qiang people, and after becoming a soldier in the Han army, returning to the tribe is also a very face-to-face thing.

As if feeling the emotional changes of the Qiang dynasty, Wei Yan said: "In the Han army, the same is true."

As a result, many Qiang people suddenly lost their opinions. What they often pursue is fairness. As long as they can get fair treatment, as for things like the hardship of, it is nothing to Qiang people. .

"This kind of selection will not be carried out now, but in the next few months of training. Each time the soldiers who fall behind in training will be sent away." Wei Yandao.

The expressions of many Qiang pawns showed firmness. If they want their families to obtain a stable life, they must work hard and desperately.

"The Qiang people admire the strong, and this general agrees with this. If there are ordinary soldiers who are capable of defeating them, the generals can take their place, including this general. "Wei Yan said: "As long as you have the patience, you can seize the identity of the chief general from this general."

The Qiang soldiers can’t calm down anymore. Some people’s emotions can be said to be a bit agitated. More Qiang soldiers look at Wei Yan with a slight difference. They enter the Han army and worry most about their bullying by the Han army. However, From the point of view of this system, the Han army is very at ease with them.

What Wei Yan said has something in common with the system of the Qiang tribe itself. In this way, the selected military generals will not be questioned by others. The most important thing is that Wei Yan counts himself. in.

Among the Qiang people, there were many who did not obey Wei Yan. They were the warriors of the Qiang tribe. Although the Han army defeated them, they still would not give up easily.

After hearing these words, Qin Xun suddenly thought of Wei Yan’s strength in fist and kick skills. The reason why he was defeated at the beginning was because he was defeated in this respect. Under the knife, I don't know how many enemies were killed.

"The humble post wants to ask the general about the sword technique." Qiao Chao said. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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