Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1678: :Dunhuang Prefect

The role of cavalry on the battlefield is unquestionable. On the frontal battlefield, the cavalry has become the key to determining the outcome of a war. Whoever has more cavalry will have a greater number on the battlefield in the future. Initiative.

The princes attached great importance to the cavalry, otherwise it would not cost a huge price to buy from Chang'an.

The political stability of the princes, in exchange for the development of the troops under the rule of the princes, Lu Bu has elites such as wolf knights, flying knights, sun bow knights, and camps, and the princes are also moving closer to this aspect.

The three princes did not intend to deal with Chang'an. Instead, they sent envoys to Chang'an to congratulate them. Regardless of whether they are sincere or not, the Qiang people are not a small harm to the big man. Lu Bu, you can put the Qiang people down, which is a good thing for the big man. matter.

In any case, Liangzhou is the territory of the Great Han, and it is the important place where the Han connects the Western Regions.

Jia Xu was in Chang'an, but he was always paying attention to the news of the princes. If the princes attacked Chang'an at such a time, Chang'an would be plunged into turmoil, which would affect the war in Liangzhou.

The victory on the Liangzhou battlefield gave Jia Xu a sigh of relief. After Lu Bu defeated the Qiang, the princes were even more afraid to take other actions. Even the powerful Qiang was so honest in Lu Bu's hands, let alone them.

Facing the congratulations from the tripartite envoys and the rewards from Xu Du and Yizhou court, Jia Xu was also happy to accept it. As for his attitude towards the court in the future, it is estimated that there will not be much change. After all, Lu Bu is the king, which is already On the road of confrontation with the big man, unless Lu Bu can use his own strength to break this rule, even if Lu Bu assists the Han Dynasty to calm the world, it will definitely be liquidated in the future.

Once on the road of dominance and dominance, there is no reason to turn back. Even if you help the big man to rejuvenate, ZTE’s courtiers will not end well.

When Lu Bu became king, he had already made a decision. This must have been seen by the princes, but their strength could not compete with Lu Bu. Liu Bei was in charge of Yizhou's court, and Cao Cao was in charge of Xu Du's court. Standing on the highest point of morality, they didn't realize that it was because of their actions that the dignity of the Han Dynasty was further weakened.

Sun Ce appeared in Jiangdong to become king, and Lu Bu appeared in Chang'an to become king. Cao Cao and Liu Bei would be willing to continue to be courtiers like this. Everyone is ambitious. When their strength is commensurate with their ambitions, they will appear in rebellion. Of course, this rebellion was only spoken of by the Han court.

Let’s say that after Guo Jia and Dianwei came to Dunhuang, Chen Ying, the prefect of Dunhuang County, went out to greet him in person, and the story of Lu Bu's suppression of the Qiang rebellion in Liangzhou was also spread in Dunhuang County. Over the years, Jiuquan County and Zhangye In the county, after the Qiang people’s successive disasters, the people in the two counties are unable to live and have a stable life. This is a great luxury for the people of the two counties. Under this trend, many people have come to Dunhuang County.

Chen Ying, the governor of Dunhuang, not only resisted the Qiang people, but also guarded against the soldiers and horses of the Western Regions.

In the past when the Han Dynasty was strong, the Western Regions did not dare to violate the orders of the Han Dynasty. However, after the gradual decline of the Han Dynasty, the Western Regions gradually surpassed their control. The Western Regions Protected House was in name only, and the Protected House has a long history. , For the Western Regions, there is no shock at all. Instead, it has become a tool for the Western Regions to attack each other, providing them with righteous support, just like Cao Cao and Liu Bei holding the emperor to command the princes. Maximize your own interests.

As Dunhuang County is the only place through which the Western Regions will enter Liangzhou, Chen Ying's pressure can be imagined. At some point, the Western Regions will send troops and horses to attack Yumen Pass.

Chen Ying has some means in governing the locality. Although there are many families in Dunhuang County, Chen Ying has the absolute right to speak, resist the Qiang people, and make the soldiers of Dunhuang County more elite. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Chen Ying. Persisted in Dunhuang County for so many years.

For the soldiers and horses of the Han, Chen Ying can be said to be looking forward to the day and night. However, in the past, he received only words of relief from the court and no practical help at all. Under these circumstances, Chen Ying could only do his best to govern Dunhuang. County, develop the military strength of Dunhuang County.

Lv Bu's pinging of the Qiang people in Liangzhou is great news for the soldiers and civilians of Dunhuang County.

The people are happy, but the families of Dunhuang County are a little scared. Dunhuang County may be barren in the eyes of the Han people. However, after the turmoil of the Qiang people, many families from Zhangye and Jiuquan came to Dunhuang, and they got it in Dunhuang. Not a small development, with the convenience of access to the countries of the Western Regions, the family has gained a lot of benefits.

The big man was weak and had a weak control over the The family had forgotten the previous strict orders of the imperial court, and sold weapons, armors and other items to the Western Regions.

The countries of the Western Regions are naturally very welcome to such things. In the creation of armors, there is a big gap between the countries of the Western Regions and the big man. After obtaining these things, they can get more benefits.

Although Chen Ying strictly stopped such things, the family's influence in Dunhuang County is very complicated. There are many people in the family's army. After a little bit of management, the family can achieve their goals.

After Chen Ying cleaned up the two aristocratic families, he was temporarily settled down. As for whether these aristocratic families would betray the big men in secret, it is not known.

After Lv Bu led the army to put down the Qiang people’s rebellion, the aristocratic family showed fear. As the saying goes, good things do not go out and bad things are spreading for thousands of miles. Lü Bu’s treatment of the aristocratic family is heard even by the family of Dunhuang County. In their eyes, Lu Bu is the nemesis of the family. As long as there is Lu Bu in the family, it will be difficult for the family to be preserved, which also caused trouble for Guo Jia's trip.

The greeted team was very grand. After all, Lu Bu’s army was in Jiuquan County, and it was possible to enter Dunhuang County at any time. Even the mighty Qiang people were defeated by Lu Bu, not to mention the Dunhuang defenders. Let’s talk about the Dunhuang defenders. Over the years, he still regarded himself as the army of a great Han, and Lu Bu was a general entrusted by the court, and he had the power to command the soldiers and horses of Dunhuang County.

After entering Dunhuang, Guo Jia nodded secretly. It seems that Dunhuang has been doing well under Chen Ying's governance over the past few years, and the city feels bustling. Chen Ying is not ordinary for being able to achieve such achievements in Liangzhou. The characters, the defenders in the city gave Guo Jia a sense of excellence. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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