Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1701: : Please drop

"How many people are in Zhang Xi's hands?" Zhao Lu asked.

"Plus the defenders who surrendered at Yumen Pass, there are only 5,000 people." Dong Wu said slowly, his expression full of exhaustion.

Zhao Lu said in shock: "How can this be possible? With five thousand people, we will repel Wei Liguo's seven thousand soldiers."

"It was not to repel, but to defeat. Zhang Yun led three thousand people to meet Wei Li Guo's seven thousand soldiers and horses, but instead defeated Wei Li's seven thousand soldiers and horses and fled." Dong Wudao.

Although the words were brief, they revealed too much news. Three thousand people were fighting against seven thousand people. The news alone was enough to make people crazy. That was Wei Li's soldiers and horses. When did the Han army become so powerful.

The atmosphere in the arena was a bit solemn for a while. The reason why Dong Wu persisted until now was to wait for Wei Liguo's soldiers and horses. However, Wei Liguo's soldiers and horses have been defeated by Zhang Xi. Their last hope has disappeared, and they want to stop by the city. The pace of the enemy is obviously impossible. The most important thing is that he has felt the floating of the soldiers in the city, especially when facing the enemy's siege.

If this situation were to continue, Dunhuang might be able to break through for Lu Bu within half a month.

"Premier Zhao, now our army is completely at a disadvantage, in your opinion, what should we do?" Dong Wu cast his gaze to Zhao Lu.

"Send someone to ask King Jin to surrender." After Zhao Lu said this, the originally straight waist collapsed in an instant, and the whole person looked a little older.

Dong Wu said: "At this time, if I wait to seek refuge with King Jin, King Jin will definitely be embarrassed."

"Do you still want to threaten King Jin with Dunhuang?" Zhao Lu asked back.

Thinking of the bravery of the army under King Jin's tent, Dong Wu was silent again. In front of absolute strength, they seemed so fragile.

Outside of Dunhuang, it is not so much the battle to attack the city as it is that Lu Bu is training soldiers and horses. When attacking the city, rehearsing the soldiers and soldiers, so that they can have a better understanding of the battle. I am afraid that only Lu Bu can do this. I figured it out, anyway, there are still tenacious defenders in the city.

Facts have proved that the defenders have been frightened by their offensive. They hide in the city all day and dare not show up. This situation makes the soldiers in the army extremely excited. It is also fighting, which suppresses the defenders. They feel comfortable.

"Now it seems that Dunhuang is broken." Lu Bu smiled.

Pang Tong and the others were surprised. The offensive of their own army was not violent, and the defenders on the city were extremely tenacious. When facing the siege, it could be said that they would not give up and want to break Dunhuang. It will take a while.

"The king got the news that Zhang Xi has led troops and horses to enter Yumen Pass, and the guard at Yumen Gate has taken refuge with him." Lu Bu said.

People in the court heard the words and talked a lot. They also understood that the reason why Dunhuang resisted so stubbornly was because of the reinforcements outside Yumen Pass. Lü Bu didn't seem to be anxious about this, and he was not in a hurry when attacking the city. Slowly, as if Dunhuang's reinforcements didn't have much to do with him.

"In this way, after Dunhuang has no reinforcements, it will inevitably choose to surrender." Guo Jiadao: "Master, I am afraid these people will use the city as a condition as a threat."

Everyone turned their eyes to Lu Bu again.

Lu Bu shook his head and said, "Dong Wu won't, because Zhang Yun led three thousand soldiers and horses, and General Wei Li's seven thousand troops defeated him. Dong Wu's last reliance has disappeared."

The venue was silent for a moment. The news was indeed shocking to them. Three thousand soldiers and horses defeated the army of seven thousand Wei Li Guo. This in itself was an incredible thing, but it was placed on the army under Lu Bu. It's reasonable.

"Congratulations, lord." Guo Jia arched his hands.

Obtaining Dunhuang can be described as ups and downs. Chen Ying conspired for Dong Wu. When Dunhuang was in crisis, Wei Liguo’s soldiers and horses were used as assistance. After Dunhuang was breached, it meant that Liangzhou was already under Lu Bu's control at this time. As for what Liangzhou will develop into in the future, it depends on Lu Bu's methods.

However, compared with other prefectures and counties under Lv Bu, Liangzhou is much worse in terms of background. There are not many people and the land is barren. It is very difficult to restore Liangzhou to its original strength. Lu Bu has enough confidence in these things. The Bingzhou in the past was also barren in the eyes of outsiders, but now it has become a land of wealth in the eyes of the princes, although the background of this rich land is much worse than that of the princes. But it showed Lu Bu's ability to govern the local area.

Confrontation with the family was a dead end in the eyes of the princes, but Lu Bu went further and further down this road, and now he has left them behind.

"Liangzhou has experienced wars for a long time. After getting Liangzhou, you will definitely pay more." Lu Bu sighed.

The generals in the tent were also a little heavy when they heard the situation. After seeing the situation in Liangzhou, they felt fortunate for Bingzhou and Youzhou, which are also barren states and prefectures of the Han. Because of Lv Bu, Bingzhou and Youzhou gradually Stability The people can live and work in peace and contentment, at least they don't have to worry about wars, wars do the most damage to the people.

Although Liangzhou is barren, it is still the territory of the Han Dynasty. It is of great significance to break through Liangzhou. On that day, Zhang Yun broke the Yumen Pass and the news of the defeat of the army of 7,000 Wei Li outside Yumen Pass was spread in the army. The generals in the army were more talking about it. Compared with the battle in Dunhuang, Zhang Yun's record was more shocking to them than the defeat of General Wei Liguo's soldiers and horses outside Yumen Pass.

The next day, without waiting for Lu Bu's army to attack the city, the city gate slowly opened. The two of them were Dong Wu and Zhao Lu, followed by the civil servants and generals in the city.

After the news of the defeat of Wei Li’s army came, they decided to take refuge in Lu Bu. They found that they had no retreat and no hope of victory. The best choice was to surrender before Lu Bu had defeated Dunhuang. In this case, although they would suffer Some punishments can still save lives.

In the process of defending Dunhuang, the Zhao family and the Dong family also paid a heavy price. In order to be able to defend the city and to arouse the fighting spirit in the soldiers' hearts to a greater extent, they regarded the wealth of the family as a reward to block the enemy. Facts proved that although the effect was good, the lieutenant generals still did not trust Dong Wu.

They can only choose to surrender in the end, and there is no other way to go, unless they are willing to die in the city, even if the two want to coexist and die with Dunhuang, the other generals in the city will not agree.

So when Dong Wu decided to open the city gate and surrender, the generals in the army breathed a sigh of relief. When facing King Jin’s army, they felt too much pressure. They were fighting against King Jin’s army and they couldn’t see it at all. Hope of victory. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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